Will of chaos

Chapter 525 Cap 523

Chapter 525 Cap 523: Evaluation Of Anton's Work(Chapter Preview)

It looks like the weapons auction will be held in a building on the north side of the city, while we were going there, Lilian explained to us a little about the Weapons Auction and the Great Hammer Tournament.

It seems that the Auction is done with the best weapon the Blacksmith believes he has made during the year, the auction serves as a competition to see which of the weapons achieves the highest value.

The Great Hammer Tournament is a competition where Blacksmiths compete against each other on equal terms, they use the same materials to make the same type of weapon within the same time limit, so Blacksmiths can compete to see who are the best fairly.

Anton seemed very excited by the two events, but that was to be expected as he is a Blacksmith to the bone.

As we were heading to the auction site we were impressed by everything we see, the city is very lively with so many races walking around.

I also notice that the heat of this city doesn't come from above since there is no sunlight here, it's coming from the ground, when I point this out Lilian says that there are heat resistant iron pipes running under the whole city, in addition, there are lava passing through this pipe which makes the floor of the whole city to be heated and maintain a more pleasant temperature.

When we arrive at the auction place, a receptionist comes in to say that we arrived early for the auction, so we say that in addition to participating in the auction we will also want to sell some weapons.

The receptionist leaves to call a merchant from this establishment who guides us to a room on the second floor.

I repeat everything I told the receptionist to this merchant and then I let Anton show him some of his weapons.

Just as I expected, the merchant starts seeing weapon for weapon like swords, spears, daggers, claws, sabers, etc.

The once calm and composed trader is a little surprised before standing up and saying he's going to get his manager.

After a few minutes, a very beautiful blonde White Elf woman enters, as soon as she enters I saw her eyes looking at each one inside the room before stopping at the weapons on the table, there were 10 weapons in total.

"Good afternoon, my name is Nashara and I'm the manager of this place, how can I address you?" (Nashara)

"My name is Zenos, these are my companions, I came because I wanted to sell these weapons during this auction, I would like to know if any of them meet the requirements of this auction." (I)

"Was it your mate who made them?" (Nashara)

"Yes, but I would like an objective and honest assessment from an outsider." (I)

Nashara picks up one gun at a time and looks at each one in detail, this process takes about 10 minutes before she turns to us without showing any facial expression.

"All these armadas demonstrate a level of technique in their perfect creation, the mixture of metals complemented each other so well that I can't identify them all, plus 9 of these weapons are magical and 1 is a sword made for Ki users." (Nashara)

"These would be weapons for those above SS Grade, plus their appearance and shape were created to be practical without unnecessary embellishments, they are good and reliable weapons to use during battles." (Nashara)

"..." (Anton)

Anton was going to say something but his wife stopped him covering his mouth, I look at Nashara and I can't see anything revealing on her face, besides I can't feel her Aura, she might be using some item or skill to hide her Aura.

"So these weapons can be sold during today's auction?" (I)

"When did you arrive in town?" (Nashara)

"We arrived today, just got a place to sleep tonight before heading straight here, heard there was an auction, and decided to join in the fun." (I)

"The truth is that we stopped accepting weapons for today's auction a couple of days ago, but since all these weapons are high quality I will accept them all, especially that halberd." (Nashara)

"This is the type of weapon that a Lesser Catastrophe Grade magic warrior would use, you don't see this type of weapon very often in auctions." (Nashara)

"Could you tell us a little more about these auctions?" (I)

"We keep 20% of the profits, we will also put fair starting values ​​for each item, anything you buy during the auction or money from items sold can be recovered at the end of the auction, payments for purchased items are also made on Final." (Nashara)

"If you bid you cannot pay you will be turned into a debt slave, all your money will be confiscated and the item will go to the second highest bidder if they have the money they offered." (Nashara)

"Then make sure you have enough money for your bids." (Nashara)

"When will the auction start?" (I)

"Within 1 hour, maybe less." (Nashara)

"Do we need to pay anything to participate in the auction?" (I)

"No need, I'll welcome you as VIP guests." (Nashara)

"Conveniently we still have two empty cabins, I'll call someone to accompany you to one of these cabins as some people are already arriving." (Nashara)

"Thank you very much." (I)


Pov Nashara:

When one of my employees called me I thought it could be someone important, but when I entered the room it was just a group of Adventurers, I realized this for their clothes that were made with practicality in mind, even if they are beautiful clothes they are far from being clothes that a Noble would use.

In addition, I realized that all these people were strong, I could even see a spirit in the form of a white Cat and a Fairy with eyes of different colors and without wings.

After that I saw the reason why I was called, the 10 weapons on the table had weak magical Auras that anyone with magic training would feel, plus even seeing from afar I could see that they were weapons created to be used harshly and resist.

After evaluating the weapons I had a level of respect for their creator which I assume is the Dwarf who is in the room, but for some reason, I felt a little uncomfortable with the youthful looking Vampire, I have seen many people in the 90+ years in I'm in the auction business, so I know he's not a simple guy, so I make him a VIP.josei

I grab the weapons and leave the room, telling an attendant to take them to one of the two empty cabins.

When I leave the room I look at my shoulder where a little Fairy with different colored eyes was sitting, she had the appearance of a child and insect wings.

"Why are you following me, little Fairy?" (I)

"Zenos asked to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't steal, at least that's what Layla said." (Little Fairy)

"I'm not going to do something like that." (I)

"I hope not, Layla would be angry, that would be stupid." (Little Fairy)

"Aren't you leaving?" (I)

"No, but I love candy, do you have candy?" (Little Fairy)

Looks like I'll only get rid of this Fairy at the end of the auction, these people don't trust me, at least this little Fairy seems harmless, so it's okay to stay with her for a few hours.

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