Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1050

Chapter 1050: Sarturi, The One Who Devastates

Pov Sarturi (Evil God of Devastation):

Days before the Church of Light's all-out attack against the Black Empire.

In a city in the central region of the continent.

"Now that I have my shadow back these memories have been a nuisance, my body is still adapting." (I)

"The entire city has already been cleared, my lord." (Demon Dragon)

I look at the city, I can see all the blood and flesh scattered around, this sight was disgusting, it seems that my shadow got lost in the hatred I had thousands of years before I was sealed in that Separate Space, it forgot our initial objective.josei

"Start the ritual, I need it for the next part of the plan." (I)

"Yes, my Sir." (Demon Dragon)

I wave my hand making all the blood and flesh go to the same place downtown, I may not like all this death but it's still necessary for my purposes.

I look at the Demon Dragon disappearing towards the center of the city, then I turn to my guest chained by golden chains covered in red Runes.

"I know you can see and hear me through your High Priest." (I)

"You took everything from me so I will also take everything from you, I know that the life of all things is important to you for without life there can be no death, your useless cycle that only causes stagnation." (I)

"I will destroy everything and recreate how it should have been from the beginning." (I)

"Nobody needs to be hungry, nobody needs to die and there doesn't have to be disease." (I)

"A place where everyone will always be safe and no one will know the feeling of loss, no one will know pain or suffering." (I)

"I will be a better God than you..." (I)

I look at the chained skeleton, the flames in its eyes burned an intense red, but different its presence changed, as the flames in its eyes became dark blue and faint, its skull left its body and floated until it was at the height of my eyes.

"I see your prison days have taught you nothing Gregory." (Kalistos)

"Gregory is no more, consuming the Soul of 2 Evil Gods causes too many changes, I can hardly be portrayed as in the past." (I)

"Call me Sarturi." (I)

"Distorting the name of your home world will not do, I see you still try your foolishness, just as in the past I am giving a warning." (Kalistos)

"Stop your folly, your twisted ideas have led a world astray." (Kalistos)

"No, this is your and the Witch of Carnage's fault, if it weren't for you interfering in my world it would still exist!" (I)


I must calm down, letting her drive me once more into a state of rage will not help me, nothing I say will ever be understood by existences that have never known what being a mortal really is.

"I don't care what you think, I just wanted you to know that everything that happens now is your and Selene's fault." (I)

When I finished speaking I destroyed the skull floating already in front of me, it was pretty easy as it was getting more and more damaged by the second.

"This time I will obtain the power of the Gods, this time I will achieve complete godhood, and then destruction will follow before the creation of a new age." (I)

As I uttered my words the ritual was finally activated, the lives and Souls of the people of this town should be enough I hope.

While worrying, I saw the column if purple light appeared, it means that the gates of the netherworld was successfully opened, I couldn't help but smile knowing that he will be back soon, and with your help this time I will succeed.


Pov Zenos:

I was lying on the ground with my body half beaten, it's been 2 days since the meeting where the Spirit of the World Tree told everyone that one of the 3 World Trees of this continent was destroyed.

It reminded me of the state Silvia was in before I planted that World Tree in the Dark Continent, at that time she was only mortally wounded and that was because she was attacked by an Evil God, yet she was able to last for centuries.

It just makes me wonder what kind of existence would destroy a World Tree like that.

While I was thinking about these things, I put a hand to the side of my head, defending a kick from Natasha.

"Your training of her is going much better than expected." (Natasha)

"I've gotten used to this body almost completely, but I'm still struggling a bit with Aura control and I don't even want to mention my energy control." (I)

"You have three more days to take care of it, so don't lose focus, you need to be in top condition..." (Natasha)

"If I could do something with that damn pressure from your Auras..." (I)

"Do you really think we don't know that 3 doesn't act as strongly in your body anymore." (Natasha)

"Now get up soon before I..." (Natasha)

I get to my feet, but before I do something drastic, I wanted to get used to my body, I can't even think about using my powers now I tried testing last night and went back to the hell chair for a few minutes.

I put myself in position and Natasha starts to attack me, she starts with a punch in my face, I defend with my hand while I try to kick her, but class kicks my other leg making me fall to the ground where I turn my body to create distance from Natasha and get a chance to reposition.

But before I have the chance she appears on my back grabbing my neck from behind before throwing me to the ground again, I always end up losing to her with ease, under these conditions I have no chance of making even a scratch on her body.

"Get some rest, then come back to continue training, so enjoy the next few hours." (Natasha)

"Thanks." (I)

I walk away from her heading in the direction where Freya is, I just hope I find something to eat with them before I head back.

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