Will of chaos

Chapter 680 Cap 678

Chapter 680 Cap 678: Crazy Magic Engineer

Pov Vanessa:

It's been 3 days since Athena fulfilled her mission, it wasn't the way I expected, but from the smile my Father has made, it seems that everything is in line with what he wanted to see.

I am with him today on a floor of the Dungeon where the Heretic God of Fun is still sleeping on the effect of the Awakening that my Father granted him.

My Father is not happy that this Heretic God spent such a long time sleeping when he could have helped in so many ways, the same can be said about the World Tree Spirit that is inside that strange Dragon Egg.

My Father spent some time complaining about this useless Heretic God before we returned to the city within the Dungeon more prosperous than ever.

"What are you going to do today?" (Zenos)

"I'll take care of the Temple, as usual, later I have to teach the future teachers of the school together with Érica." (I)

"In other words, you're free until later, right?" (Zenos)

"In a way, yes." (I)

"Then I'll leave it to you to find Queen Melissa." (Zenos)

"Why me? It should be you, Father." (I)

"I don't want to get punched in the face, so I'm doing what everyone always asks, delegating obligations." (Zenos)

"Or running away from responsibilities..." (I)

"Exactly, so I leave everything in your hands, I go to the library to finish reading the story I found the other day." (Zenos)

"Dad, wait..." (I)


"He's quick to get away..." (I)

In the end, I arrived at the Temple and went straight to my room, since I would have to find a Queen of a great Empire, I thought I should wear one of the most beautiful clothes that Tania made for me and I didn't have time to wear it until now.


In the early afternoon of that day, we walked to that bell tower where my Father said the agreement would be fulfilled.

I was with Ivan, Nix, and Diana to find Queen Melissa, of course, we didn't ask Lilian to join knowing it wouldn't be right to put her in the middle of negotiations with the Empire she considers her first home.

As soon as we arrived the Queen was already there, she seemed to be alone, but I noticed many Auras hidden everywhere.

I approach the Queen and give her a polite greeting before introducing myself, then she introduces herself.josei

"Where is he? I thought he would be here." (Queen Melissa)

"He said the deal can be fulfilled here, he never said he would come in person." (I)

Her face doesn't show anything, no emotion, but her eyes show her anger, my Dad could be right, she's really wanted to punch him.

"Do you have any idea what he asked for? Why unleash that madman on the world?" (Queen Melissa)

"A deal is a deal, you've already admitted that Nicolas is with you." (I)

"Nicolas is a praise that only cares about his research in the field of Magic Engineering, but the things he creates have been used to annihilate cities or overthrow governments." (Queen Melissa)

"He may be talented enough to be called a genius, but his irresponsibility and unpredictability are too much of a risk to let go." (Queen Melissa)

"(Why does my Father always go after lunatics?)" (I)

"None of that changes our agreement." (I)

"Sorry to interrupt, but I see what you're trying to do, Queen Melissa." (Ivan)

"Making excuses to break the deal?" (Diana)

"No, trying to convince us that we're making a mistake." (Ivan)

"But we're making a mistake, what's new, it won't be the first and it certainly won't be the last." (Diana)

"Come on you two, I'm trying to finalize a deal here." (I)

I look at Queen Melissa who is looking at the 3 of us with a strange expression.

"Where did we stop our conversation? If I'm not mistaken you were saying something about us making a mistake." (I)

"..." (Queen Melissa)

From the look in her eyes, I know she must be thinking that Diana, Ivan, and I are mocking her, but we're not, everyone said exactly what they were honestly thinking.

My Dad is someone who makes a lot of mistakes, he's usually the one who pays for those mistakes, so no one cares knowing he's going to be okay.

But there are also cases where other people pay for their mistakes, like getting into a battle they shouldn't, creating a holy land, or walking across the ocean knowing they're terribly lucky.

Talking about mistakes with anyone in the Dungeon is useless, no one is afraid of making mistakes there.

About her saying that the magic engineer is crazy, it doesn't matter, we have many crazy geniuses inside the Dungeon like Lyra, Tânia, Nira, Rakan, Érica, and Anton.

They are all geniuses in their respective fields, but they also have different degrees of madness, not to mention the craziest person in the Dungeon is my sister Lilith.

"As absurd as our conversation may seem, we were serious, we're not trying to offend you, Lilian always speaks highly of you." (I)

"We're just trying to show that Nicolas will fit in well with us, I'm sure he won't stand out too much." (I)

Queen Melissa walks to the side where a large box that looks like a square chest with handles is standing, she grabs it by the handle and lifts it up easily before walking over to us, dropping this chest in front of me.

"What is it?" (I)

"Nicolas is in there, the madman has turned himself into a Golem." (Queen Melissa)

"It also has the last body he created for him before he was captured." (Queen Melissa)

"He did what?" (I)

p I look at the box in front of me, I've heard of mages who transfer Soul to Homunculus to live longer.

But I've never heard of anyone choosing to become a Golem.

I bend down and see a magic lock with a password, I don't know how to fix it, so I look at Queen Melissa who waves a piece of paper in front of me.

When I take the paper, there is only one password, I use the password to unlock this suitcase, when I open it there is only a dismantled body and a magic core in the middle of the suitcase in the center.

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