Will of Сhaos

Chapter 555

Chapter 555: Battlefield On The Way To The Capital

After I got rid of all those Spectral-type Undead monsters, I spread my Aura all over the city, because of the size of the city the number of monsters was much greater than this city would have inhabitants, besides that it only had those monsters, there were no other undead within the city now.

As most of us were tired and Hela was almost unconscious due to exhaustion from Summoning the Skeleton Dragon, creating the Phantom Orb, and for relaying the Phantom Orb information to me.

Because of these things I choose one of the sturdiest houses to rest in for a day, I also put a light barrier around the house, so I called some people from the Dungeon to scour this whole city to collect anything that might be useful.

Unfortunately, anything this city had was worn out and destroyed after an unknown number of years, the only things we were able to find that were useful were parts of dead monsters or alchemy ingredients.

But we found two strange things, the first was a church or temple that was in better condition than the whole city, it was also the only place that had not been contaminated with miasma and the things inside seemed to have been better preserved, unfortunately, there was nothing other than a half-destroyed statue that must belong to some god I don't know.

The second strange thing was a destruction path we found, the hole we saw in the city wall before we went in had a big straight destruction path that went through the whole city to the other wall that had another hole, it looked like a giant creature had passed through here destroying everything in its path.

I hadn't noticed this before because I didn't go to see the hole in the wall more closely and I preferred to go through the entrance to the city, but I imagine that whatever passed through here must have been more than 10 meters high, otherwise I can't say nothing more.


The next day everyone was back to their full strength, I had already sent the others back to the Dungeon after exploring the entire city the day before.

After everyone was ready we started to follow the path that led to the capital or should I say the path that we thought would lead to the capital if Ivan was right.

One thing I noticed on our way out of the city was that the Undead had started to enter the city again, but that was because it was unoccupied, thanks to not having Ghosts to fend off the other Undeads, the ones on either side outside that aimless began to enter the city.

I try to ignore most as we ride down the road on our mounts, Ragnar always maintains a constant speed so the others can keep up, but I know that's not even half the speed he can go.

We all followed the road at the same speed as usual, since it was daylight the undead were less aggressive and there were few Spectral-type undead, thanks to that our speed was very good, but I noticed that even though it was day, the weather was getting darker and darker as we headed towards the center of this death-filled land.

The clouds that were always present in the sky became dark and blocked the light, this made us encounter more and more monsters along the way.josei

Soon we could see the city in the distance, but before that, we would have to go through what looked like an ancient battlefield, I noticed many bodies on the ground, but what caught my attention was the large amount of miasma in the area.

"This miasma is much stronger than expected, it must be double what we saw in the previous city." (Irina)

"I can't see the city." (Irius)

"I see, we should be there in an hour." (I)

Even though the very thick fog and darkness can disturb others for me it was just a small annoyance, with a technique that Ragnar taught me, I focus my Aura on my eyes, and thanks to the effects of my Aura I was able to see much better in this one. fog, but even then I was only able to see the outlines of the city.

<o> ,m What I was able to see more clearly was the battlefield we would have to go through to get to the city. </o>

Ragnar's Aura teachings are always very helpful, because of this Sophia is always pestering him to teach her something.

"Clearly those bodies are going to rise as soon as we get close." (Vanessa)

"These are possibly bodies of soldiers and adventurers, that means they would have experience of ambushes before they died, maybe these undead have some intelligence." (Ivan)

"What do you think, Hela?" (I)

"I can sense a lot of Undead, in addition, I sense a lot of Evil Auras, Undead who have Auras of this type will usually have some level of intelligence and may retain some abilities from when they were still alive." (Hela)

"..." (I)

I close my eyes and feel something strange in the surroundings, a thirst for blood, cruelty, and murderous intent permeates the miasma in the surroundings, this is different from the cursed energy that is present throughout this place.

"(This feeling is familiar, but where did I feel it before?)" (I)

"What shall we do, master?" (Érica)

"Huh!?" (I)

"Sorry, I was distracted by something else." (I)

"Can you roughly feel the strength of monsters, Hela?" (I)

"Unfortunately not, the miasma and malice is very strong here, it's starting to affect my senses significantly." (Hela)

I spread my Aura and try to harmonize with the environment, but I couldn't, this place has an unbalanced environment, I'm not able to exert the harmony effect here, that means I can no longer hide my Aura from enemies when I want to use it to explore the surroundings, enemies might be able to sense my Aura now.

"(Since I can't hide my Aura anyway, so go anyway.)" (I)

I quickly spread my Aura and a clear image of this battlefield comes to mind, there were bodies of monsters and horned people, some were without clothes, others were in tattered clothes or armor and there were also some with clothes intact.

As soon as my Aura spread out these bodies on the ground started to stand up and look in our direction, not only that, but there were also Spectral-type Undead hiding underground that started to show themselves.

"It was a trap, they were just pretending to be bodies on the ground, I also only noticed that 11 of them have Grade SSS strength, all the others are below that." (I)

"You have ten minutes before they arrive to prepare, maybe less." (I)

"..." (all)

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