Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1069

Chapter 1069: You Are Crazy!?

Pov Julius (Black Emperor):

"You guys really are troublesome to kill." (I)

"< Sun Rain >" (Holy Knight A)

"< One Hundred Thousand Luminous Blades >" (Holy Knight B)josei

I was fighting 6 of the Holy Knights inside my Territory that became an Imaginary Realm.

Countless Demons arise from the Imaginary city wearing soldiers' armor to attack my enemies, these Soldiers are fueled by the murderous intent of the surroundings, which thanks to the war is on the heights, causing an infinite number of Demon Soldiers to arise to attack the 6 castles of light.

Thanks to the overwhelming numbers, I was able to kill the first Holy Knight with ease, but the second one was killed when he defended against my attack and was unable to protect himself from the hundreds of other weaker attacks coming towards him.

The third as well as the fourth Holy Knights were much harder to kill, they had gotten stronger and I know the reason.

Those I kill are bestowing the power they possess to those still alive, this is shortening their lives little by scratching the strength and more power than their bodies can handle, but because the compatibility between them is high it is not something that will negatively influence your fight now.

As soon as the last two were left, the difference in numbers no longer made sense, they had enough power to launch area attacks devastating my Territory, so I could no longer wait for an opportunity, I had to act.

"< Demon Magic: Sin of Pride Rise >" (I)

Like many Demons, I am no exception to being linked to one of the sins, in this case, Pride that symbolizes our race, it is also the pride of who I am that gives me power.

I run towards one of them with a sword in my hand making a magic circle in front of me where I pass inside, when I leave the other side my body is overloaded with power by forcing all my power to become miasma inside my body at the same time that all my Demonic power was fused into my flesh greatly enhancing my characteristics as a Demon.

In this state, I can't use magic anymore, but that wouldn't matter against this enemy who can go against my Demonic energy head-on, so I prefer to attack like this.

"< Piercing Demonic Blade >" (I)

I gather all my power for this attack at the same time as arrows come towards us from the city, these arrows cannot hurt me, but they can cause serious damage to them.

"< Sacred Area >" (Holy Knight A)

"< Wings of the Sunscreen >" (Holy Knight B)

My target creates an area of holy energy using the power of their castle of light, this makes it difficult for my Demons to get close to them while also hindering my progress.

The second Holy Knight doesn't just stare, he directs his power towards the white wings making them sing a golden hue like gold as they become bigger covering the two of me from my attack.

"< Holy Court >" (Holy Knight A)

When my attack lands on the wing I realize that it looks like metal, even the sound was that of metal colliding, then a blast of Holy power hits me making my body retreat hundreds of meters, but at this moment the defenses disappear revealing that one of them was injured, exactly the one whose wings still had some tinge of golden color.

I look at my tail whose tip was cut off before looking at the other Knight of Light who was my initial target, he had his sword full of my blood, they didn't notice that I sent my tail underground to attack making my tail Charged with power, it bypassed normal defenses and penetrated his Armor defenses to pierce his head from the neck to the top of the skull.

I'd like to completely destroy him, but I'm not good at dice against Alma.

"What are you..." (I)

Against my expectations the Holy Knight still unharmed cuts the head of his companion who didn't even try to defend himself, then his companion's power passes to him making his armor light up while his wings are replaced by 3 pairs of wings made of condensed light.

"You really are deplorable." (I)

"Shut up Demon! You don't understand our selfless commitment to bring purification to this world." (Holy Knight A)

"< Summoning: Genocide Sword >" (I)

Every time I invoke this sword I need to use my Demonic Energy as well as my life energy while preparing the Summon it distracts for mere seconds the Holy Knight that was left before he realized what I was doing when he advanced in line towards the direction that was when my hand held the hilt of the Sword that crossed the void covered in blood.

"< Sword That Pierces Night >" (Holy Knight)


"..." (I)

"< Power of Demon Ruler >" (I)

I managed to move the sword enough to deflect the gigantic sword of light that his weapon had become, but I was still thrown back hundreds of meters.

I took advantage of this distance to use all my power, instead of sharing my Territory's power with Demon Soldiers who are not able to even approach the enemy, so I concentrate this power of my Territory into mine, enduring the pressure on my Soul for exceed my limits.

My whole body is covered in a black energy that only grows more and more gathering from the very space around us, meanwhile, the last Holy Knight points his sword upwards while breaking something in his hands l, then a column of light descends from the sky around him while dealing great damage to my Territory, then the Holy Knight's Armor and wings become completely golden and his Aura becomes the very Holy Power that surrounds his body.

"(You damn...)" (I)


Pov Zenos:

I was exhausted in the middle of the afternoon after everything I'd done today and yet I didn't have time to rest when Klaus appeared in front of me in the living room of the mansion where I was looking at the fire in the fireplace while thinking.

"You are much more different than you imagined." (Klaus)

"It's good to see you too, but it would be nice for once not to feel this murderous intent." (I)

"My subordinate told me about you finding out about her, thanks for not telling Kira." (Klaus)

"You may have your reasons, but I hope you tell your daughter when you have to leave." (I)

"Don't try to say what I should or shouldn't say to my daughter." (Klaus)

Klaus sits in front of me, he looks around and I feel a barrier rise up around the room, but it wasn't done by him, I can feel the spatial element in the barrier, I also feel it to be Spiritual Energy.

"Who else is here?" (I)

"Nobody, this is an item that the King of the Gray Elves gave me, I just don't want others to know that I want to talk to you." (Klaus)

"(I hardly hide anything from my teammates and family, he must know this and even then he does it to show the seriousness of the situation.)" (I)

"To begin with, you need to understand..." (Klaus)


I spent an hour together with Kira's father with him telling him about many things that happened, he also mentioned a little bit about the one who destroyed the World Tree.

He told me about how instead of destroying the World Tree, the Evil God tried to take its power, which made the trap even more effective.

But it seems that even the Gray Elf King's body is not able to bear carrying the Soul of the World Tree.

Another problem that arose was the army of monsters that are surrounding the World Tree, these monsters keep regenerating and seem to not have a Soul and their bodies do not have vital energy, the core in their bodies seems to be the only way to kill them if not count the complete destruction of the body.

With all of this going on and Klaus who was involved in all of this still came looking for me for one reason only.

"You are crazy!?" (I)

"You want me to go to a place full of unknown, hard-to-kill monsters, where a dangerous Evil God is temporarily trapped and all without knowing who else might be beside him waiting there?" (I)

"We are not asking you to fight, we have ways to fight the Evil God in question, we also have many ways to fight the monsters, but I still need you to take care of the World Tree." (Klaus)

"..." (I)

This is the same conversation as before when I was asked to plant a World Tree, it seems that the power of Chaos that I possess can synchronize with the power of harmony that a World Tree has serving to enhance its power, two opposites nourish each other forming a cycle.

"But this time it's different, I didn't see I was planting a new and still weak World Tree." (I)

"You want me to do this with the Soul of an ancient World Tree and at full power, my body won't withstand something an Elf King wasn't able to withstand." (I)

I spent a lot of time listening to him, his plan was risky, but it wouldn't be as risky as most things I do, but it looks like we have to leave now, I can't wait until tomorrow as they're in preparation for the attack quickly.

"Master, someone is waiting for you… hi, Klaus." (Ibuki)

"Nice to see you again... Ibuki, correct?" (Klaus)

"Yes, I thought I saw you in the city..." (Ibuki)

"(I forgot that there is still someone else wanting to talk to me, this day seems to have no end...)" (I)

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