Will of chaos

Chapter 733 Cap 731

Chapter 733 Cap 731: Images Of Hell

The ceremony for Vanessa to officially become a High Priestess was simpler than I thought.

We were taken to the main hall of the Temple of Blood where the red crystal statue of the Goddess Selene was, this statue showed the image of the Goddess seated on a throne with an open book in her hand.

The ceremony was simple, Vanessa knelt in front of the Goddess statue saying the same prayer she does when her Aura makes that ring on top of her head, but unlike the previous times, her Aura didn't explode with power.

After that, Vanessa made a cut on her palm, and a drop of blood came out of the wound to float between Vanessa and the statue which started to glow while Vanessa started to swear an oath with eyes full of determination.

As Vanessa took her oath the floating drop of blood was turning into the crystal with every word of her oath, at the end of the oath the drop of blood looked like a jewel made of ruby ​​that went to the glowing statue and was absorbed as it took on the woman's chest statue.

The other Priests who were around were shocked by this, it seems that the place on the body where the blood crystal is absorbed by the statue says something about what the Goddess expects from the High Priest or so they believe.

They said the expert means that the Goddess has appreciation for Vanessa and expects great things from her, at that moment everyone was calling her Santa while crying.

But one thing I noticed during Vanessa's ceremony was that when the statue began to glow towards the end of the ceremony, I heard Goddess Selene's voice in my ear as if she was right next to me, her words made me worried.

"Accept the agreement of the 3 goddesses and good luck my dear Zenos." (Goddess Selene)

Her words gave me a bad feeling, what three Goddesses was she talking about?

I wanted to ask Vanessa, but she was overjoyed, so I decided to wait until I got home to talk to her about it.


After leaving the Temple of Blood with great difficulty, we all went to the Temple of the Dragon, it seems that this Temple was not in the city, it was on the small mountain next to the city, Karina told me that the Temple of the Dragon is always built on mountains by tradition.

I found it strange that we were able to walk around the city without being stopped again by any Priest or Priestess of the Fertility Goddess.

We met them along the way, it was hard not to notice them when they were all staring at me the same way Ragnar looks at his food.

They kept away from me for some reason, I wanted to know if this had anything to do with what the Goddess Selene told me.

"The Priests and Priestesses of Fertility don't usually act like this, they must want you very much, master Zenos." (Karina)

"I want to get away from them." (I)

"And you should stay away anyway, they're after giving birth to their children." (Diana)

"I'm too young to have kids." (I)

"Shall I remind you that you already have 6 children?" (Vanessa)

"This is different, I didn't have to raise you as a child or change diapers." (I)

"You should be careful, all members of the Church of Fertility can get pregnant very easily." (Karina)

"Including the men." (Diana)

"What!?" (I)

"Look, we're here." (Karina)

After Diana dropped that bombshell saying that men can get pregnant, two nightmare images came to my mind making me want to tear my eyes out to stop seeing this without realizing it came from my imagination.

The first image was of me with a pregnant belly and a baby in my arms, and the second image was of me next to a faceless muscular man who has a pregnant barrel.

These images were enough to make me believe that hell exists and I had just had a glimpse of the worst part of it, I was breaking out in a cold sweat from these two images that lasted mere seconds.

"Master... you're pale..." (Hinata)

"Come on dad, don't be so shocked by something so normal." (Vanessa)

"Normal..." (I)

"(Don't think Zenos, just don't think about anything, you haven't heard anything now, that never happened, that's right, that never happened.)" (I)

Searching for something to distract my mind from reality, I start to look around, what I see is a building made of stone with gold and silver engravings of Dragons.

There were many races going in and out of the Temple, I thought there would only be Dragonewt, but it seems I was wrong, they were only half, there were also Lizardmen and Snakeman in addition to Humans, Demons, and Elves.

Now that I stopped to think about the Temple of Blood, there were also people of other races besides Vampires.

The people of the Dragon Temple wear looser and simpler clothes, but they all wear shiny jewelry and accessories like rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.

But they don't seem to be flaunting wealth as their clothes are simple and practical, they all seem to have well-trained bodies like athletes.

I pay special attention to their behavior because something caught my attention, the way everyone greets and acts reminds me of Dungeon people, they are carefree without caring about formalities.

I was walking slowly with the others as I was watching all this.

Soon we get closer and I notice some people looking at me and Nix who is close to me.

They look adoringly at us, their eyes sparkle with admiration, it seems they have discovered that we are Dragons, but I can't say how, since I hide my Aura, even my scales are hidden by my clothes, the same goes for Nix.

The only part of our bodies they could see would be our tails, but that wouldn't be enough for them to recognize us as Dragons.

I also noticed something, there were people with mixed blood, it's been a while since I became very sensitive to blood, I can perceive a race just by smelling the blood, it's also very easy to feel the Aura of a bloodline in someone's Aura.

As I am a few meters away from these people I can smell the blood inside their bodies and I can hear the blood running through their veins, so I noticed that some Humans and Demons had a Dragon Bloodline trait, it was easier to notice in Humans since his eyes were clearly not Human.

When we arrived at the door of the Dragon Temple there was a dark woman with piercing golden eyes, two horns on her head, light green hair tied back in three braids, and tiny green scales on her arms, legs, and neck.josei

She was a normal height around five feet, she had the muscles of an athlete like everyone here, and was very pretty, she had a big smile as we approached and was looking at Nix a lot.

"Good to see you again, we've been looking for you for over 4000 years."

"I missed you so much."

"..." (Nix)

"..." (I)

Before I understood what had happened I was watching two of these women when another one appeared giving Nix a hug as she rubbed her face against Nix's chest, but it didn't seem to be out of malice.

As soon as the first image fades, it was what they called the afterimage, it moved so fast that there was an image of her in our vision before our minds processed that she left.

The woman looked very happy as she hugged Nix, also seemed to know her, which I find very difficult to be true considering I don't know who this woman is, Nix is ​​always around so I should know this woman.

But she also said something 4000 years old, maybe she knew Nix before her Soul was sealed by the Church of Light, but that means this woman would have more than 4000 years to live.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting time, but in order not to become a one-sided situation, we'd better know her name." (I)

The woman didn't let go of Nix, but she looked from Nix to me and then to the rest of the people who came with me, then she looked back at me.

"Your boyfriend? If so I hope he's just hiding his strength, because otherwise he'll be ripped to shreds by his father."

"I'm hiding my strength, at least from those weaker than me, but I'm sure I'm an open free for you." (I)

"My relationship with him isn't romantic, I'm not interested in that sort of thing." (Nix)

"You say that, but he smells similar to yours, plus I see similar scales on both of them."

"You are creating a lot of misunderstandings." (I)

"Can we talk somewhere else?" (I)

I don't know who this woman is, but she is clearly very strong, besides I can't perceive anything coming from her, and I'm not even sure if she's standing next to Nix, besides my sight and hearing I'm not able to perceive her with anyone else sense, including my Aura.

"Yes, come with me."

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?"

"I am the High Priestess in charge of this temple, I am also a True Wind Dragon, my name is Vestyne." (Vestyne)

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