Will of chaos

Chapter 808 Cap 806

Chapter 808 Cap 806: Use Whatever It Takes To Win

Pov A Revolutionary's:

Empire Arorus, Capital Arorus.

We were inside a warehouse used by the food stall owners to store food carts and merchandise.

We have used this place by bribing the owners of these food stalls to serve as informants and as intermediaries to pass weapons, money, and certain goods to our group members or associates.

This place also serves as a warehouse for weapons and other goods, this made it possible for us to set up our base a little further away without compromising our potential to fight within the city.

"Rafael, I don't know if we should use this, the number of deaths will be too high." (I)

"I know, but we have no choice, this will be our only chance." (Rafael)

"Why should you choose that, we could have chosen one of the other weapons." (I)

"It won't do any good, we have few really prepared for combat and even among them, none would be able to fight against a Knight besides me." (Rafael)

"The items that person was selling were attractive, but we wouldn't be able to make effective use of them." (Rafael)

"But this item... this bomb..." (I)

"It was the only thing that didn't require combat experience for us to use that would make a difference." (Rafael)

"That is if this bomb is as powerful as that salesman claimed it was." (I)

"I had a friend check it out, he can't say what the material used in the core is, but he said the effects of the item, it matches what the seller said." (Rafael)josei

"Is this friend reliable?" (I)

"He's trustworthy but doesn't want to get involved with what we're doing, he helped me this time with a promise never to look for him again." (Rafael)


There are many like this friend of Rafael's, people who agree with what we are doing, at least to some extent, but who are afraid of us at the same time.

"I can't blame him for not wanting to get involved, if only I knew the things I would need to do..." (I)

"We needed money, you know that." (Rafael)

"That's no excuse for helping the slave trade and drugs." (I)

"I'm not making excuses, nor do I like the things we've done or will need to do, but many more will suffer if someone doesn't step up to do something." (Rafael)

I still remember their faces, the despair, anger, sadness, and hate in their eyes won't let me sleep at night.

When I started with Rafael, it was following a pure ideal to bring prosperity to our Kingdom and avenge the good people who died at the hands of that wretch.

"Right now I can't tell if we're different from him." (I)

"We are different, he killed his own family to become King, and he also killed everyone who tried to stand in his way." (Rafael)

"He thinks he's above everyone else and considers everyone expendable, at least we know the things we're doing are wrong and we're willing to pay for our mistakes in the end." (Rafael)

The current King is the 4⁰ Prince, when the former King who was wise and loved by all fell ill, the succession was clear to everyone, but mysteriously the 1⁰ Prince died of poison and the 3⁰ Prince was murdered by one of his concubines, the second Prince had withdrawn his birthright to become a merchant, but even he disappeared a few months ago.

The only one left was the youngest of the 4 Princes, the one known throughout the Kingdom for his authoritarian, impulsive, and cruel personality.

Everyone could see who was the culprit of all this even without evidence, in a matter of 2 two he was already announcing to be the new King, then the changes in the laws began that worsened the security within the Kingdom and the taxes that rose 3 times more, 4 times a week there are parties in the castle, everyone knows that.

If that fool remains the King, then this Kingdom will be lost, I close my eyes replaying the plan in my mind.

"Are you sure this thing can get into the castle without the wizards finding out?" (I)

"Yes, my friend said that this thing uses a type of energy that draws from the surrounding environment, so until it is active it will be imperceptible and when it is activated it will be too late." (Rafael)

"I don't care what nobles will be there, they are all supporters of the Idiot King, my only regret is the castle embargodos." (Rafael)

"Let's go over the plan, there should be no flaws." (I)


Pov A General's:

Kingdom Zildicar, borders of the Kingdom.

We were currently at war against another Kingdom, this war started with the opposing Kingdom trying to take possession of the territories that include a very important city for the trade of our Kingdom.

This war has been going on for more than 1 year, at the beginning we had the advantage, but soon we realized that the enemy army was bigger when the casualties in our soldiers kept happening after each battle, we realized this fact.

The longer this war lasts, the worse our situation will be, our King is a good person, but he is naive, they have been trying to seek help from other Kingdoms to intervene, but that will not happen.

"Sir, we are gaining control of the western part, the Knights are leading the soldiers to chase the enemies." (Soldier)

"Tell them to stop, they could be led into a trap, order them to stay in position awaiting my next orders." (I)

"Yes, General." (Soldier)

These Knights are our most powerful warriors, they are stronger than anyone the enemies have on their side, but the difference in numbers made the difference in strength little obstacle for them.

The only thing I could do when it was not possible to increase our numbers was to increase our fighting power even more, but I had to do it in a short time, so the best option was to invest in powerful weapons.

I used this entire year's military budget behind the King's back to get powerful magic weapons that my knights are using, these swords and spears are able to break through the opponents' armor and magic barriers, which made their mages only targets for us.

These swords and spears have a light blue tint to their metal and Runes that none of our mages recognized, I was afraid to use this as I found the seller very suspicious, but in this situation, I will use whatever it takes to win this war.

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