Will of chaos

Chapter 812 Cap 810

Chapter 812 Cap 810: Traveling To Relatives

I was in the garden of my mansion receiving some guests, so I made breakfast for everyone with Freya's help.

"This sandworm pizza is delicious." (King Heston)

"I had my doubts, but as the master insisted on it, we ended up doing it." (Freya)

"When you're making pizza you have to be bold to try new flavors, maybe we can make a sweet pizza next time." (I)

"Looks like you really are an Outsider, they introduced a lot of things into this world, nothing major, but cooking was the most affected." (King Heston)

"If you want to eat a sweet pizza, you should visit the White Elves, they make pizza like this in your village, here you can find more meat dishes." (King Heston)

"I'll think about doing that, I'm not planning on staying much longer." (I)

"That's what I wanted to ask about, I'd like to know where you plan to go from here." (King Heston)

"I'm thinking of going through 2 cities for Adventurers where we can increase our strength more and some places where we can relax enjoying a beautiful view." (I)

"We're also thinking of visiting family in the meantime and stopping by the other two Elf villages." (I)

"Thank you for that, it's only now that I realize how an Ancient Elf can be of great help, we can solve problems that we usually avoid because of this new connection with nature." (King Heston)

"I really appreciate being spared the care of others." (Freya)

"I took care of everyone at once, Hest helped me with that." (King Heston)

I'm looking forward to leaving soon, Ivan is taking care of our departure arrangements with Irius, we have a lot of places to go on this continent.

Diana wants to meet her parents, and maybe meet her siblings if possible.

Nix doesn't talk about it, but I know she wants to see her father, I also know she wants to meet her sister who took her mother's place.

Vanessa, like Nix, doesn't talk about it, but I know she wants to see her Vampire Mother, the one who rescued her from the Church of Light and tried to transform her in the past, she must be on that continent.

In addition, I also want to meet my other two sisters, not to mention that I still have one of my sisters to be reborn here in the Dungeon with Margareth.

We have a lot of places to go and our own training to do, I don't want to waste too much time here right now.

"You know, I really wanted to know more about that Gray Elf I met a few days ago." (I)

"Gray Elf?" (King Heston)

"There is no need for you to know Heston, besides he is not your enemy Zenos." (Hest)

Roots appear and open the space as if pushing a thick curtain open, then the spirit of the World Tree appears beside King Heston.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion." (Hest)

"How did you get in here?" (I)

"The element I control most often has always been and always will be the element of space, it can be a little troublesome, but having Heston here makes it easier to break into your dungeon." (Hest)

"(That's a good thing to learn.)" (I)


5 days later.

I was mounted on top of Ragnar with Sophia flying beside me on top of her Gryphon, Ibuki was flying using a magic that made wings of shadow for her, but sometimes she would sit right next to me.

"How many dungeons are there? How strong are the enemies? Will the master hunt with everyone?" (Ibuki)

"Calm down Ibuki, I'm going to hunt with everyone, besides there are 11 dungeons near the city where we're going." (I)

"This time we'll take a teleport straight there." (I)

The World Tree opened a portal in space that took us back to the city with the teleportation gate through which I arrived in the desert, we also already had the usage slots bought by Dark Elves in the city.

After we pass through the teleportation gate and arrive at Cartise city, this city has a population of 2 million, this is one of the biggest cities I've been to in this world.

When I exited the teleportation location onto the streets after answering several questions, I was surprised by the large flow of people and the number of buildings across the city.

From what I've studied about this city, I know that the buildings vary a lot in size, those in the city center have around 10 floors while the others in the rest of the city decrease in size as you move away from the city center, this is an interesting style to build a city.

The city was very busy, security also seemed so-so as someone tried to grab me from behind, as I didn't feel murderous intent I guess it was a kidnapping.

I lead the couple who tried to capture me to an alleyway where I remove them from within my shadow, they both look at me in surprise before looking around, but then their gazes lock on Ibuki, she has evolved into a Demon Race called Spawn From the Underworld, she's prettier now, her skin turned blue and her eyes turned purple, her single horn on her head seems to be made of black metal, other than that she still looks like someone in her 17 years old with a well-trained body.

The couple sensed Ibuki's killing intent while she was smiling, the way they got into a combat stance shows that these aren't simple banishments.



The woman started to speak while showing a dagger, I thought she was threatening us, but I soon realized that she was pointing to a symbol on the dagger's blade.

"If neither of them can speak the common language, then I will kill them both." (I)

"I could kill them right now just for daring to do something to you, master." (Ibuki)

I avoid using my Aura in the city, but Ibuki is using her Aura over the two of them, her Aura has the effect of madness and fear from what she told me.

"I apologize, but you look a lot like someone we're looking for, I swear in the name of Justhos, God of Justice that I'm telling the truth." (Man)

"(He's telling the truth.)" (Nix)

"Do you have any proof of what you're saying?" (I)

"See, we're looking for her, a small girl with long red hair." (Women)

"When we saw you from the back we thought it was her." (Man)

"We are Adventurers on a quest, the girl has disappeared." (Women)

I look at the girl in the photo, and I realized that this photo was made using magic, this was done by a skilled Mage or an expensive magic item, so this child must be the daughter of a nobleman or a rich merchant.

"I'm not who you're looking for, and I'm a man, so leave before I change my mind." (I)

I see the two of them looking at me and Ibuki before the woman drags the man by his collar back out into the street.

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