Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1139

Chapter 1139: Cap 1137: Frontier City part 2

Soon two people approach our Ship, I say people, but it was actually a Giant with 2 pairs of wings and a Mermaid who had feathers instead of scales along with a pair of wings on her back. 

But before the two could say anything the space rippled in the surrounding area causing several monsters to appear, these monsters were spherical in shape with multiple eyes without irises or pupils all over its surface, as soon as rays of light were coming out of those eyes in a hail of attacks against our Floating Ship and the two that came for us. 

I already knew that the two weren't enemies, so I concentrated on the creatures in question, as the number of enemies was growing rapidly, I couldn't sit still and do nothing. 

"< Spatial Impact >" (I) 

I use space magic in one direction creating a solid wall by bending and compressing space to collide with these monsters, their light ray attacks being deflected by the fold in Space, but as soon as my magic collided with the monsters it broke. 

"..." (I) 

"These monsters are called Observers of Light, their only way of attacking are these rays of light that they can launch from any of the eyes on the body, they also have the ability to manipulate the space they use to move around, change the direction of their rays of light and create a rigid defense around you." (Ortiz) 

"Do they have any weaknesses?" (I) 

"Aside from the sheer brutality of using more power than they can handle, Aura attacks can break through their barriers as they lack the ability to use Auras for the most part." (Ortiz) 

"We will try." (I) 

I look at Ortiz pointing at the two who came from Frontier City, the Giant seemed to be using a colossal sword with Aura condensed around it as a weapon and the Winged Mermaid was using groundless Ice magic from her Aura, it looks like Ortiz is right. 

"< Blood Needles >" (I) 

I bit my hand causing the blood to leak like a fountain under my control that I use to create needles by crystallizing that blood in this type of form, my blood is able to keep a large amount of my Aura inside for long periods of time even when I am far away of me. 

"< Dance of Blood and Binding >" (I) 

I've created hundreds of blood needles where I attach threads coming out of my hand, so I use magic for the needles to always pass through the closest targets without ever repeating the same target more than 3 times. 

With that, all I need to do is stand still supplying Mana through lines that can stretch indefinitely. 

I just watch my needles pierce the round body full of eyes like it's nothing, their movement speeds are also very fast. 

The blood needles so quickly pass through one monster before moving on to the next without ever stopping and looping through the air always causing movements that are difficult to predict. 

Meanwhile, the threads created an endless tangle with nothing obstructing it but the monsters' bodies, when I saw that I had caught the majority fraud I smiled as I used my Limit Overcoming Skill along with my Physical Strengthening Skill to pull the threads as hard as I could muster, it made all these tied up monsters collide with each other forming a giant sphere of flesh bringing a smile to my face. 

"< Blood Curse: Life Incineration >" (I) 

I use my Aura, Authority together with my Curse, Blood, Fire, and Life affinities to create a cursed flame that burns the target's life force as fuel and cannot be extinguished by anything other than Death Energy, Holy Power, and Authority of some kind. 

"It looks like a new sun has risen in the sky." (Diana) 

"So cute..." (Ibuki) 

"White and red flames, an interesting Curse concept, maybe if..." (Érica) 

"The others started to run away, should I follow?" (Kira) 

"It doesn't seem to be necessary." (I) 

I look at the two who were fighting at the beginning, but I keep seeing the monsters leave and start to just watch without doing anything letting the monsters get away. 

"How long will this burn?" (Ortiz) 

"I don't know, this is the first time I've used this curse on so many creatures crowded together and already... Hades?" (I) 

I was looking at the new miniature sun in front of us, it is burning in mostly White flames with a red flame seeming to burn deeper within the Sun, it was very beautiful. 

I was enjoying the view now that both the bloodlines and needles were burning along with the monsters, with no danger coming back I decided to just enjoy the view by talking to those around me. 

Suddenly while I was talking to Ortiz I noticed a movement at high speed, it was Hades that appeared from somewhere without me noticing him, it was strange to see someone so similar to me throwing himself into a miniature of the Sun. 

And I even had the impulse to go after him knowing that I wouldn't be hurt by this curse, but I felt something through my connection with Hades, a strong desire and desire to do something, so I decided to leave it to him, I must at least respect his will. 

Meanwhile, the two who came from the city approach and pass through the space bubble around the Floating Ship, the winged Mermaid closes her wings and her fish-like bottom becomes beautiful legs, she was wearing a blue and white feather dress that highlights with your brown skin. 

The giant on the other hand had its wings disappearing from its back as it shrunk down to 1.95 meters tall, its white skin full of scar marks as well as a build of muscles larger than the width of my body didn't do much to lessen the pressure their presence exerted. 

Ortiz walked over to the two as they landed on the ship's deck when he exchanged a light bow in greeting with the woman and received a hug that could have been considered a giant attack, I could have sworn I heard the sound of bones breaking. 

It seemed Ortiz was known to them, which I should have expected when he spoke of being raised half his life in Border Town. 

He brings the two towards me speaking in a low voice to them, but for people of our level of strength and with senses that no other person would understand their conversation could be heard as if they were talking normally next to me. 

It seems that Ortiz is just talking to them about me being the new Primordial Dragon and that I was called by this Orsel to come here, also explaining that all those around are my followers or family. 

It seems like he wants to smooth over the first meeting between us by telling them about me, but I noticed he neglected to talk about my sisters who are known as Living Calamities and me being a Demigod son of the Blood Goddess. 

I might as well get on with it. 

"Sir, allow me to introduce, this is Tinary and Olaf, the two are part of Border Town's subjugation troops." (Ortiz) 

Even though I was looking at them and listening to what they were saying, my almost complete attention was still on the huddle of monsters trapped in flames, that's why I was curious and worried about Hades inside. 

I still don't know where he came from or why he threw himself into something I'm comparing to a Sun, but I don't think for a moment that he's doing it by accident or stupidity, the little I've talked to him about demonstrates that he it is smart enough to identify the danger for itself. 

m "Nice to meet you Miss Tinary and Mr Olaf, I'm sorry our first time meeting was so eventful." (I) 

"These pests have no time to strike and are always numerous making it a huge waste of time for someone like me to fight, thanks for dealing with them." (Olaf) 

"What this giant means is that we are happy to welcome you to our Border Town, Mister Zenos." (Tinary) 

"But I must agree that it's weird for them to be in such a large group with no other monsters tagging along." (Tinary) 

"Do these monsters appear around here a lot?" (I) 

"Unfortunately yes, what makes fighting them worse is the ineffectiveness of most area attack techniques, as you saw in our attacks." (Tinary) 

"She's right sir, what you did was very effective and even created enough fear to send others running." (Ortiz) 

"It was an excellent attack, if you have one or more weapons that have the function to control the distance and maybe lines or some kind of finer chain then you could do something similar, this is a single attack approach with area attack characteristics which can generate control effects during combat..." (Olaf) 

"Don't get lost in your thoughts about fights, we have a role here, don't get distracted." (Tinary) 

"I'm not distracted, don't worry about me." (Olaf) 

"What my companion wishes to say is welcome to Border Town." (Tinary)  josei

"What she said." (Olaf) 

"Is the landing place still the same?" (Ortiz) 

"Yes, I imagine that spatial bubble around the Floating Ship is yours, so follow my instructions…" (Tinary) 

I let Ortiz take care of things, but I wasn't leaving until Hades returned.

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