Will of chaos

Chapter 963 Cap 961

Chapter 963 Cap 961: This Is War Part 4

Pov Harthos:

I was removing a sword from my stomach when that strange crow landed on my shoulder.

"[A few dozen inquisitors were invisible while coming in the city.]" (Nicole)

"Where did you go?" (I)

"[I don't know, these family members are not mine and have no useful skills in this situation.]" (Nicole)

"Point the direction." (I)

"Julio!!" (I)

"I'm busy ... you bastard." (Julio)

"< Massacre dance >" (Julio)

"< Freezing Flow >" (I)

"Thank you, but what you need." (Julio)

I look at a place near me where a hybrid killer half-dwarf and half-life of the cat tribe was fighting, I saw him use his daggers in a dance that made blood along with pieces of armor spread, but he He stopped taking the archer in the distance.

I use my skills to multiply a drop of freezing potion in a large mist by killing that archer next to those hidden around him to attack anyone who tried to approach.

"We have invisible inquisitors of unknown level of force in that direction, I leave with you." (I)

"Okay, let's kill these bastards." (Julio)

After saying that she disappears at high speed, after seeing him disappearing in the distance I make the cloud of poison around me fly to the bottle from where I took.

"War situation." (I)

"[We are on a stalemate, they have the larger number, but in a matter of strength both sides are on the same level.]" (Nicole)josei

"..." (I)

While that young man's voice comes out of the bird, I hear everything he says before giving my orders to the other adventurers and soldiers.


Pov Ibuki:

I open my wings made of shadow element mana, I'm flying to the middle of a battle where Ivan, Jade and Barok are.

They were being surrounded by many enemies just for the three dealing, were hundreds and none of them were very weak.

"< Blood Shadow Dance >" (I)

I have to spend a lot of my sister on this magic that I concur with my swords, so I enter the battle crossing a Templar's neck from the back using my sword as I kick a priest towards a spear that was thrown into me.

I run among the enemies that have to break your combat background to make room between your ranks to attack me, but meanwhile I have never been standing in the same place for a long time.

The skill of my sword is a curse applied to the first cut, I asked to be fairs like that because I can't always hit a fatal blow, even more I try to move as much as now.

Your armor has light protective spells that are a bad combination with me that I use the shadow element, so I always have to look for loopholes on the armor to attack.

So far I could only kill 3 with the first one, but I managed to use a curse in over 8 of them while still in combat with Ivan, Barok and Jade.

Those I killed had their blood absorbed by their shadows that rose taking a similar way to mine to attack the soldiers of light, this is the effect of magic that I spent half of my sister.

Each person who kills with my swords gives rise to one of these murderous shadows, this gradually ends the difference in numbers while completely destroying their combat formation.

My companions do not waste time and many green snakes are summoned between the soldiers entering their armor, Ivan spreads waves of fire with every swing of his wife and Barok as always causing a massacre using his strength near his large dragon sword.

It doesn't take long for enemies to be overcome, but it was not an easy process, I broke my arm and had a lot of injuries, it was impossible to escape all the time between the enemy ranks.

"Take this." (Jade)

Jade pushes a bottle of potion in my mouth while Barok puts my arm back in place holding while using healing magic on my arm.

"When did you learn healing magic?" (I)

"I am a front line fighter who uses force in battle, the great dragon Zenos told me that I should learn 1 or 2 healing spells to be safe." (Barok)

"He's right, my mother taught me that once, I use poison to heal myself and Ivan doesn't even have to heal already being dead." (Jade)

"I'm glad them got it without me." (I)

"It was a great help." (Ivan)

Érica and Kira were with me, I left them to help Ivan's group while the two took care of ten Templars coming from us.

When I looked at them I saw Kira take his arm from the last Templar chest before they two approach me.

"(Ibuki, has enemies to his right, how many?)" (Zenos)

"Damn, there are over 300 Templars ..." (I)

"Can I follow the plan?" (Érica)

"(It was close to asking this, do.)" (Zenos)

"< Target Locked >" (Érica)

As soon as Érica and Kira approach me the magic item on my wrist vibrated when I started listening to the master's voice in my head, by the expression of others I know they are also listening.

When we turn towards the direction he spoke we see the Templars advancing in his Pegasus of Light, so he gives an order to Erica that pulls a purple magical crystal that shines strongly as she points to the direction of the enemies, in a short time a multi -elemental radius comes from the direction of the ship reaching them.

After 2 or 3 seconds the lightning stopped and when we can see, we find that the one of the enemies are falling while those who tested are injured.

"Let's end them ..." (Kira)

When we were preparing to end them, suddenly Layla appears between them, so the space in that area seemed to be a bump for a few seconds.

As soon as the ripple is over everything that was left were twisted bodies and crumpled armor, Layla had disappeared somewhere.

"< Bone Shield >" (Ivan)

"< Dragon Sword >" (Barok)

"< Barrier Cursed >" (Érica)

"< Guardian Shadow >" (I)

We all use defensive skills when we feel the danger coming from behind, so a large cross -shaped sword made of light comes towards us crossing all our defenses before penetrating Barok's body that used oneself as a shield to protect us.

We ran to Barok to help, but the enemy already had another sword of these coming towards us, but before we hit the sword of light broke when Kira's father appeared, so he ran toward where the sword had come.

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