Will of chaos

Chapter 656 Cap 654

Chapter 656 Cap 654: Silvia Part 1(Chapter Preview)

I don't know how much time has passed, but I must end it now, if Nature's energy stops flowing from Freya to me, then my body will be ripped to shreds.

The pain that was starting to grow helped to take me out of the trance I was in without realizing it all this time, when I open my eyes I realize that Freya next to me is also in a trance.

I look at my Astral Body which takes its hand from the World Tree and uses its claws to grab the crystal behind my hand which was glowing brightly.

"(Finally you woke up, a little more and her body would have been torn to pieces for not bearing my presence inside the crystal in her hand.)"

"(I need to get in touch with the new World Tree, I need it to help, I don't have the strength to put you in your new body even with the help of the amber crystal cube.)" (I)

"(It won't be necessary, as a new World Tree it will be unable to do anything other than its function during its adaptation, but it already has a World Tree ready to use its power through it to do that once it starts.)"

I was relieved to be able to mentally converse with the World Tree Spirit within the crystal in my hand.

It seems that she created this possibility to talk to me, but as I was in the trance I was not able to hear her voice.

From her information, it looks like another world tree is going to take control of this one shortly to help get her into her new body.

"(What's your name?)" (I)

"(I don't have a name, none of us do, it's our chosen ones who give us names if they wish since my chosen one died the name she used to call me also lost its meaning.)"

"(But I need a name for you, or I use a name you already have or I'll have to choose one for you, at least that's how my power has always worked until today.)" (I)

"(I don't mind being given a new name if necessary.)"

"(Any name preference?)" (I)

"(If possible, I would like the name of my first chosen one, she was the one who stayed by my side the longest and dreamed of traveling when she was a child, her name was Silvia.)"

"(So that will be your new name.)" (I)

With what I've learned so far like in the case of my Familiars where most of them didn't have a name or wanted a new name like in the case of my daughter Lilith, I think it's an obligation to name during the awakening process using my powers, perhaps it is with any such power.

I didn't have time to think of a name right now and I wasn't in good shape for it, so I left it to her to choose her own name, with that decided, I use my power through my Astral Body.

"(I'm starting.)" (I)

With the process basically, finished I release Freya's hand who wakes up from the trance while separating our Auras, she looks at me in surprise as I send her back with a wave of mana, Orion was the first to notice and catches her in the air as the others turn to me.

With no help from the power of Nature that came through Freya to me, I have no time to waste, I use my Aura to envelop the amber crystal cube while activating my Aura powers, and I also activate the powers of Vampire Servant, Servant of Blood and Blood Pact.

"< Blood Servant >" (I)

"< Vampire Servant >" (I)

"< Blood Pact >" (I)

The truth is that there was already a big pool of my blood on the ground around me, Freya, and the amber crystal cube, now that Freya is no longer here I activated my abilities and a red energy comes out of the hood of my Astral body hitting the amber crystal cube, also had red energy coming out of my hand as it wraps the crystal behind the back of my hand.

With that my mana, vital energy, Ki, and spiritual energy that were kept at the maximum thanks to the energy of Nature running through my body until recently began to leave my body forming a vortex around me while rotating at the same time that it draws my blood in the floor.

Also, I feel a stream of my blood containing those same energies being sucked into the crystal on the back of my hand at a speed that scares me.


<[ Skill [ Blood Servant ] and [ Vampire Servant ] activated ]>




<[ You are trying to submit a Spirit Creature (World Tree) ]>




<[ The Spirit Creature (World Tree) has agreed to be subjugated by you ]>



<[ [ Blood Pact ] skill has been activated ]>

At that moment when my Aura began to be pulled into the crystal on the back of my hand, I felt a new presence touch my Aura and let it be sucked into the crystal, at the same time that new energy full of harmony and life flowed from the World Tree for me by decreasing the pressure I was feeling and regaining all the power being sucked out of my body.


<[ Interference was detected from a World Tree ]>




<[ Choose 3 powers to grant Spirit Creature (World Tree) ]>

Then that horrible feeling of having my head hurt as much as if I had someone punching my head for non-stop fun.

My mind is filled with possibilities about powers that can be bestowed, I'm glad I learned a long time ago to choose in advance the power to be bestowed, so I can ignore all that in my mind and just go with what I've already chosen.

,m I chose:

1. Aura of Chaos

2. My lineage

3. The body in the amber crystal cube

With that decided my blood on the ground swirls around the amber crystal cube, the swirl around me, and the blood swirl around the amber crystal cube curve in the air becoming a whirling arc.josei

I grit my teeth at the pain I feel as my Astral Body rips the crystal from my hand leaving a hole in its place.

Soon the crystal where the World Tree Spirit is found floats in the hand of my Astral Body while a stream of black energy with light inside comes out of its hood forming two rotating rings around the crystal.

After that, the crystal begins to pass through the whirlpool arc to the other side while absorbing the energy and blood that form the whirlpool arc.

When he gets to the amber crystal cube, he enters it as if it were made of gelatin, then the crystal cube starts to turn red while a black light shines inside, at that moment branches or maybe roots come out of the ground surrounding the crystal cube, I can feel an unlimited amount of pure energy flowing through these roots as they form a cocoon around the cube.

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