Will of chaos

Chapter 826 Cap 824

Chapter 826 Cap 824: Centuries Of Preparation

Pov a Cultist:

I accompanied the Lord of Shadows while we invaded a house, I didn't even have to kill the family, that's because he used the whole family as food.

"These Kimeras need a lot of nutrients and vitality to adjust their adaptability, but this one needs a lot more food than the previous one, it seems that a hurried job can't be as good as I thought it would be." (Lord of Shadows)

"You need to take one and find normal clothes, Lord of Shadows." (I)

"I know, that's why I chose this house, the girl I saw through the window looked the same size as this new Vessel." (Lord of Shadows)

As he spoke the blood the same color as his eyes and hair dripped from his lips, he spoke normally even in the middle of the massacre where we were, he even points to the corner of the room where half a head was, that's what was left of the body of the young woman who was the first to be devoured.

"While I finish my meal and clean up, find me something to wear." (Lord of Shadows)

"Right now, Lord of Shadows." (I)


Some hours later.

Less than 3 hours later we were walking down the street to a large government building, we stopped in front of the building while I await instructions from the Lord of Shadows.

"It took millennia, but I'm close now, just this plan took centuries of preparation." (Lord of Shadows)

The smile on his face is haunting, his eyes seem lost seeing something that hasn't yet happened, I know I've sworn allegiance and worship to something evil, all for power, I've bathed in more innocent blood than I could wash away even if I wanted to, but even after all the harm I've done, looking into your eyes or smile still fills my heart with fear, being by your side is like always being beside a predator that could kill me at any moment or even worse.

"Want to invade from the front?" (I)

"Not yet, I don't want the guards or the Adventurers to be on guard, so the more of them die in the initial attack the better." (Lord of Shadows)

"Follow me, tell me we want to talk to Mister Barbosa, he says he's an old friend named Tranogh." (Lord of Shadows)

We enter the building, then head straight to the reception where an ordinary Human man is standing.

"What can I help you with?" (Receptionist)

"I'd like to speak with Senhor Barbosa, tell him he's an old friend." (I)

The Human Receptionist looks suspiciously at me and the Shadow Lord who looks like a young girl next to me, then he looks at me with a smile.

"May I know your name to inform Mr. Barbosa?" (Receptionist)

"Say Tranogh is here to see you, thank you." (I)

"Wait a moment, please." (Receptionist)

The Receptionist leaves and calmly climbs a ladder on the side, after a few minutes the same Receptionist comes back running, and with a smile on his face, he bows to me.

"Mr. Barbosa will receive you now, please follow me." (Receptionist)

"Lead the way." (I)

I follow the Receptionist up two flights of stairs and down a short hallway that leads to a room with double doors at the end.

Knock Knock

"In between!"

The Receptionist knocked on the door and an old voice was heard from inside, soon we entered where I found myself in an office with a shelf of drinks and a table with a chair where an old Dwarf was sitting, he had brown skin with white hair and beard his glance never left the Shadow Lord as we entered.

"Go back to reception and tell them I don't want to be disturbed by anyone else today." (Barbosa)

"Yes, Mr. Barbosa." (Receptionist)

The Receptionist leaves closing the door, the moment the door closes I feel the room's defenses activating, I didn't feel that being golden outside before.

While distracted by the room's defenses, the Dwarf moves to our front and kneels, placing his forehead on the ground.

"Great is he who waits in the shadows." (Barbosa)

"Lift your head, you know why we're here." (Lord of Shadows)

"Everything has been ready for years since we haven't captured anyone else for the past 2 years, I knew the time was approaching." (Barbosa)

The old Dwarf stands up, what I see in his eyes and absolute devotion, not the sign of fear like me, seems to be one of the fanatics.

"Take us to the location, it's in this building, right?" (Lord of Shadows)

"I thought they might be suspicious if the boxes were taken from here, so for the last year I've been moving them to a house I bought in town without anyone knowing." (Barbosa)

"A commendable plan." (Lord of Shadows)


"Would you like me to take you there?" (Barbosa)

"It won't be necessary, just give me the location and the house key." (Lord of Shadows)

Barbosa gives us a key and a map to his house, I take it from him before we leave, then I follow the map to a high-value residential area of the city, took over twenty minutes on foot.

As soon as we enter I follow his instructions and go to the second floor of the house in an unused guest room, while I push the closet that reveals stairs that lead to the basement, there are 10 boxes of black metal full of Runes of 2 meters in length height and 2 in width.

I can faintly feel an evil presence coming from these boxes and that's because I'm very close, but my Aura cannot pass through these boxes.

The Lord of Shadows goes to the boxes and runs his hands over them, then his smile widens even more as he lifts the boxes one by one.

"It looks like the amount is what you expected." (Lord of Shadows)

"Are those safe boxes with spatial magnification magic?" (I)

"That's right, they're full of Evil Seeds, I've made various types of people bring Evil Seeds to this city over centuries only to be captured by the Soldiers, so Barbosa could keep them in a safe place." (Lord of Shadows)

All this not to draw attention, now I have to take this from here, which will be easy since this house is close to the city sewers, in the instructions Barbosa gave us there is a marked basement wall that I destroy leading to the sewers.

"We will." (Lord of Shadows)

Several spare arms lifted 8 boxes while I carried the other two in my arms as we made our way through the sewers to the secret room.

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