Will of Сhaos

Chapter 634

Chapter 634: Entering The Poisonous Forest

That same night the families of Horn 3 and Horn 5 were brought to the mansion we are occupying in Fortress Venon City.

I was very surprised to see Horn 3's wife, I knew she was an Orc woman, they are usually tall and strong, but his wife was a mountain of muscles bigger than him, his wife was 2 meters tall and her muscles look like be enough to defend against a missile.

Lilian explained to me later that Horn 3 is a muscle fanatic, but I could only think that he is more fanatical than me, at least I like muscles for being practical and a demonstration of one's power, but he likes it much more than only that since his wife is stronger than half the Orc men in the Dungeon.

Horn 5's wife was a Demon woman, her appearance was very human with caramel colored skin, but she also had two horns on the sides of her head like a bull, other than that she seems to be a gentle person, but the scars on your arms tell me of a strong warrior as well as your Aura.

Horn 5's kids were two boys, one 4 years old and one 1 year old, their family seems to be very happy, I'm surprised someone who should work in spying has a family like that.

After we all get to know each other better, I call Lilian and her students for a chat away from everyone else, before I go on with this I have to be sure about her opinions about living in a Dungeon.

I explain to the 6 students about the Dungeon, the city within the Dungeon, the religions within the Dungeon, the races within the Dungeon, and the fact that the Dungeon is within my shadow instead of having a fixed place.

Horn 2 who has been inside the Dungeon for 1 month since he was captured, explained to his brothers about the Dungeon and Lilian explained even more about the people in charge who are me, Vanessa, Nira, Kira, Freya, Érica, Nix, Rakan, Sapphire, and Ivan.

One thing I highlighted was the politics and culture within the Dungeon, people are very free there, but even so, there are still some rules about aggression, discrimination, and hunting companions.

They understood everything, but I could see a strange look from them when I talked about the hunt for mates, men try to conquer women, while women capture their mates.

Of course, I explained that there were rules for that too, people in relationships are free of it and wear a ring as proof of their relationship, meanwhile, underage people are also out, I also made it clear that children are out of the question for obvious reasons, but I didn't specify ages because it's useless since in this world the concept of a minor is very vague since depending on the race, a child can be between 2 years old and 50 years old.

Some races grow very fast and others very slow, like the Goblins that become adults in 1 or 2 months.

​ After thousands of explanations that I thought were very comets came to a flurry of questions that Lilian and I answered, this lasted about 20 minutes.

Finally, Horn 2 told the identity of some people from the Dungeon to his brothers, such as me being the son of the Goddess Selene, Vanessa being almost a Saint, Lilith being a Priestess of the Demon God of Vengeance, Diana being a Champion, Freya being an Ancient Elf, etc.

Once again everyone had looks of disbelief at the surprising identities of the people inside this dungeon, I can't even say they're wrong, I'm also surprised hearing this all together.

I give the family of 7 people time to talk about everything they've heard and I'm going to talk to the two wives to find out if they have any kind of prejudice against other Races, luckily they're good people.


After the conversation that took more than 3 hours between Lilian and her students, everyone still wanted to go to the Dungeon, Horn 2 had already shown his great interest in living with his mother weeks ago, he even became very good friends with Nolan, it seems that they have similar tastes in games.

With that, another night passed, and the mansion became a little noisy with so many people spending the night, but that only made me feel comfortable since inside the Dungeon this is the daily environment in which I live.

In fact, inside the Dungeon, there is total chaos, but this chaos is comforting when everyone has smiles on their faces.

The next morning I open the Dungeon gate for Lilian and all her family to enter, I also take the opportunity to explain about the Dungeon floors, and after that take them to the city, I took them to the house area in the city forest, they chose 6 trees side by side where they will live.

I introduced Leonardo to them who proposed to make connections between the tree houses since they are all side by side, everyone liked the idea and was happy, but Lilian said that she will continue to live in the temple with Vanessa and Athena.

After that I left everything in Lilian and Vieira's hands for the mansion, today was the second day and Joseph was supposed to show up to tell me something about the time of our departure.

At the end of the afternoon, he appears just as I thought, he tells me what gift to leave the next morning as soon as the Suns rise on the horizon.josei

He said the gate at which he will be waiting for me and I say that I will only go, I will leave everyone else in the Dungeon and I will fly with Ragnar, Orion, and Nix through the Poison Forest, so it falls faster.

Joseph had a Hippogriff and he would come with me flying, this time he came with many Elves to get supplies, but on the return trip he would fly alone with me, with his strength and mine will have no enemies in this Forest until they can harm us.


The next morning I wake up and go eat with everyone, I was still a little sleepy from getting up at dawn, but even so, I do everything I have to do and everyone goes to the Dungeon the moment I'm leaving the Mansion.

As agreed, I meet Joseph at the gate facing the Poison Forest, I greet him before the two of us take to the sky on our mounts towards the Poison Forest.

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