Will of chaos

Chapter 737 Cap 735

Chapter 737 Cap 735: Pack Leader

This village in the middle of the forest was a place where several Religions with close relationships get together, the whole village is made of wooden houses, but I can tell just by looking that this flag comes from monsters trees, that's why the body parts still have Aura traits.josei

Auras of monsters are aggressive and wild driven by instincts, and Auras of plants and trees have a harmony with their surroundings, I only noticed these details after acquiring the trinity with nature, and because of that, I realized the truth of the wooden buildings of this place with a single look focusing my Aura in my eyes.

All the buildings were single-story, normal wooden houses, but there were a few that were 3-story and even seen from afar.

Diana pointed to one of the buildings, but before we went there we had a problem to deal with, on the way all the Beast Men looked at Diana, those from the Wolf Tribe immediately got on their knees, and the Wolf-type monsters nearby also lower their heads before her.

"So it really happened." (Vanessa)

"Their reaction is greater than the Vampires' reaction to you." (I)

"She's a Champion, even though hiding her Aura completely is not an easy thing to hide from those under her responsibility." (Vanessa)

"She has a strong influence over all Wolves, at least those with a mind in their heads." (Yara)

In that moment I was glad I hired Nicolas to make our magic items because ever since Diana became a Champion I've had a worry on my mind.

I asked Nicolas to make a certain magic item for Diana, a magic item that stores her clothes when she transforms into a Wolf, her other items change shape to adapt to her Wolf form, but it would be weird to do the same with her clothes.

Imagining a 20-foot wolf wearing clothes is funny, but ripping clothes also seems like a waste, so I asked Nicolas to make a magic item that can instantly put on and take off clothes.

I feel Diana's Aura resonating with the Auras of those who knelt before her, as if expecting something from her, felt Diana's instincts bubbling through her Aura as she took a few steps forward.

With each step Diana takes, her hair spreads more over the rest of her body, her height increases, and her clothes are enveloped in a light that makes them disappear leaving Diana Naked as her head transforms more and more into that of a Wolf.

In the final steps she puts her hands on the ground as they transform into paws with sharp claws, in the end, she has become a magnificent 7 meter White Wolf with her head held proudly above everyone here.


In her direwolf form, Diana howls upwards, but her howl was filled with her Aura that spread around the surroundings wildly.

Diana's howl made the Aura of all those kneeling to harmonize with hers, even though these people were still silent in the same positions, it was as if their Auras took Wolf forms to howl alongside Diana.

At some point another Wolf appeared out of nowhere, this one was an ordinary looking gray Wolf, but I knew he was anything but ordinary, this Wolf's Aura was hidden from my senses and his looks showed a wisdom that only comes with age.

This Wolf sat up like he was enjoying what was happening, he also looked at me before turning to Diana and lowering his head a little.


After a few minutes Diana reverts to her Human form, she looks at her naked body and uses the necklace-shaped magic item around her neck to put her clothes back in place, she showed no shame or shyness for showing her body to others.

Diana is proud of her body, appearance, and race, and that's why she never bothered to reveal her body to others, of course, that doesn't make her an exhibitionist, she also doesn't take pleasure in others seeing her naked.

As an Adventurer she went through many situations where she had to share rooms or tents with other members of the group, she also had situations where they had to change in front of each other, and there are also always combat situations where clothes are torn, showing her body is not means nothing to her.

As soon as her clothes were in place she turned to everyone, those who were kneeling had tears in their eyes as they screamed.

"May the Alpha be praised!!!!"

"May the Alpha be praised!!!!"

"May the Alpha be praised!!!!"

"May the Alpha be praised!!!!"

When I looked over to where that ordinary looking Wolf was, there was a middle-aged Beast Man from the Wolf tribe who was making a reference in Diana's direction.


After the show outside the village, we were invited by the half-dada man from the tribe of Wolves, he introduced himself as High Priest Garcia and we accompanied us to one of the 3-story buildings in the center of the village that was the Temple of Fenrir where we were going.

"I know why you're here." (Garcia)

"When I accepted the power of the Great Fenrir, I was away from one of his Temples, I didn't have the opportunity to go through the Temple's acceptance." (Diana)

"You expect to go through an acceptance ceremony, but you no longer have to." (Garcia)

"Like this?" (Diana)

"Why did you just go through the Ceremony, right lord High Priest?" (I)

"You are right, the ceremony is not something we do consciously, it must be guided by instincts and show everyone the superiority of the Alpha, the one who carries the haste of the Great Fenrir." (Garcia)

"Today you revealed to everyone who you are, your courage, determination, free spirit and cruelty." (Garcia)

"A wolf's howl has many ends, commanding the pack is one of them." (Garcia)

"From this day forward you will be recognized as the Champion of the God Fenrir in every Temple of Fenrir you pass through, each of us will follow your orders when combat begins." (Garcia)

"Thank you for the explanation, High Priest." (Diana)

"I just show my loyalty to the Champion and my faith in the Great God of Wolves." (Garcia)

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