Will of chaos

Chapter 519 Cap 517

Chapter 519 Cap 517: Back To Basics(Chapter Preview)

After we decided where to go, we left the Kadra Kingdom, what happens from now on I don't care, but as far as I can imagine, nothing should happen to this Kingdom, the people of the Kingdom will be sad, but there shouldn't be any disturb.

I spoke to Vanessa after she woke up to find out what happened to the Vampire Slaves, she said they all died when Alexander was killed before he was forced to reincarnate.

I was happy to hear that, it means they are saved.

After the meeting about our tour plans, I take Vanessa to another room where I start berating her for what she's done.


Two days later.

It's been two days since we started heading to the underground city, and I'm sitting cross-legged on top of the mansion wondering what to do next.

I've been summarizing some skills since I have many, but I just realized how difficult it is to have many things in my hand.

I don't know what to train, I can train my skills, I can train my magic, I can train my Spirit Runes, I can train many things, but spreading what I have to learn like that will make me not be able to specialize in something.

I have to choose a specialty as a focal point to know how to develop my combat style, if this continues I will end up falling behind the others.

As I have so many options, I don't know which would be better to choose, I haven't felt so lost in what to do in a long time, the last time was when I was thinking about whether to create an FPS or fantasy shooter game.

p "Wait, why am I wasting time on this?"  (I)

"I just need to do the same that time, if I don't know which way to go I create a third option."  (I)

I smile proud of my logic that I knew would make no sense to someone else, at that time I made a fantasy game where magical firearms were used by mages in a futuristic fantasy world in space, it was exactly that game completely crazy and fun which was my last creation before I died, it was a lot of work to do something like that while I kept slipping into a coma.

"If I remember Ragnar well, that the Auras contain everything a person is, in addition, they contain something that defines a person."  (I)

"Since I received the trinity of nature I can feel my mana, spirit energy, and Ki in my Aura, I can also feel it in other people's Auras."  (I)

"So maybe..." (I)

I started to use my parallel thinking unconsciously while doing calculations and analysis of what I was thinking, in theory, it made sense, but I don't know if it would work in practice.

"I think I'll talk to Ragnar tomorrow about it, he and Orion went out for a few days to hunt stronger monsters along with Lilian, Barok, and Jade."  (I)

"That was Orion's idea who was sad that the current dungeon monsters were too weak for him, they should come back tomorrow night."  (I)

"I think regardless it would be a good idea to go back to basics for a while."  (I)

I stand up and take a few deep breaths while still with my eyes closed I start moving into my Martial Art positions.

"A strong, well-trained body will always come in handy."  (I)

After just practicing the movements I repeat it all over again from the beginning, but this time contracting every muscle in my body, which has proven to be a very difficult and exhausting training method.

When I finished I started from the beginning, but this time with mana circulating through my body to strengthen me.

After I finished, I repeat this process again but this time I replace the mana with spiritual energy that began to circulate through my body in a different way than mana.

Right after finishing, I do the same movements again, but this time I'm just using Ki to circulate through my body.

I keep repeating this type of training all day, but I mixed up the order in which I used these energies or not at all.

In the beginning, this training was very difficult, I almost fell at the end of the day due to pain all over my body.

I needed Sophia's help who was nearby without me noticing, she helps me go to bed and get some rest.


Pov Sisor (Kadra's Kingsguard Leader):

I have never felt so weak and helpless before, all I could do was stand by while my Patriarch was destroyed and punished, I wanted to say something, I wanted to fight and die protecting him as I promised myself I would, but I was weak more even to move in their presence.


<[ You have inherited the title [ Vampire Patriarch ] ]>




<[ Your bloodline became stronger and purer [ Vampire: 100% ] to [ Vampire: Original ] ]>

When they were leaving they released me from the pressure that immobilized me, at that moment I wanted to draw my sword and attack, but I managed to control myself.

I always knew that something like this could happen one day, if it wasn't for them they would have been others, at least they didn't do any damage to the castle and the people who were protecting the place also did everything quickly when delivering the sentence.

The most surprising thing was seeing the Priestess or if it is right to call her High Priestess, she did something to invoke the sight of her God, this type of person should not be offended easily, and that's what made me rethink my will to kill to all.

But if I had attacked I would be dead and probably everyone in this castle.

I hated them, hated them, even more, knowing that they were doing the right thing, all I could do was watch them leave while looking at the bloodstains on the bed, after hours I opened the letter that was still in my hand, that was the last thing he left for me.

After a few minutes of reading the letter where my Patriarch said goodbye to me and everyone else while asking me to take care of this Kingdom in his place, shortly after finishing reading the letter the King entered the room, his shock at seeing the bloody bed and not seeing any bodies left him immobile for some time.

I took a deep breath in preparation for a conversation that is going to be very long.

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