Will of chaos

Chapter 713 Cap 711

Chapter 713 Cap 711: Stopping The Auction Because Of The Weather

Soon everyone was present inside the Auction place, the VIP rooms are isolated to not allow to see, hear or feel what happens inside these rooms, these are defenses that the Commerce Guild made for these facilities.

The Commerce Guild is protecting the outside, also have some inside, my people won't move if not necessary, Freya is by my side after finishing helping Nira and Ivan with organizing this Auction.

I look out the windows and I see all the chairs full, I see all the crystal reading boards at the bottom of the VIP lounges lit up showing that they are all full and I see the stage lights come on showing two beautiful red Rabbit women, they are the sisters Elsaris and Samira with big smiles starting the show.

"Very good afternoon to all gentlemen and ladies this afternoon." (Samira)

"All are welcome to the Eclipse Merchants Auction in collaboration with the Trading Guild." (Elsaris)

"My name is Samira." (Samira)

"My name is Elsaris." (Elsaris)

"We will both be your Auctioneers today." (Elsaris/Samira)

Their presentation was very good, I heard that the two train and spend a lot of time together, now I realize how true this is since they didn't have time to rehearse it, for something improvised it was very good.

"To start this Auction in the best possible way, let the first item enter!" (Elsaris)

Soon Alice pushes a cart to the middle of the stage between Elsaris and Samira before leaving the two sisters in the spotlight.

"This item was created by a great painter who became famous in recent days in this city." (Samira)

"He is an Elf who seeks his art form in allowing everyone to interact with it." (Elsaris)

The two hold the cloth on two sides at once before tossing it back to reveal a painting of a metallic forest seen from atop a cliff with the twin moons glowing overhead.

The painting showed two warriors with shattered armor and swords about to be destroyed on the whole of that cliff in a fight running towards each other as if prepared for the final blow.

A beautiful painting that I was tempted to keep for myself, I asked Leonardo for a copy and he said that no two paintings are alike, even if he portrayed the same thing in another image, it would never be exactly the same.

"A night in metal." (Samira)

"A painting depicting metal in harmony with nature in the trees, reflecting the beauty of the Twin Moons, showing their rigidity in Warriors' armor and how metal blades carry a Warrior's will to the bitter end." (Elsaris)

"Leonardo, a great artist that everyone here must have at least heard his name from, painted this work of art for this auction." (Samira)

"The starting bid will be from 1 single gold coin following a request from him who wants people to say how much his painting is worth." (Elsaris)

"Each bid must be at least one gold coin." (Samira)josei

"Let the bidding begin!" (Elsaris/Samira)

"5 gold coins."

"I give 20 gold coins."

"If you're short of money, I'll give you 100 gold coins."

"I want this painting, I give 170 gold coins."

"I raise it to 340 gold."

"This painting is mine, 500 gold coins."

"I bid on..."

Things got few very fast, the truth is that it was my idea to start with such a low value an item that is clearly worth much more, this will serve to spark competition in the auction, everyone likes to buy something amazing for a low price, but As the competition continues the objective will change to being the winner, I hope this will make the value go up much more than the painting is actually worth.

After some time someone raised the price from 10000 straight to 10 times the value to kill the competition, and this person took the painting for 100000 gold coins.


The auction went on very well for a while, the items that came after the painting didn't have such high prices but that hurts because they were lower value items but they were still rare things hard to find which caused a bidding dispute every time.

Soon it was mid-afternoon and Kira sent a Fairy to warn her that she had finished robbing the last house of the targets we'd chosen.

Érica has also managed to use her tracking curse on all targets, all we need now is to wait for the auction to end.

I expected everything to end well, but suddenly the whole building began to shake intensely.

But what caught my attention the most were two other things, the first was Freya next to me who fell to her knees holding her chest in pain, the second thing was feeling how the energy of Nature was getting out of control and getting out of control sudden way.

"Freya, are you okay!?" (I)

I run up to Freya hugging her as I try to figure out what's wrong with her, when I couldn't understand what happened to her, I was ready to go get the Dungeon doctor when Freya holds my hand.

"I'm fine... I was just surprised... the sudden pain made me... lose control." (Freya)

"You're clearly not okay." (I)

"I can feel it, nature is frying." (Sakura)

"Yes, something serious...happened..." (Freya)

"Are you talking about this disharmony I'm feeling?" (I)

"Yea." (Freya)

"Probably." (Sakura)

Me, Freya, and Sakura are the ones who have the most connection with nature, that's why we notice the changes faster, so I see Nolan running to the stage while Alice comes running through the door.

"Master, we have a problem, a storm has started." (Alice)

"Was that noise and shaking just now caused by the storm?" (I)

"Yes, a building facing this place was blown to pieces by lightning, the weather was clear just a few hours ago, the weather closed in out of nowhere." (Alice)

I leave my Familiars to take care of Freya while I run outside with Sakura, when I reach the street I am hit by part of a wall that almost throws me away because I am too light.

When I look around I notice a big storm with ice rain that looks like spears of ice falling from the sky, tornadoes all over the city, thunder clearing the sky all the time, and the energy of Nature getting more and more out of control.

"I think we're going to have to stop the auction." (I)

"I think they're already doing that." (Sakura)

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