Will of chaos

Chapter 928 Cap 926

Chapter 928 Cap 926: The Judge Has Been Judged!

Pov Alan:

The way they all fight is different from me, half of them clearly haven't received any kind of combat training, and even those who are mages use their spells in the middle of combat expecting openings.

I may not agree with the genocide they are committing, but Bianca is right that this decision is not mine, I don't have the power to force them to stop and I can't think of any arguments that would convince Zenos to spare the people who came to do it bad for him.

As the time all died and I saw the Judge make his move, this infuriated me even more, his men were numerous but clearly inexperienced, and he sent them to their deaths so that he could use this last resort, he distorts the Authority his God gave to the Clergy.

A power to bring justice even in the most hopeless of days, now being used by sacrificing her own people, but I know Bianca is more enraged at this Judge than I am, as a Priestess, she cannot accept someone who holds a higher rank than her that she in another Religion do such macabre acts in a predetermined way.

"We should do something! Why do you insist on standing still?" (I)

"This is not our fight, can't you see!? He's going alone." (Bianca)

I look at Zenos, but once he uses this weird Dragon transformation, it doesn't take long for combat to start and my hatred for the Judge reaches new heights.

"(As expected of a coward, he lets others fight for him until the end while hiding behind a strong barrier.)" (I)

The fight was difficult, I know from the movements of the armor that they are empty, as they are not monsters, and they will not have Cores either, so they do not have any weak points.

When he cut his own leg I saw his familiar spirit try to go to him, but the woman named Natasha doesn't allow it, she knew from the beginning about this sacred magic, she even stopped Branca from talking about it earlier today.

I keep watching Zenos fight, he is strong, but not as strong as me in terms of destructive power, but I must admit that he has something that I lack flexibility.

He switches between fight and flight techniques with fluidity, he also knows when to use his spells or Abilities without interrupting his combat rhythm.

But I didn't understand those minutes where he was just defensive, there were many ways for him to get away, but as he didn't do that he ended up taking hard hits, in the end, he ended up using some magic, I didn't understand his magic choices, neither of them would hurt these types of enemies, but somehow there was something else, when the armor came out there was only one, moreover its giant half-molten body was similar to that of some Golems.

It was at that moment when I saw that breath attack, I was far away but I knew he would die if he got hit by that.

But what looked like a monster now, unaffected by emotions, he approached minimizing the damage and caused great injuries to that Vampire.

It was strange to see everyone standing still even with the concern written on their faces, but still, nobody did anything, so came the end when Zenos managed to defeat that thing.

I look at Bianca.

"Not yet." (Bianca)

I can see the Judge's desperation as his barrier fell apart, so he tried to run, but he couldn't.


Pov Zenos:

I walk over to Judge Michael drinking my bottles of blood while healing myself, I can feel his Aura receding as it weakens, the temporary Authority he got has gone all to those Knight Armors from before, and now he has nothing.

"Stay away from me, I am a Judge, a representative of..." (Michael)

"< Blood Curse: 4 Hells >" (I)

He tries to run but that just makes me laugh, I use my threads to hold him while I use some of the Blood on my wounds to draw a Magic Circle with 4 layered Spiritual Runes, a curse I created while accompanying Lilith and Erica on their curse studies, at first I just wanted to spend time with them, but as with almost everything I do, when I find something interesting I am consumed by curiosity and this time I ended up creating something that won their admiration, that alone was enough for me to decide do not use this curse.

With the magic circle, I use my three natural energies and Demonic energy to activate it, then this complex magic circle moves taking the form of a Leech that holds my hand still as I approach the Judge tied in my webs floating in the air.

"You know, there are some things I can't forgive, but the genocide you wanted to do here by betraying people who followed you so cowardly, that's despicable on a level that disgusts me." (I)

"I know I killed them, I probably would have killed them all again, you don't have such a good heart to leave enemies alive who came to attack me and the people I love." (I)

"But I would never betray people who have given me their loyalty as you have, so I will find you guilty of treason against your subordinates." (I)

"Your sentence will be a little experiment with that poor Leech, I've never tested that, and I didn't want to test it either, but I think you've done your bit to get such a reward, so enjoy it for the time it takes for your brain to break down." (I)

"He's all yours, little one." (I)

The Leech jumps out of my hand and seems to sprout wings as it flies at high speed and enters the middle of his forehead, then a 4-jeweled Leech tattoo appears on his forehead.


I make a cocoon and then put a sound barrier around it before floating it along with me back to the ship where everyone's eyes were on the cocoon.

I try to float there without my wings that are still injured, but the closer I was getting to the ship, the more my vision became wavy and a feeling of weakness started to arise in my body.

Cough! Cough!!!

"Damn..." (I)

Unaware of what was happening to my body, I started coughing up copious amounts of blood as internal and external wounds that I thought had healed reopened.

"I think you're more inattentive than I am if you haven't noticed that." (Natasha)

Cough! Cough!!

"..." (I)

I feel someone wrap their arms around me for support, then I feel myself being carried up and placed on a hard floor where many contours are around me.

"(I feel like I'm back on the ship, I must have worried everyone now, but I don't know what's going on with my body.)" (I)

"I could heal you, but that's good practice too." (Natasha)

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