Will of chaos

Chapter 842 Cap 840

Chapter 842 Cap 840: Getting To Know Klaus

I was paralyzed on top of a building with a man hugging Kira in front of me while ignoring Byakko in her tiger form biting her head.

The strangest thing was that this man didn't seem like an enemy, I say this for his strange actions, the way he hugs Kira is affectionate, he doesn't seem to be acting perverted or malicious, plus he seems to know Kira from somewhere or was Which I thought until I heard him say Kira's mother's name.

When Kira hears her mother's name she is paralyzed looking at the masked man, her mother has always been the biggest weakness in her mind, it must have been a shock to hear that name from someone in those conditions.

Furthermore, this man for some reason seems to dislike me, in fact, his murderous intent is as blatant as if he was warning me that my death was already certain.

"Master!" (Nix)

"Dad!" (Irius/Irina)

"Bastard, release Kira now!" (Diana)

"Wait!!!" (Vanessa)

Soon everyone else arrived, I knew they would come at some point, and my Familiars would be able to find me in no time after noticing that I disappeared along with Kira.

I wish I could have contacted them but I couldn't, whatever he did to me seems to be preventing any means of communicating with me.

​ Vanessa did well stopping the others, unfortunately, I can't roll my eyes, but at least I can listen.

"I don't know who you are, but could you let go of our family?" (Vanessa)


The killing intent directed at me disappeared, then for the first time I see his head move to look towards those who just arrived and then towards me.

"Looks like you have good companions."

"Stop that show, Klaus." (Silvia)


Soon I hear Silvia's childlike voice, then I see the masked man stiffen before turning to face the direction I heard Silvia's voice from.

"We already met Miss..." (Klaus)

"What are Uryma and Ury doing letting Moon Butcher run so free?" (Silvia)

"Who are you? How do you know these names?" (Klaus)

"Wait... that presence, that deep gaze... Mistress."

Suddenly I start to hear many new names, it seems that Silvia knows who this man is, but this name Butcher of the Moon seems to be highly dangerous.

In addition, I hear a new voice and then a black Serpent comes out of the clothes of the man called Klaus, this Serpent was on his shoulder looking in the direction where I imagine Silvia is, then the Serpent lowers its head.

"Do you know who this True Dragon is, Naraka?" (Klaus)

"I don't know how she's here, how she became a Dragon, how she recovered, or the reason for her current appearance, but her presence is unmistakable." (Naraka)

"She is Mistress Ellay, she…" (Naraka)

"Let's avoid saying who I am in the middle of a city, after all, I don't know how reliable Klaus' obscuration barriers are since we found you so quickly." (Silvia)

The Serpent turns its slightly trembling head towards Klaus's masked face, then he stares in the direction where I imagine Silvia is.

"Let's go to my hideout." (Klaus)

"< Shadow Teleportation >" (Klaus)

Obtuse I know was losing consciousness momentarily as everything went dark and the next second I was on my feet and able to move again, I also realized I was in a dark shed.

"Everyone can be seated if they wish." (Klaus)

I look around, noticing that the man called Klaus has sat on the only couch with Kira sitting next to him, I look around and see some crates, weapons, and potions.

When I realized that there was no more room to sit, I started taking chairs, sofas, and a luxury recliner for everyone to sit on, but of course, I kept the armchair, I had it made with high quality items, I'm sure this super comfortable armchair could have the price of a castle if sold.

Everyone has decided to stand next to me, while Silvia walks forward with the cute look of an irritated child.

"Now could you explain why you kidnapped my Father and one of his mates?" (Silvia)

"Your father!!!!???" (Naraka)

"Please don't joke ma'am, there's no way a Vampire that young could father a World Tree." (Klaus)

"I'm not here to explain my situation to you, so either you start talking or I have to talk to my sister?" (Silvia)

"..." (Klaus)

"No reason to hide Klaus, just say so." (Naraka)

"I've thought of so many ways to say this, but now that I have to... my mind feels blank..." (Klaus)


I see the man called Klaus exchange a few words with Silvia, then he looks at Kira who hasn't stopped staring at him in silence ever since she heard her mother's name.

He removes his mask as he throws back his hood revealing himself to be a Gray Elf, his white hair cut short, his golden eyes shining brightly as tears run down his face which has some scars but something about it looks a little familiar.

"My name is Klaus, Leader of the Guardians of the Night of the Village of Nightmare, many call me the Butcher of the Night, several years ago when I was traveling in training across several continents I met a woman." (Klaus)

His eyes were looking at Kira, but he looked as if he were seeing something else as a smile formed on his tear-stained face.

"This woman was weaker than me, but something about her caught my attention, it took me a long time to notice that it was her unshakable determination, even during training she only stopped when she lost consciousness regardless of her injuries, I've never met anyone so stubborn..." (Klaus)


"She was very talented, I knew that one day she would become too strong to continue on such a weak continent, as the days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months and finally 1 year had passed, for the first time I saw her coming back wounded on a mission, it was on that day that the fear of losing her made me realize my true feelings for her." (Klaus)


"Do you know what she did when I ran up to her with a box of potions in one hand and a White Elf healer in the other arm that I rationally convinced to come and treat her wounds?" (Klaus)

"She took me in her arms and just said 'I love you too' before kissing me." (Klaus)


His tears wouldn't stop flowing, his face a mixture of emotions with the main one being sadness.


"The name of that wonderful woman I married on the same day was Joana..." (Klaus)

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