Will of chaos

Chapter 844 Cap 842

Chapter 844 Cap 842: An Unlucky Thief

Pov of a Thief:

"Are you sure about them?" (I)

"Yes, I had a friend check their strength, none seem to be above Catastrophe Superior Grade, but he said that many among them were hard to pinpoint strength even with their Unique Skill." (Jones)

"From the information I've collected so far, they are special, it seems they have the recommendation of the veteran Adventurer Adelina, also known as the Queen of Combat." (I)

"Miss, I am against this whole plan, these people hide with masks and hoods, they also seem to have the support of the Adventurer's Guild, they must be important people." (Jones)

"You know your father doesn't like to draw attention to his business." (Jones)

"I'm the only one in charge of my operation, as long as it's successful he won't say anything as usual, for him all that matters is success." (I)

"Want me to call the others?" (Jones)

"No, I take care of it myself, just to make sure there are no failures." (I)

I've been following these targets since they left the Teleportation Portal, a group with masks like that draws attention, especially with the number of magic items on everyone's body.

After sending Jones away I put my clothes back on and pay the prostitute before leaving the brothel, in addition to some fun these places have an excellent security system, so I love doing business here.

Now it was the middle of the night, I read Jonas' information and it looks like these people haven't come out of their rooms since they entered, it looks like their number has decreased by one but it doesn't matter.

"Let's start." (I)

I go to the nearest alley and activate my magic items, my clothes are part of a set of clothing-type magic items that improve when worn together, Night Sparrow Clothing.

I also activate many other magic items that I use like rings, mask, and belt.

In addition, I activate my abilities and spells to aid my concealment.

"Wow, this is harder than I thought." (I)

In addition to the absurd Mana drain, the weight on my body is also glaring, which is why I don't like to do risky work like that.


"But I'm going to need that money to pay off that stupid debt without my dad knowing, he would spank me again for losing so much money at the casino." (I)

I look at the door waiting for one of the employees to come out to take out the trash, something all Hotels do on a daily basis, so I want her neck and I put the body in a storage item while I use several identical illusions layered to be more difficult for others see through my illusion.

Then using her appearance I go up to the floor where these people's rooms are, unlocking these doors is simple, but the problem is getting through the barriers around the rooms these people used.

"We will." (I)

I go into the first room and it's empty, I walk past the door of another room and I don't go in, I can't hear anything from inside, but the smell of two different people in the same room at this hour, I'm not that big of a killjoy.

I go into another room and only find the child, I approach and see that she is very beautiful, red hair, brown skin, tattoos, and scales, each and seems to have fangs.

"(I can't identify her race, but her appearance is wonderful, could be worth good money if sold as a sex slave, the more exotic the better the price.)" (I)

At the same moment these thoughts formed in my head they also disappear, this girl is a Vampire, and her age may not match her appearance, I'm also not sure what lineage she has, they could trace her to my base, I'd rather not risk it.

I look around and see a lot of magic items, so I take the mask, clothes, accessories, and a beautiful necklace.

The necklace was beautiful and clearly, of high value, it was made with the thread of a monster by the looks of it, it also had scales, teeth, and pieces of bone, and it was colored black, red and white.

"(I'll keep this one for myself.)" (I)

I hold the necklace and place it around my neck, I felt chills when I touched the necklace, but since none of my skills or magic items reacted, it must be fine.

I went from room to room stealing everything of value I found, the most dangerous moment was when I entered the room of the Beastman woman from the Wolf tribe, I saw her nose move, that means she noticed a different smell, so I left from there without taking anything.

Today also a problem with the barrier in one of the rooms, it was very different from anything I've seen and it seemed to burn me just by touching the barrier, it seems that the magic item I've been using doesn't work very well against this barrier and so I decided to leave from there while in profit.

Outside the hotel I went through several checkpoints where I have my subordinates waiting, after confirming that I'm not being followed, I go straight to my base which is in a jewelry store.


As soon as I enter the room a knife sticks to my shoulder, I take advantage of the force of that blow to generate, and with that momentum I throw 3 daggers in the direction from where the knife came from.

"Her reflexes are shit." (Dad)

"Bastard! Why are you here? Your bitches are going to miss you tonight." (I)

"Stop pretending you're hurt, we both know you let yourself get hit." (Dad)

I yank the knife from my shoulder and run my tongue over the blade before throwing it to the ground.

"No poison on the blade? Is it getting mushy Dad?" (I)

"You're not worth what it would take to spend on poison to be useful against you, now let's have that casino talk one more time, mostly with my money." (Dad)

"First of all, I already got twice as much as I lost, I just came back with a lot of sealed storage items, there must be a lot of high value stuff." (I)

"I want quadruple what you lost mine or we'll talk." (Dad)

"I already expected that, I'll have your money in 3 days." (I)

"You have 3 days, it was nice to see you daughter, stop by the base tomorrow, maybe there's something for you and your brother to do." (Dad)

"If be there." (I)

"(One of these days I'll take care of you Dad...)"

"What am I thinking? The old man sucks, but his contacts are still very lucrative." (I)

"(All of this made me tired.)"

"I'm going to get some sleep, these storage items can wait until tomorrow." (I)

After the stabbing my mind became more active, maybe it's the rage at being attacked, but my own voice in my head was speaking my recurring thoughts of killing this shitty father.

I throw myself on the bed and try to sleep.





Pov of a Thief:

The next day.

I was in a dark place with many doors, I was sitting on a magnificent golden throne, then from my shadow comes a copy of me with my father's head in my hands.

"The number of voices I've thought to kill this bastard is many, but beyond my satisfaction, there would only be loss with his death." (I)

"But you'd still like that, wouldn't you?"

"We know you do." (I)

I get up from the throne and step on the old man's severed head smashing into the ground, I can't help but smile at that, as does my double, then we start walking between the doors.

I open a door just to see a reminder of my training days, I can't even remember how many times my bones broke a week.

I open another door and see my idiot brother, he was angry that I slept with his friend, so he killed his friend in front of me, of course, he did it because he thought I was in love with his idiot friend.

"He never knew the truth."

"At that time I discovered the password to his safe, I've been stealing from him for years and he never noticed, an idiot indeed." (I)

"Everyone in the family is trash, they don't realize how superior I am."

"You'll never notice, we all think the same thing, so we keep an eye out for each other when we do business together." (I)

"What our brother does doesn't compare to

With our work."

We pass through other doors showing memories of how my brother does business, he is an illegal slave trader but unlike me who built my thieving operations alone, this idiot is our Father's dog, he did everything with Father's support not realizing it's just being used, that fool.

"I have to start finding someone I can trust to talk to, I'm talking to myself more and more." (I)

"You don't trust anyone, so don't lie."

"True, in the end, I can only rely on myself." (I)


The next day I get up from my bed, it was just a few hours of sleep, and I didn't have much time to sleep, maybe that's why I still feel weak.

I take everything with me while I change my clothes before heading out to grab a bite to eat at the street stalls, these are the best places to eat as I can see the food being prepared and the surroundings.

After eating, I walk to the hiding place of the clandestine organization I belong to.

"(It would be so nice to get the organization's treasures.)"

"(A pity it would be impossible, my father is always with him, only he has access.)" (I)

"I wish I had more freedom to do what I need to, always helping the idiot wastes a lot of time." (I)

"(I'm sure it'll be about that again)"

"(Surely my brother must have done something bad again, that idiot sucks at his job.)" (I)

For some reason I couldn't stop talking to myself, my mind was boiling with thoughts arising, and also many memories were coming back.

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