Will of chaos

Chapter 771 Cap 769

Chapter 771 Cap 769: Navary Kingdom Part 2

As we approach the city, we don't go to the big busy port where I could see many people coming and going, we go to a smaller port surrounded by dozens of navy warships.

We were escorted there where our ship remained surrounded while all the crew were forced to descend, Prince Wagner who is pretending to be Commander as far as I could understand, escorted me, my Family, Diana, and Vanessa to the Palace that was close to the Palace over 100 meters, this is easily the biggest building I have ever seen in this world.

We were heavily guarded by many soldiers, we were also searched for weapons and forced to wear a bracelet that restricts any kind of spatial effect from activating, that is to say, they allow us to keep our storage items, but with this bracelet, we will not be able to activate our storage items or any kind of teleportation magic.

It seems that this item only works with space magic, but it's very interesting how they think about it for the protection of their Royal Family.

With such an item they don't have to worry about guests whose intentions are unknown, I also imagine that no one would hand over six storage items to someone else.

Layla was very nervous about wearing this item, even more so that this item that can adjust the size couldn't reach the size of a Fairy, so Layla is using the bracelet as some kind of metal belt.

Nix was trying to get into my shadow and succeeded, but couldn't get into other people's shadows or pull people into my shadow.

These tests were done quickly, and after that, we were invited to have a light meal and access to a bathroom to take a shower, we could not directly meet the ruler of the nation who seems to be very busy and I can understand this perfectly.


We took the opportunity to eat delicious food that was not poisoned, took a bath in what looked like an Olympic heated swimming pool that would fit Nix in his Dragon form, and then we were presented with a selection of formal wear.

None of us wore the formal clothes, we asked for permission to pull clothes out of our storage items, which we were allowed with supervision to ensure we weren't pulling weapons, we also had to let an appraiser see the clothes we wanted to wear to find the King, once they confirmed that the only abilities the clothes gave were defense or resistance didn't bother us anymore.

If any of us wore clothes that weren't made in the Dungeon for no good reason, then we'd have to face the wrath of a very violent Seamstress who takes great pride in her work.

After that, we were left waiting in a room where Prince Wagner appeared dressed in clothes very different from the Navy Commander clothes he wore before.

It seems that the reason for the delay in finding the King was a meeting with ambassadors from another nation, who told us this was Prince Wagner who was acting more friendly now that he didn't need to pretend to be a Commander.

It seems that the Prince was doing an investigation in the Navy because of certain suspicions of bribery of some officers, as he usually spends little time in this city and his face is not very well known here, he was responsible for that.


After a few hours of waiting, we were taken to the throne room where we found a Runic dressed in gold and a golden crown seated on a throne that appears to be made of white marble with gold accents.

Beside him on an equal throne was a beautiful woman who looked almost Human except for the two horns on her head, she was dressed in white with some purple accents.

While the King appears to be a man in his 40s, the woman appears to be in her 19s, but I've already learned that I shouldn't judge people's age just by their looks in this world.

I look at the two who have friendly smiles on their faces and I notice that they both have dark circles under their eyes and they also look a little tired, it was late afternoon and I imagine they must have been working all day on important matters.

"Welcome Zenos, I am King Gareth Navary." (King Gareth)

"This beautiful lady beside me is my wife, Queen Sheila Navary." (King Gareth)

I approach the throne, but not too much since there are still knights in the throne room, they stand two on either side of the thrones and a few dozen around the room, I also see some mages as they are the only ones wearing robes.

The knights glare at me as Prince Wagner, who has entered with my group, kneels, but I don't.

"I am Zenos, nice to meet the King and Queen of this beautiful nation." (I)

"Pleasure is our lord Zenos" (Queen Sheila)

"Please get up son, forget about these formalities." (Queen Sheila)

,m "Some formality must still be followed when we have guests." (Wagner)

"All this formality is useless, because of these unnecessary things that always take so long to sort out." (Queen Sheila)

"It may be true, but some things can't be helped." (King Gareth)

Saying this the King and Queen rise to bow in our direction leaving even the Prince, as well as the shocked knights and wizards.

"I am honored to be welcoming the Champion of the God of Wolves and Combat, welcome Miss Diana." (King Gareth)

"Our Kingdom rejoices in the presence of the future Saint of the Temple of Blood, welcome Miss Vanessa." (Queen)

When the King and Queen bow to Diana and Vanessa announcing their identities the entire room freezes, but a few seconds later all the Knights and Wizards kneel towards us, even Prince Wagner shifts position to kneel towards us.

"Please everyone stand up, I'm no saint yet and Diana doesn't like formalities." (Vanessa)

"Vanessa is right, everyone stand up please." (Diana)

"Having a King kneel to you is strangely satisfying..." (Layla)

"Just shut up you little Demon, take care of her Sakura." (I)

"Yes Master." (Sakura)

As Diana and Vanessa try to resolve this uncomfortable situation, that little Devil who was laughing from ear to ear when the King and Queen kneel down, she starts bragging like she was the cause of it all.

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