Will of chaos

Chapter 818 Cap 816

Chapter 818 Cap 816: A Plan Unfolds In The Shadows

Pov of a cultist:

I was honored to be chosen to stand beside the Lord of Shadows in his new vessel during an important mission, I know that I was only chosen for my appearance which is intimidating to others because I am a Dragonewt.

Fools often judge by appearance, so having someone strong and intimidating like me around was a decision to prevent people from getting close to the Lord of Shadows.

But I didn't expect us to be targeted by an Assassin being only 3 days in this city, everything was going according to plan and I never let my guard down, but it seems I didn't put enough effort into my duties.

"Looks like he had a good plan to escape." (Lord of Shadows)

I was on my knees after smashing the food stall vendor's head and burning the body, I was waiting for the Lord of Shadows to finish feeding on the Assassin who ripped the head from its receptacle.

"Sir, excuse the impertinence, but shouldn't we have questioned the Assassin?" (I)

"That was my idea too, unfortunately, he was smart and had a plan to escape." (Lord of Shadows)

"That body was a Homunculus, he used a curse to trap his Soul in that body until death, so after death, his Soul would be sent back to his body which must be somewhere safe." (Lord of Shadows)

"So he ran away?" (I)

"He had a magic item inside his body, it was activated when all of his energy was absorbed by me, he thought this plan would be enough for him to escape in the worst of situations." (Lord of Shadows)

"His Soul was injured by my shadow, his Soul may have escaped, but he took death straight to his real body, in a matter of minutes he will be dead." (Lord of Shadows)josei

So the Lord of Shadows didn't Devour him without reason, he caused his own death to escape, a fool who doesn't know that escaping from the Lord of Shadows is impossible.

I look around at the barrier, it's been a few minutes, and someone must have noticed what's going on.

"Let me clean it up, my lord." (I)

I reach down and wipe the faces of flesh and blood in the little mouth of the boy serving as the Shadow Lord's vessel.

"What should we do..." (I)

Before I could finish my sentence, I was enveloped by Shadows before appearing across town in an alleyway.

"We are already far from the site, in a few seconds that barrier will disappear and there will be no clues about what happened there." (Lord of Shadows)

"In the meantime, let's go back and look for the Cursed Dungeon." (Lord of Shadows)

"As you wish." (I)


Pov Zenos:

The next day I was only with Ibuki, she wanted to have a date just the two of us, so we go to the Dungeon, Lara the same floor where we defeated the giant monster that we didn't finish exploring.

"Let's keep the focus on speed, try to keep up with me, okay?" (I)

"Which way are we going?" (Ibuki)

Soon we started running through the snow, allied with each other, I'm avoiding using all my speed so Ibuki can keep up with me.

As soon as we find the first group of enemies, we find out that they are birds that create storms, I look at Ibuki and wave up, she runs to me and jumps on my hand before throwing it up towards the birds.

I watch from the ground to see how she will deal with this situation, to my surprise instead of her creating wings of Mana for her, what she did was spin around spreading a shadow similar to black smoke around then from that black smoke a large blade appears cutting the where the flock of birds was, even those not in the path of the sword were sucked towards it and torn to pieces.

Soon Ibuki goes down and we run again, the next monsters were Ice Golems, these were problematic enemies for Ibuki to fight against, so I throw myself in the middle of them unarmed, as these Ice Golems look like Humans with armor, I thought of calling them ice soldiers, I fight them just using Martial Arts.

I concentrate fire element ki in my hands and start fighting them, even though they have humanoid bodies they fight very differently from people, their limbs twist into strange positions and attacks can come from any part of their bodies.

I take advantage of this rare scene to better train my control over my own body, but they were too many and I was needing it if I didn't do something, Ibuki seeing that I wanted to continue fighting that way to train and join the fight.

Ibuki and I started to fight with just our fists and legs, while we hit the ice golems we were circling each other as if we were dancing together, thanks to my Aura I could perfectly follow Ibuki's movements, but it surprised me that she did the same with me without using her Aura.

While I landed blows that sent chunks of the Golems flying away, Ibuki landed blows that apparently did nothing against the Golems, but over time I saw their white or blue bodies getting black spots, I soon noticed that those with these spots got weaker, and slow, when the stains spread until they reached the core of the Golems they broke into shards of ice on the ground.

After hours of fighting hundreds of clearly strong Golems, we came back with a big smile on our faces.


Pov of a cultist:

"Sir, I think we found the place of the Cursed Dungeon." (I)

"Yes, it can only be here." (Lord of Shadows)

We were in a square on the west side of the city, in this place there were 4 churches, a Church of Light, a Temple of the Law, a Church of Wisdom, and the Temple of Life.

"That's why it was so difficult to find, the Holy Aura of these holy places is interfering with my senses, and that must also be why they managed to seal that place for so long." (Lord of Shadows)

"We know it's not inside any of those places, so it must be underneath..." (Shadow Lord)

After that, we started making preparations for our mission.

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