Will of chaos

Chapter 781 Cap 779

Chapter 781 Cap 779: One More City I Couldn't Save

After Shiro says goodbye and leaves, I look to Margareth to talk to her this time, her conversations with Shiro left me intrigued about her identity.

"Yes, my lady." (Margareth)

"What are you..." (I)

"We don't have time to explain right now." (Margareth)

She stole the storage item on my wrist, so she pulled out the white Crest Shiro had just given me.

I could see something glowing under her clothes, so she opens the blouse a little letting a red crystal come out through the opening before closing the blouse, this crystal was trapped in chains of crystallized blood that Margareth wore as a necklace.

The red crystal floats to the white Crest in Margareth's hands then a faint red glow comes out of the crystal to envelop the Crest before returning to Margareth whose expression changed as she went to a window.

The red crystal on her necklace floats in the window beside her as it flashes a red light.

"But if he does that..." (Margareth)

"If I could have more..." (Margareth)

"Damn it." (Margareth)

"< Blood Lure >" (Margareth)

Margareth extends her hand after talking to herself, she uses a magic that attracts me and Freya who has just entered close to her, then wings of blood come out of Margareth's back enveloping the three of us as the red crystal on her neck releases a powerful energy in that barrier made with wings of blood.

I had tried to resist being pulled, but it was as if the blood inside my body was pulling me towards Margareth, I thought about attacking, but I stopped myself from doing it because I had some suspicions.

"I'm sorry if I scared you guys with my actions, but we didn't have time..." (Margareth)

"What is...." (I)

"..." (Freya)


Suddenly a drying light took over everything in the surroundings and I felt the barrier around us shake as a deafening noise attacked my ears.

I was a little disoriented by the combination of the intense light and the deafening noise, perhaps it was even worse for me due to my heightened senses.

I was seeing a big white spot in my vision and my ears have a ringing that seems to be ringing inside my brain.

I was disoriented and a little confused, but I improved quickly, when I could see I realized I was in a place without light, Freya was beside me with her big ears down and Margareth was drinking a small bottle of blood.

I thought about using my Aura to explore the surroundings, but the barrier around us prevented my Aura from leaving.

"What was this!?" (I)

"One attack, Shiro decided not to take any risks, that coward." (Margareth)

"Wait! Are you saying that the True Dragons of Light attacked us? But why?" (I)

"I don't think this is the best place to talk about it, let's get out of here first." (Margareth)

"It's been a few minutes, he wouldn't dare stay, he must think we're dead." (Margareth)

I look around noticing that the barrier around us has several cracks but it was still working, the space inside the barrier was the size of half a car so we were a little tight inside this barrier.

The barrier started to move and I realized we were inside the earth, I don't know how or when this happened but it must be a result of the previous attack.

But as soon as we went out to see the Suns again, I watched myself with the scene in front of us, we were inside a huge hole, and we had to wait for the barrier to go up this big hole in the meantime.

"Where are we? Did you teleport us?" (I)

"You already know the answer." (Margareth)josei

"It can't be…not again!" (I)

I look around at this big hole, not wanting to admit what was going through my mind, not wanting to imagine what it would mean if it were reality.

"Master, are you… are you okay?" (Freya)

"..." (I)

I keep watching the barrier rise as it carries us up, when we come out all the way out of the hole, I see the destruction, the crater was huge, and the size was almost the same as the city, but it was all destroyed now.

"How many people lived in this town?" (I)

"Master it wasn't your fault." (Freya)

"How many people?" (I)

"More than 17000, it was just a rural town, so the land was big, but it didn't have that many residents." (Nix)

Nix who was gathering the others around town when I asked had returned before Shiro left, knowing that she shouldn't be near him, Nix hides in Freya's shadow.

I had noticed this from the beginning, and this was a source of relief for me, as Nix's return means that the others are already inside the Dungeon.

"Are the others in?" (I)

"Yes, everyone is fine." (Nix)


I can't stop looking at the destruction around us, all this destruction, entire families wiped out.

"Let's go to the house in the woods." (I)

"He is sure?" (Freya)

"I need a place to rest and think, and besides that house won't be selling anytime soon." (I)

"Do you need me to take you?" (Margareth)

"Did you know about this attack?" (I)

"No, but I realized it was a possibility when he left so fast." (Margareth)


"Because I'm not able to do that, he's so much stronger than I am." (Margareth)

"So this barrier, how did this barrier defend this attack?" (I)

"The barrier itself was made by putting together various protective items I possess and strengthened by my master's remaining power." (Margareth)

"If I were able to stop him, I would, but it would be useless." (Margareth)

"Then why was he so wary of you." (I)

"Once we get to the house you pointed out, I'll explain everything." (Margareth)

Luckily it seems all my teammates are fine, but if I hadn't been cautious enough to ask everyone to come back, they might have died if I'd been a little slower to react.


It only took us a few minutes to get to the house that is in the forest, it was the house of an Adventurer who was also for rent, so I know this house, but I preferred to stay in the city where I thought it was better to enjoy the local culture.

After entering, Freya used wind magic to remove the accumulated dust from the house, so Margareth and I sat in a room with a small dining table.

"I want to know everything, I want to know why we were attacked? Why did the city have to be destroyed? Why was Shiro so cautious around you?" (I)

"But the most important question now would be, who are you?" (I)

"Last time we met, I was in disguise to meet you, but know that this is what I really look like." (Margareth)

"As for my identity, you can be considered my uncle Vampire, that's because, in addition to being your sister's daughter, I'm also her only employee since the day I was turned." (Margareth)

"My sister? What sister are you talking about." (I)

"I serve Living Brutality, daughter of the Blood Goddess, Miss Natasha." (Margareth)

"Natasha?" (I)

"You said you work for Living Brutality? My Father used to tell me stories about her, a bloodthirsty Warrior who lives for combat." (Nix)

"True Dragon Shiro was afraid of my master, he feared she was around." (Margareth)

"He fought my master a long time ago, and because of that he is afraid of her." (Margareth)

"But what made him the most nervous was handing this to you." (Margareth)

"I noticed the look he gave you at that moment." (I)

Margareth took the white coat of arms to show me, it was broken into three parts.

"This scale does not belong to Luminus, the shape, thickness, and texture are different." (Margareth)

"This scale belongs to Shiro, he can hide his Aura inside that Crest, but it still wasn't enough to stop me from seeing the truth." (Margareth)

"You're lying in the last part." (Nix)

"..." (I)

"Alright, alright, it wasn't me who found out about the scale, it was thanks to the crystal that I discovered it." (Margareth)

"Nix!?" (I)

"Everything she's been saying is true." (Nix)

"Why are you here?" (I)

"Because your sister needs your help, but I see this is not the time to talk about it." (Margareth)

"Yes, let's solve one problem at a time." (I)

I close my eyes and think, I use the parallel thinking skill to test multiple theories at once.

Soon I understood what was happening, I was a nuisance to certain people who didn't want Light Dragons who are not with the Church of Light to unite with other races.

That's the only thing that makes sense, Luminus could have killed me in the Ocean or captured me to take to the Church of Light, but he didn't.

This True Dragon Shiro seems to be against it, but I can't tell if he acts alone or if he has more along with him.

"(What do I do now!?)" (I)

"First of all, we have one more thing to do." (I)

"We'll have to act fast if we want to do this, it must have attracted other people." (Nix)

"Come on, we owe at least that much to the dead in this city." (I)

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