Will of chaos

Chapter 532 Cap 530

Chapter 532 Cap 530: 4 Strange Encounters Part 1(Chapter Preview)

The Great Hammer Tournament went faster than I imagined, but one thing I noticed was that people weren't watching just for fun, in the normal audience, or at least where we were, the audience was almost all Adventurers or Blacksmiths, Adventurers probably just wanted to know which Blacksmith would be best qualified so they could buy their gear from them.

The Nobles were also watching with ulterior motives, when Anton was declared the Champion, I noticed many Nobles looking at him intensely.

"That idiot did a good job hiding his abilities." (Tânia)

"What do you mean hiding, he made a magic dagger." (I)

"Yes, but few noticed, apart from some mages with strong magical senses, only the person responsible for this competition noticed what my husband did, the others only saw a dagger." (Tânia)

"But I noticed, I'm also sure Érica, Lilith, Hela, Ragnar, Layla, Nix, and Vanessa noticed." (I)

"You might not realize it since you're always surrounded by strange people, but everyone you just mentioned is abnormal in more ways than one." (Tânia)

"I'm also fully aware that Anton and I are quite abnormal since you're not even worth comparing with anyone, comparing you with normal people would be an absurd thing to do." (Tânia)

"Tânia is right, most people must not have noticed the way Anton used his mana, even the Mages who did must not have felt the metal element in his mana, he is too far away to notice these things." (Érica)

"I'm glad he won, it would be very sad if he lost" (Ivan)

"I knew he would win, what I said about his punishment if he lost was just to force him to take the competition seriously or that idiot wouldn't even participate." (Tânia)

I look at Vanessa and Kira who are looking at the Nobles' accents.

"These nobles can be a problem." (Vanessa)

"Yea." (Kira)

"Do you think any of them could be a problem?" (I)

"I've noticed at least 13 that are sure to be a problem." (Elsaris)


"For the next 4 days I will be having a date with the girls, so I want you to keep an eye on Tânia and Anton, understand Elsaris?" (I)

"Wait, I was going to have a date with my sister too." (Elsaris)

"You can let Beatriz and Jay take care of them during your date." (I)

"You don't need to worry about that, I'll just spread a rumor that Anton working for some Noble of the Black Empire, so these Nobles of other nations won't do anything, even if they make some bad intention they won't have the courage to risk becoming enemies of the Empire." (Lilian)

"Are you sure that would be enough? I don't know how things work on this continent, but nobles who are always in control don't like others telling them what they can and can't do." (Ivan)

"It will work, I guarantee it." (Lilian)

"Then I leave everything in your hands, thank you." (I)

"I'm glad to be of assistance, Holy Son." (Lilian)

After the tournament we went to a bar and spent the rest of the day drinking, Hela seems to lose control when she's drunk, she wanted to summon an Undead Dragon just to get her more booze, and Diana was trying to rip my clothes off at the bar, I had to tie her to this madness, Érica, on the other hand, was trying to cast a lust curse on me, I realized the deflecting response which made the curse fall on Irina who threw herself on top of Vanessa at her side making it very difficult to separate.josei

The day had been a mess, but it was still a lot of fun, thanks to the poison resistance me, Lilith, Lilian, and Ibuki were fine.

At the end of the night I paid for all the destruction we caused in the bar, mainly the damage Irius did while trying to defend a waitress who was being molested by another customer, his fair act resulted in a wall splitting in two, but I think it was worth it now that he disappeared with that waitress.


The next day I wake up saying pulled out of bed by a naked Diana, I remember the medicine tried to get the girls who were drunk to their rooms, but they had other plans.

Diana made me wake up because today will be my date with her, before leaving we both took a shower together.

After we left, I was surprised Diana, who is normally the least feminine, was so eager for a date, but with the place she took me first being a gun shop, all I could think about was how it made sense.

"What do you think of this sword, is it too big for me." (Diana)

"Your focus is speed and technique, so why not try this one?" (I)

"But this sword stands out a lot, it has a lot of jewels on it." (Diana)

"It seems a little excessive indeed, but it seems that these jewels are to enhance the wind element." (I)

"I think I'll prefer light armor, but which one is more comfortable?" (Diana)

"It has to be one that doesn't interfere with my movements..." (Diana)

I was surprised that this situation that I've seen so many times on television is going to be happening in such a strange way with me, instead of being in a clothing store picking out things for the girl I'm on a date with, I'm in a weapons and armor store.

After that, we went to a restaurant where we drank just the two of us before being carried in Diana's arms to a hotel room where we spent the rest of the day.

During the night the situation was reversed with me taking her in my arms back to the house I rented during our stay in this city.

This first day of the meeting was very different, but I think that's the way Diana always acts, the important thing was that she spent the day smiling, strangely this was the day when Diana was more feminine in my view at least.

After leaving Diana in my bed sleeping I'm going to eat something in the kitchen to replenish my energies since tomorrow it will be the energetic Ibuki's turn, I'm sure she still doesn't understand exactly what a date is, but that doesn't matter, we can just pin the two together all day, it will make her happy for sure.

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