Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1193

Chapter 1193: Cap 1191: The True Power Of A Deity

Ever since this enemy appeared I feel like I'm using every muscle in my body at once to contain him, but that's just a feeling since we're still inside a mental realm. 

But it wasn't far from the kind of effort I was making to contain this thing and I wasn't even able to completely contain it, this enemy was sending echoes of its will after my Familiars and Divine Servants. 

I still couldn't see the enemy, I just know that he is inside that chained Sun, he is constantly struggling, his Aura just like Authority constantly collides against the chains causing immense pain for me and probably for Caitlyn as well it was something hard to bear. 

"Damn, it's been 5 attacks, I can't keep invading their minds like I've been doing, one of them almost had his mind destroyed by what I did." (I) 

"Sir, I have something to report..." (Hades) 

"If it's not urgent, then leave it for later... YOU'RE NOT GOING!!!!" (I) 

I see a ray of light trying to get through a gap in containment heading towards one of the stars where Sakura just entered. 

I spread my wings and the ray of light manages to incinerate part of my wing, I clench my teeth tightly as I refuse to show any suffering to this idiot, I will not give this pleasure to him. 

"Need help, Mr. Zenos." (Hades) 

"Of course I need help... get rid of those damn targets soon!!!" (I) 

My scream seems to have been very easy making Hades fly backwards disappearing into another star, I look at this star a little uncomfortable for how I acted with Hades who was only trying to help. 

But I didn't have time to regret it now, I can talk to him later and I went back to focusing on my companions. 


"Shut up you bastard!!" (I) 

Honestly, it was scary just being near this thing, I'm sure in a fight I would get squashed every time always on the first hit, I don't even know how I'm resisting his Aura so well that seems to be burning mine continuously, it feels like I If I'm holding an iron door that's blocking a fire on the other side, even though I'm holding the door my hands behind are burning from the heat. 

"You have to hold out until we've wiped out all targets if we try to do anything to him now, it will alert the really strong ones on this planet and probably the God of Light himself." (Caitlyn) 

"You talk as if we were able to do something to him, I almost completely lost my wing in that last swing of his and I'm holding him by a hair, I wouldn't be able to do anything in a fight against this thing." (I) 

"Had I been at my full power, I would have eradicated him quickly, but even without that I can still do something, it's just not the time." (Caitlyn) 

"Fine, then do it...HOW IS HE DOING THIS!!!!" (I) 

I close my eyes and have to split my mind in three to keep control of Caitlyn's side, while the other two parts of my mind are to take control of Orion and Nix's bodies making them hit the heads of the people who are talking, which causes the dream to break, expelling the two from inside. 

"It was an imposter, now move on to the next one!" (I) 

Without saying anything else, the two enter each a different star, meanwhile, I feel a strong headache for what I just did in an already mentally exhausting situation. 

"Damn it!!!" (I) 

"Caitlyn, how many are left?" (I) 

"There are 189 to go, it's been a long time since we've been here, it's almost dawn where these people are trapped, but we should still have enough time to score the rest." (Caitlyn) 

"Was Navar's magic enough?" (I) 

"Yes, it would be enough to do that two more times, it should not be long now." (Caitlyn) 

"I hope so, I won't put up with this forever." (I) 


Pov Hades: 

I was standing looking at a person kneeling on the ground, a man well past 20 years old, dark blue hair slicked back and tied in a ponytail, the landscape around us was a Church where the symbols of the Church of Light were destroyed and the pedestal where the statute the God of Light should be is empty. 

"I didn't expect to find a Templar, especially a Celestino asking to change sides." (I)  josei

"I have nothing to hide, never have, where we are now you can see my memories if I let you, so see..." 

"..." (I) 

As he speaks, a current of energy flows through me as if it were always there, within seconds I saw snippets of this man's memories, a bit of his childhood, and then much of his youth, including why he was here. 

"It won't bring her back or redeem what you've done in the past." (I) 

"I won't deny or hide what I've done, that's my burden to carry, call me a hypocrite if you like, acting this way after all I've done is laughable even for me." 

"I don't laugh at the will of others, especially when they are as determined as you are." (I) 

"But that still doesn't answer the question I asked earlier, why should I trust someone changing sides?" (I) 

"I can brand my own Soul with the crest of your God or Divinity if you like, all I ask in return is a chance to fight the Church of Light." 

"Your fate is not mine to decide, but I will help you get out of here, take my hand, and claim your freedom, if you still want a chance you will have the chance to try." (I) 

"I accept this deal, but without a God to accept me, the Light Templar mark will not leave my body." 

"Take this with you, I'm sure you understand how to use it." (I) 

"< Last Will >" (I) 

As soon as he takes my hand, a large amount of my Authority and Blood Power mixes with my Holy Power entering his body and gathering in his heart, this is a technique that lady Natasha taught me months ago. 

But this technique is slightly different due to the differences between Master and Mistress Natasha's Authorities, but it still serves its purpose. 

"This is your first decision, I won't tell you what to do, follow your true will and you'll know, then we'll see if you follow your will until the end." (I) 

I turn my back on him and after a few steps away he was already out of his dreams, that's when I saw the Master weakened and covered in injuries. 

In his eyes I saw that I shouldn't approach, his will was even stronger than the last time I saw it, but I don't know how much his mind will endure. 

"I must be faster." (I) 

Without thinking twice, I set out without another star to sink into a new dream. 


Pov Zenos: 

Fortunately, there haven't been any more Echoes of Will from him inside the dreams, but on the other hand, he's been making more and more attacks, always aiming at the stars that represent the dreams where my companions are inside. 

I tried to defend with all I had which was my own body, in this space between dreams I can't use most of my Skills and spells, my Aura and Authority are being used to protect this star field from his will otherwise these people would have their minds broken and maybe even their Souls injured, not to mention I don't know what would happen to my comrades inside if something like that happened. 

That's why for these more focused attacks I only have my own body left to defend these attacks, I couldn't let my sister do that since she was keeping this whole Magical Ritual working, I can feel that she is more on the edge than me to maintain all of it like that. 

"How many left!?" (I) 

"Less than 10..." (Caitlyn) 

I look up with the only eye I have left and take in her half-transparent body, it looks like she's passed her limit a long time ago. 

"Don't worry about me, I'm just running out of energy." (Caitlyn) 

"LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!" 

I looked at the Sun when a spear tried to hit my sister, I use my hand to grab the spear before it hit her, but the force of the attack still continued as if the spear was trying to fly out of my hand. 

"Break!!!" (I) 

I sweated my pure Dark Affinity, Holy Power, and Authority into a curse of corruption, that's when I felt light consciousness inside the weapon, I increased my power more and more, and the weapon stopped trying to hit my sister and struggled to get out of my grip hands. 

"Drop my SPEAR!!!" 

"If you didn't want to lose your gun, you shouldn't be throwing it around!" (I) 

I wouldn't let a chance like that pass, I was angry and very frustrated that I was being beaten up all this time, I'm not going to let a chance like that pass. 

The spear that previously appeared to be carved out of white marble itself now has a spiral bladed spear tip slowly changes colors until the marble looks more like red metal as the spiral blade begins to reshape into two serrated looking blades brutal, in the end even the conscience he felt inside was swallowed by the curse causing images of black leeches to appear as decorations on the shaft of the spear. 

"Now that spear is mine." (I)  n0.0

The spear that seemed alive flies to the side of my head pointing to the Sun, and then suddenly all my Familiars and Divine Servants appear around me, in that same moment I see the stars go out one at a time until only us remain and the sun chained. 

"Now that I no longer need to hold 30,000 people, I'm going to show you, Little Brother, what the true power of a Divinity is." (Caitlyn)

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