Will of Сhaos

Chapter 440

Chapter 440: Invocation

I was feeling dizzy from the weakness I was feeling but I held on even as my legs shook, this wasn't the first time I felt this way and it probably wouldn't be the last.

Karina who opened her eyes looked at her hands and noticed that her scales changed color, then she noticed that her wings that should have been on her back were gone, but soon when she got scared not seeing her wings, maybe due to the fright one Black energy comes out of its back forming wings with black scales.

It seems that now her wings can appear or disappear at will like Vanessa's and mine wings.

But Karina still hasn't noticed that she is without clothes, her clothes were torn during the awakening ceremony.

Vanessa who was far away comes to us and throws a blanket behind Karina to cover her body, then right up to me for support so I don't fall due to the weakness I was feeling.

"..." (I)

"Thank you..." (I)

"You're pale, get some rest, here's a blood replacement potion, an MP potion, a resistance potion, a Ki potion, and three bottles of Fresh Blood."  (Vanessa)

"..." (I)

"No need to say anything, just drink it all, in a few minutes you'll be feeling better."  (Vanessa)

I start drinking the potions Vanessa was giving me one at a time as Vanessa turns to Karina.

"How do you feel?"  (Vanessa)

"I feel light as if something very heavy has been lifted off of me, I also feel a great power coursing through my whole body..." (Karina)

"Haha hahahahahaha..." (Karina)

"I've never felt so free and strong before... hahahahaha..." (Karina)

An Aura full of power comes out of Karina, I can also feel a significant change in her presence, she seems to have more authority somehow.

"Finally...finally I became a High Priestess of the Great Dragon God..." (Karina)

"Now you must feel another form of energy inside you, right?"  (Vanessa)

"Yes, but I can't use..." (Karina)

Karina closes her eyes looking like she's trying to feel something, soon after she seems to get frustrated with something.

"This is Holy Energy, I'll teach you how to use it later, but your priority should be training to adapt to changes in your strength and body."  (Vanessa)

"True, I have to be in the best possible condition for battle in a few days."  (Karina)

"Now let's go back."  (Vanessa)

We all started to fly to the safe room on the 12th floor, actually, I was carried as I couldn't put the strength in my wings to get off the ground.

After I got back and spent the rest of the day resting, Karina seems to have found a good training partner calling Nix to train with her.

While Karina was training I spent the rest of the day meditating to recover faster.


That night I was at the top of the tree where we were living watching the starry sky when she appeared.

"You finally showed up."  (I)

"How not to show up when you're spreading your Aura all over the night sky?"  (Luthien)

"Lucky that only 7 Elves in the entire village are capable enough to perceive your Aura, the vast majority of them didn't notice anything, otherwise they would have been scared."  (Luthien)

"I wanted to get your attention."  (I)

"There are better ways to call me."  (Luthien)

"I want to ask you something, do you happen to have Evil Seeds and the Core of some rare monster?"  (I)

With my strange question, the Elf Queen was looking at me not understanding the purpose of what I was talking about.

"I suppose this is one of her preparations for the monsters that are about to attack the village in a few days, right?"  (Luthien)

"Yes, this is part of my preparations."  (I)

"I can get you the Monster Core, the Core of a very rare Unique monster."  (Luthien)

"But evil seeds aren't something I can let you acquire without knowing the exact reason for it."  (Luthien)

"I figured that, but I'm glad you had both, I wasn't sure if you'd have the Evil Seed until now."  (I)

"What I have isn't exactly an Evil Seed, it's an Evil Crystal, an item that is being sealed in this village, this was created by the servants of an Evil God over 5000 years ago, this item must have around 100 Evil Seeds inside his."  (Luthien)

"This is perfect, much better than I initially expected."  (I)

"What do you want to do with these things?"  (Luthien)

"A Summoning."  (I)

"..." (Luthien)

"Hahahahaha..." (Luthien)

"You don't have to laugh like that, it makes it sound like I'm telling a joke."  (I)

"I'm sorry, but this Heretic Crystal was going to be used for an attempt to summon an Heretic God in the past, actually there were many other crystals like this, but they were destroyed in the battle against that Heretic God."  (Luthien)

"This happened in a separate space that no longer exists, this crystal was also supposed to have been destroyed, but I was afraid that destroying this could release a lot of malice at the same time, so I chose to seal the crystal."  (Luthien)

"Why would you want something like that for a summon?"  (Luthien)

"I was thinking about getting a strong Familiar to help us during the monster attack in a few days."  (I)

"The reason I want an item so full of malice is that the power I possess is a power that can convert all that darkness into potential and power for the target of my power."  (I)

"Did you want to use this Evil item to summon an evil creature before using its power?"  (Luthien)

"Yes, I wanted to synthesize this crystal with the core of a monster with a lot of potentials before using it for summoning."  (I)


"You are crazy?"  (Luthien)

"..." (I)

"Whatever creature you summon, who says you'll even have the opportunity to use that power of yours or if the creature will cooperate with you?"  (Luthien)

"(That's true, it worked for Hela because she was summoned by the Dungeon, so she was obligated to obey me from the start.)" (I)

"(But I don't know if the creature I summon will obey me.)" (I)

"Is the summon you to want to do through the dungeon, using a summoning magic circle or using a summoning skill?"  (Luthien)

"A skill."  (I)

"Summoning skills are more about creating a monster than summoning it from somewhere else."  (Luthien)

"Like this?"  (I)

"A Summoning ability uses the Summoner's Aura to attract a creature's soul before creating a body similar to a first-generation monster that is compatible with the summoned soul, the summoner's power, and whatever. used as an offering during the invocation."  (Luthien)

"An offer during the summon is optional, but it helps to get a better summon."  (Luthien)

"But there's still a chance the summoned creature won't obey the summoner, so your idea might bring an enemy to you if you can't suppress it with your power."  (Luthien)

"I only need a second to activate my ability, after that even if the creature resists it will only make the process last longer and turn into a fight of resistance."  (I)

"Accept his proposal, Luthien."  (Luth)

"With the power of the trinity, he should be able to control the situation safely, besides he can do it close to me for better security."  (Luth)josei

Suddenly the World Tree spirit appeared on my other side, she had an amused smile on her face.

"I'm curious if he'll be able to convert an Evil being into a normal creature, that's something difficult even for me to do, maybe it's a unique ability for an Incarnation of Chaos like you."  (Luth)

"Are you sure?"  (Luthien)

"In the worst case, you can just kill the creature."  (Luth)

"Truth."  (Luthien)

"How long have you been listening?"  (I)

"From the beginning, Luthien's senses are connected to me."  (Luth)

"I even have the perfect monster core for you, it was from a child born of two Divine Beasts."  (Luth)

"I do not remember this."  (Luthien)

"This has been with me for over 80,000 years, I felt sorry for this child, so much wasted potential, the child was killed at birth."  (Luth)

"But a Fairy stayed with him when this Fairy came to ask me for something a long time ago, she gave it as payment."  (Luth)

"You can use this."  (Luth)

"What were these Divine Beasts?"  (I)

"A Unicorn and a Pegasus."  (Luth)

"..." (I)

The fire of curiosity ignites within me, I would very much like to see these Divine Beasts that I have read many stories and myths of in my ancient world, I would also very much like to see the creature that was born from these two mystical creatures.

"It was the God of Light who ordered his Divine Beast Pegasus to kill his own son, that's because the Unicorn was the Divine Beast of the God of Beasts."  (Luth)

"At least that's what I heard."  (Luth)

"Here are the two items, but I advise you to use your power after using your Auras on both items, otherwise it could cause disaster."  (Luth)

Luth seems to reach into the space, so she takes out two boxes and leaves them floating in front of me.

"It's all right."  (I)

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