Will of chaos

Chapter 945 Cap 943

Chapter 945 Cap 943: Klaus' Extreme Techniques

I was confused, there were a lot of sparkles in motion and the space itself was shaking, I felt like I was surrounded by the universe as I was fighting things I didn't understand with the only detail that I wasn't controlling my body.



"□■□●●□□●□■●○□■." (I)

Voices clearly filled with anger and murderous intent spoke in a language I didn't understand, but what shocked me was the voice coming out of my mouth speaking in the same language, also because that voice was female.

Also, I knew I was hitting garlic and I was being spawned too, but it didn't really feel like I was looking at something from a person's perspective, like I was in a space virtual reality game in the middle of a fight, with the difference that I don't control anything.

"(You're disturbing me, wait a little longer, we'll meet soon.)"

"(But what...)" (I)

"Haaaa... aaafff.... affff....aaffff..." (I)


"Are you all right, Master?" (Alice)

"Need something?" (Eva)

"..." (I)

"I'm... I'm fine..." (I)

Suddenly I lift my head panting and covered in sweat, I realize that I'm in my bed in the mansion inside the Dungeon, who was next to me were Alice and Eva.

I looked down at my hand that was still shaking, my body was physically exhausted, I didn't have any open wounds or bruises, but I knew I wasn't okay.

"(The circulation of mana is weird, instead of being a single stream running through my entire body, it has become 6 streams with various branches dealing continuous damage throughout my body.)" (I)

My mana was acting out of control, luckily I was low on mana right now, but even this low mana is doing continuous damage to my body, damage that is being healed at the same time, I think if it wasn't for my abnormal regeneration ability, could be in a sorry state right now.

"How do I fix this!?" (I)

"What's the matter master?" (Alice)

"I am fine." (I)

"More importantly, how long was I unconscious?" (I)

"A little over 50 minutes." (Eva)

"Almost 1 hour, so how was the battle? Is it still happening?" (I)

"I can't say master, maybe you should see for yourself? There's no one passing information to the Dungeon." (Alice)

"I'll see about it then." (I)

I got up still a little staggering, but I forced myself to steady my feet, I use one of the Demon Horses to take me to the safe room where I leave the Dungeon alone after teleporting to the first floor.

When I left the Dungeon I saw that I was at the bottom of the Ship and Nix was the only one there, she looked tired, but otherwise, she's fine.

She explains to me everything that happened and that the others had just arrived on the Ship, and everyone was in a meeting to talk about what had happened during the battle.

I go with her to that room where I find Klaus, Arthur, Darcia, Jade, Irius, Ibuki, and Kira being healed by Irina, Silvia, and Vanessa.

"What I lose." (I)


Over the next few hours, I more or less listened to what happened, I was surprised to have another group hidden away, I know it might seem like I knew this or suspected it, but the truth is I just thought that with my horrendous luck something like this would be possible, so I asked the Hero's group, Diana and Karina to be prepared for something like this, I also asked Karina the same but left her group closer to the city.

But it seems that we were all underestimating the enemy strengths, Klaus managed to kill Space Element Mage as we planned when he was weakened, but the two other enemies seem like they were stronger than expected.


"I'm surprised how much you prepared for these eventualities." (Arthur)

"With my bad luck, I always try to be prepared for eventualities, but I didn't expect them to have troops hidden." (I)

"An ambush strategy against anyone attacking, of course, no one would make multiple plans if things went wrong." (Klaus)

"How did you get that hole in your chest? Indeed, how are you still alive with only half a heart?" (I)

I could see the hole in the middle of Klaus's chest, he was covered in wounds, but this was clearly the most fatal one and he spoke normally.

"I had a lifesaving item that received the blessing of the Church of Death, apart from that I also have other techniques to simulate death, this includes the ability to stop the heartbeat and control the flow of blood in the place of the heart in a way more direct." (Klaus)

"You don't have blood magic, you're not a Vampire either, so how do you do that?" (I)

"A mix of precise Aura control, infusion of the shadow element into my blood, and Naraka's help." (Klaus)

I look at him and I don't see his Contracted Spirit, then as if he's noticed my doubt he opens his mouth revealing the Serpent exiting his throat before turning back.

"He is taking care of my blood flow, if I had to do it directly I would have to meditate all the time." (Klaus)

"..." (I)

I look around at everyone and see I wasn't the only one asking that question, Kira is still staring blankly at the hole in her father's chest.

"Do all Night Guardians know this technique beyond extreme?" (I)

"No, this technique needs the element of darkness or shadow and a lot of control, some prodigies with Affinity for the element of water might be capable of something like that too." (Klaus)

"..." (I)

"Don't make a face like that, you can literally change your body structure and arrange your organs however you want." (Nix)

"Interesting..." (Klaus)

"He can do what!?" (Bianca)

"As expected of the Holy Son." (Arthur)

"I cannot compare everyone to my standards, I am fully aware of my abnormalities." (I)

Not everyone can steal Skills from beings they devour like me, even if they could, I don't know if they would be able to use Skills that way.

But even so, I still need my heart, at least I think I do, I don't want to try learning a skill or technique like that.

"Let's change the subject, could someone tell me why the Hero is the only one unconscious?" (I)

"My little brother seems to be having a hard time, but it looks like he's not the only one." (Arthur)

"What difficulties?" (I)

"You would know if you could use your Aura, this idiot just awakened as a true Hero, he awakened his Authority." (Natasha)

"What!? Seriously!?" (I)

"Now come here, let me take care of you." (Natasha)

As she spoke she approached me with an unsettling smile on her face, then she thrusts her hand into my stomach leaving everyone in the room startled and me in a panic.

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