Will of chaos

Chapter 664 Cap 662

Chapter 664 Cap 662: Gregório Roux (Chapter Preview)

Pov Gregorio Roux:

Boom! Boom! Good!

"Lord calm down..." (Bruno)

"Over 100 years... do you have any idea how long I endured!?" (I)josei


"There were so many occasions where I just wanted to break her neck or just stick a sword through her heart." (I)



"I held back my hate, buried my murderous intent and rage, all because I knew I needed a plan to achieve my goal." (I)

"Lord, we can still get it, as things are, we can act directly to get the throne..." (Bruno)


"The throne was only a means to my ends." (I)

"Melissa was supposed to be dead now and my followers scattered across the Empire have killed all the nobles who aren't on our side, that way we could have the entire Empire without losing our strength, that way we could pressure the lesser Kingdoms to join us or simply conquer the fools who resist without giving anyone time to make preparations." (I)

"But now more than half of the people under my command scattered across the Empire ready to kill the nobles have died and the others have been unable to find their targets." (I)

"Also, look at the information that came in!" (I)

"Damn Melissa is still alive, the one I killed was just a surrogate, which means she already knew about my plans." (I)

So much work, so many times I held back this hate just to keep the plane safe, but it was all in vain.

It doesn't matter anymore if we are going to get the Empire or not, this civil war will alert the other Kingdoms, I'm sure they are getting ready at this moment to defend their nations, in addition, we are spending resources and soldiers in this civil war, even if we win we will be weakened by more to conquer the rest of the continent, let alone attack the Morror Continent.

"..." (I)

I look at the portrait on the wall, the only image I have of my wife and child, the only thing left after our house was destroyed.

"This isn't going to go her way, she wants a direct war to delay my plans, that bastard." (I)

"Bruno, start the Titan's preparations!" (I)

"Sir, the project was a failure, we can't..." (Bruno)

"Shut up and obey, I know the reason for the failure, I always knew how to solve this, but I didn't want to do something so risky and spoil my 100+ year plan, but now we only have that option." (I)

"After crushing all of the Black Empire who refuse to follow me in this war, I will show everyone on this continent what happens to those who don't join our cause." (I)

"We'll get what we want so badly, if it can't be through conquest, then it's through fear!" (I)


Pov Zenos:

After we got back to the Dungeon I just talked a little with Lilian, she said that she would like to help the Black Empire that was her home, the place where she was born and raised.

To be honest, I don't want to get involved in any of this, but unfortunately, something I'm looking for is in the possession of Queen Melissa, at least that's what the Elf Queen Luthien told me before I came to this continent, the model of finding a talented Engineer Magic.


At that night.

I joined Ivan, Elsaris, Freya, Sapphire, Vanessa, Érica, Diana, Karina, Irius, Irina, and Rakan in a room of my mansion inside the Dungeon, of course, my Familiars were also present.

These are the smartest, most cunning, and leading people in the Dungeon, their opinion on this matter will be very diverse and will help me make a decision, I also let Lilian and Athena participate in the Gathering.

After a late night talking I realized that the Dungeon doesn't gain anything by helping either side, so we're not going to participate in this civil war.

But I also decided to help with something, I'll let Athena and her group take care of this Gregorio Roux guy.

In other words, I gave a mission to Athena and her friends to hunt down Gregory Roux, they are all in the Lower Catastrophe Grade and are very well trained, so it must be a simple mission for them, I told Lilian to accompany them, but told them not to do anything and not reveal your presence.

The main objective of this quest is a test for Athena and her friends, I want to see how the different races of this continent react when I'm not around, I also want them to see the good and bad sides of the Demons they grew up to hate because of of the Church of Light.

I won't get into this myself, I'll just see everything from afar without getting involved, I was thinking of maybe giving Elsaris and Kira some robbery missions, it would also be nice to find this Queen Melissa, but I'll think about that later.


The next morning I was sitting on top of my mansion inside the Dungeon watching the city not far away until Nix emerged from my shadow.

"What did you find?" (I)

"The envoy was telling the truth in yesterday's meeting, besides he's trying to hire capable people as mercenaries." (Nix)

"No one in the Dungeon accepted, but some who fought alongside the Elves were mercenaries from the start, so he's getting good fighters." (Nix)

"Did you find out anything from the other envoys?" (I)

"Yes, one of them was someone working for this Gregory Roux guy, looks like he killed the real envoy on the way and took his place." (Nix)

"Killed him?" (I)

"No, after yesterday's meeting I thought I'd give it to Lilith." (Nix)

"Don't do that, give it to Athena and her friends, it will be a good starting point for them." (I)

"Why test them now? I still don't understand." (Nix)

"I want to know how they act when I'm not around." (I)

"But we have already confirmed that they are not prejudiced against other races." (Nix)

"Having no prejudice and understanding other races are two different things." (I)

"When they got here, all they knew were things they learned in the Church of Light, their minds were shaped as they grew up in a certain way." (I)

"I want to know how much their mindsets have changed since they arrived, I want to know if they've learned anything or think they already know everything they need to." (I)

"You say that, but you also want to help Lilian." (Nix)

"I won't deny it, but helping Lilian doesn't mean I'm going to get into a civil war, each with their problems." (I)

"Taking care of the leader is the best I'll do, you can accompany Lilian if you want, I'll spend the rest of my time resting inside the Dungeon, I'm thinking about learning to draw." (I)

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