Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1199

Chapter 1199: Cap 1197: Divine Power

Pov Ragnar: 

I was already surprised that he had come all this way, I thought there was a remote possibility that he was on this planet, but to really find him here of all possible Divinities, really Master's luck will be our undoing if not today for sure one day. 

I tried to stall for time but it was useless from the start, he knew about the Dungeon, he knew about Nix and he knew about the Hero's plan. 

The master was still able to retrieve Nix from his hands was a surprise, but the biggest surprise was my mother showing up here, I felt something strange inside me since the presence of Oros covered everything, but I didn't expect that there was this inside me and asked when my mother made it. 

The important thing is that her showing up was a relief, the God of Beasts told me a long time ago that my mother was slightly stronger than my father, that's why he only did something against me in my mother's moment of weakness right after my birth and yet he was not able to stop her from saving my Soul. 

I thought her being here would change something, but the more she teased Oros the way she did, I realized that something was wrong, my mother hates Oros and I know that her murderous intent against him is not a lie. 

My mother is someone who values life for everything, in the situation we are in their struggle could have repercussions on the nearby planet, even we would be affected and so knowing my mother the best course of action would be to run away, she would not let her emotions dominate her that way. 

I couldn't understand what was going on, but I knew our situation was bad when Master tried to talk to me through our mental connection, unfortunately, there was nothing I could do, I couldn't even move my body under the pressure of these two like that. like the others. 

But then came Master's message, right after he closed his connection with me, I looked at him realizing I wasn't the only one, I had a bad feeling, but all I could do is trust him, knowing his way of acting I knew he would something reckless and hoped the others would figure it out on their own, whatever the Master is going to do, we're going to have to act fast on his instructions we're going to have to obey my mother. 

I waited a few seconds and nothing happened, almost two minutes passed and nothing was happening other than my mother's exchange of insults against Oros, as that time passed the Territory that Oros was trying to create all this time was progressing to the pits even with the Hero's preparations to buy time, I kept looking at the Master waiting what he would do until the moment when his previously restricted presence exploded while his voice was resonating as if speaking directly to my Soul. 

"< Eclipse Blessings: Between Harmony and Chaos >" (Zenos) 

His presence was different, I could feel something is wrong, it felt like his presence was just the shell hiding something behind as this level of pressure was on par with my Mother and Oros pushing their presences at the same time. 

Not even half a second passed after that when his stomach exploded in red mist that evaporated, and a sphere surrounded by rings spinning around it flew out from within the Master's wound. 

The rings around the sphere were spinning faster and faster as it moved in the air like a fish thrashing about, this all happened very quickly as the sphere and rings become pure energy exploding like an explosion of pure Authority, I could feel the Master's Authority intertwining other Authorities, I could feel his Aura tearing apart in the process as the space around us vibrates as it reveals an Eclipse that appears as if it has always been there in the sky. 


That's when the sky was filled with cracks as the presence of my Mother and Oros was suppressed, the Territory of Oros itself that was not even complete fell apart causing it to spit blood, I saw several figures in white and gold robes emerging through the cracks while shivering. 

"We don't have time, don't let go of my hair!" (Mother) 

I see strands of my mother's hair stretching around everyone, the suppression around us had disappeared, but when I looked at the Master I saw his body literally falling apart with large chunks of flesh and bone turning to dust being sucked into the Eclipse image. 

It was then that more images began to form like Beasts roaring around us as this barren Moon became a living forest with mountains and volcanoes, the skies turned red as Fairies danced and Spirits sang, then from the edges of the Eclipse, a drop of blood dribbled down only to mid-air become a Dragon. 

That moment that passed in seconds seemed to last for hours as waves of power that didn't belong to the Master collided with each other for each new image appearing in succession until they all became one by overlapping, then a wave of power that I know very well surged, a surge of power caused by the spark of something far beyond Authority, it was "Divine Power" something only a God can truly possess and manipulate. 

It was at that moment that I found myself being dragged into one of the cracks in space without realizing it, before I could understand what was happening my vision became blurred while my mind was confused, when I regained my composure it was a desert in the middle of a storm, there were poles shaking on the ground while my mother's presence was everywhere. 

But none of that mattered when my eyes sought out the Master only to come into my vision, a dry body with skin covered in cracks, no eyes, no hair, a hanging jaw, and large body parts missing as if they had been ripped off at random, even with all these grotesque wounds not even a drop of blood was coming out of the body and I didn't need to think to understand the reason, there was no blood to come out. 

"Teacher!!!!" (All) 

My scream delayed a mere second between looking and realizing what I was seeing before I left, but even then it was just another scream among all the others as we ran towards him only to be stopped by a barrier. 

"Calm down and do what I say, we don't have time, get Natasha now and the rest of the Familiars follow my instructions!" (Mother) 

"..." (I) 

My mother was the Divine Beast of Life, her power and long life are more than adequate to take care of Master, there was no need to argue with her or despair, so I ran to Layla before she became frantic, among all of us she was the only one who would lose control of his emotions when it comes to the Master at the same time I saw Hades running to catch Nix who is still unconscious with parts of what was left. 

"(What have you done, Master.)" (I) 

My mother was on top of Master's body, and a red energy flowed from her body to Master's body, this was a lighter red color and I could feel it being pure vitality, while she was doing this Nix woke up, and was already in bed on my side looking seriously at Master. 

Not only that, but Hades seems to have done something when a magic circle forms with his blood and Cynthia and Haku emerge from it. 

"You who are Familiar to him, I want you to use your energies to run through his body, do it slowly to adjust his natural flow of energy." (Mother)  josei

"The Divine Servants, I want you to make your Auras along with the power if your Authorities reach his Soul." (Mother) 

"Can I do something?" (Alan) 

"No, just back off." (Mother) 

Everyone followed my mother's instructions, Master was surrounded on all sides as our energies coursed through his body, this wasn't difficult as we were all his Familiar, and our power faced no resistance entering his body, but it wasn't staying inside of his body. 

I could feel that half of our energy was leaking out and it wasn't just us facing this problem, the same was happening with the Aura and Authority of the Divine Servants. 

But my mother just nodded without saying anything, I felt her Aura extending towards us as she guided our energies to run through Master's body, I felt his body react to our energy with small amounts being absorbed. 

"Then I want to know what happened here!" (Natasha) 

Natasha jumped from the Master's shadow that lay beside her body along with a Fairy, then without saying anything she looked at my mother and the Master before slashing her wrist with her claws as she approached his mouth. 

As my power was circulating through Master's body, I could feel that the blood and vitality entering his body was being rapidly consumed like water being thrown into the desert, but it was not in vain when I noticed the wounds starting to heal at a much lower rate what is expected of the Master. 

"What did this idiot do to get like this!? His body is collapsing at the same time as it heals itself, if you stop giving my blood to himself your Vitality won't do anything." (Natasha) 

"He used Divine Power, a single spark of such power combined with multiple True Deities." (Mother) 

"WHAT!!??" (Natasha) 

"This is impossible!!" (Natasha) 

"That idiot is not a God, at least not yet, it could take centuries or even a few thousand years..." (Natasha) 

"He somehow fused the power of the Blessings of the various Gods within him creating a spark of Divine power without having a Deity of his own to control that power, the worst was the Deities of the Various Gods overlapping each other causing the surrounding space to collapse, the result is what you see." (Mother) 

"I'll want to know more about this later, but right now we have to take care of him." (Natasha) 

"Once we're done here let's take him to the Communal Temple, soaking in his Statue's blood fountain will help, the Spirit and Fairy Temples will also be able to nourish him." (Natasha) 

"..." (I) 

Master was far from being well, I knew that from the look of my mother and Master's sister when I looked at Hades his face was horrified, the other two God Servants also didn't seem to be well, it made me understand that his Soul must also be in a bad state.  n0.0

"(You have to be fine, Master!)" (I)

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