Will of Сhaos

Chapter 758

Chapter 758: To Be The Only Queen Of The Seas

Pov Mermaid Queen Eloise:

I was in the middle of a magic circle surrounded by mages of the royal court waiting for the moment to initiate the plan.

I give the last order to one of my best Generals, a Siren who escaped the capital of the Blue Coral Kingdom taking every opportunity she can while leaving a trail of blood along the way, she is someone who understands the importance of ending this despicable race.

"My lady, are you sure to keep the King imprisoned? Rumors have been circulating throughout the Kingdom." (Tatariny)

"My husband tried to override my authority to make a deal with them, the only reason he's not dead yet is that I want to show him what I've always promised, a strong Kingdom built on the bodies and blood of Triton scum. " (I)

"Majesty, the barrier around the capital of the Blue Coral Kingdom has been broken, we can start the ritual whenever you want."

"Start now, I'm sure that old man will run to that place since it's his last hope of Kingdom." (I)

I reach down and pick up Prince Aldrich unconscious on the floor, his body surrounded by chains that cause pain but stop the bleeding, after all, I don't want to get dirty with his filthy blood.

I stand still in the middle of the ritual as the court mages activate, soon the magic circles surround me as they make me float, the magic circles turn into an oval barrier with me inside, so the water and space spells mix as they send me through long distances to the desired location like a projectile.

I can still see the passage blurring as I go all the way through at enormous speed, I can also feel the collisions with everything in my path until one last collision followed by the barrier breaking down.

"..." (I)

"< Elemental Avatar: Queen of the Seas >" (I)

I look around quickly realizing that I stopped exactly where I intended, the back of the Blue Coral Kingdom's Royal castle, I was right in front of the natural Blue Coral wall larger than the castle that gave this Kingdom its name.

I was surrounded by the knights that protect the castle and I use my strongest magic, I create an avatar using my water element mana in conjunction with my Aura, soon water from the surroundings condenses into the silhouette of a Mermaid with a crown and a trident, all made of water.

The Siren waves her trident creating a wave of water that crushes these knights to the ground, so I run to the coral wall where a barrier-encircled entrance is.

"Time to be helpful." (I)

I hit this prince's head on the barrier causing him to wake up at the same time the barrier opens a passage I passed through.

Once I passed through the wards of this place I go to the gates killing all the guards that protect the gate in front of me.

"< Fangs of the Seas > ×7"

"< Whirlwind of Bubbles >" (I)

Boommm Boommm Boommm

I create a vortex of bubbles that explode on touch, when one starts exploding triggers the next ones to do the same creating chain explosions while my Elemental Avatar protects me with a barrier of the water element.


​ "< Water Claws >" (I)

A few survived the attack, one of them attacked me from the front as he spoke, but I ignore him while chrome the other two attacked me from behind, my hands covered in water in the form of claws cut their bodies in half along with the decorations of this place from behind them while my Elemental Avatar stabs his trident into the head of the fool who tried to get my attention.

I keep running without stopping knowing my presence here must already be known, I look at the castle behind me with a big hole in it, a hole I must have made when I got here.

So I run to the door and throw the prince who woke up and was thrashing uselessly this whole time, my Elemental Avatar slaps him causing his body to explode into pieces as his blood spreads staining the door which absorbs the blood as it glows.

Wasting no time I approach and push open the door that opens revealing a large room filled with all sorts of treasures, but I ignore it all to see the altar in the center with a transparent staff and a blue orb stuck on top with a crystal eye inside.

I smile seeing the prize I've always wanted in my hands and run over there ignoring everything around me.

"ELOISEEEE!!!!!" (Wassily)

I keep running without looking back knowing that that old man arrived faster than I expected, I don't have the illusion of beating someone with a lower King Grade strength, I never thought of beating him head on, if it wasn't for his disease I know my Realm would have already been destroyed by him.

I hold the Staff of the Ruler of the Watcher of the Seas in my hands and look at that old man blasting my Elemental Avatar with one punch, which makes my body shake as large amounts of blood pour out of my mouth from the reaction of losing my Elemental Avatar.

"You bastard, how dare you kill my grandson and my family? I should have killed your grandmother instead of exiling her back then!" (Wassily)

"Just die!!!" (I)

The moment I held this staff in my hands I knew how to use it, it was as if the information to use this staff was always in my head, I look one last time at the old man with blood running from his eyes and ears from forcing himself to use his strength on a body weakened by disease.

"< Seawatcher's Ray >" (I)

The moment that old man tried to attack me from above, I could only react due to the increase in power the staff gave me, but that was temporary, the moment I pointed the staff at this old man kept from Wassily, an Energy Ray containing great concentration of the water element hit his body as he continued going upwards through the walls of Blue Coral towards the surface.

"Hahahahahahah...haahahahaha...hahahaha..." (I)

So much power, a power far greater than anything I could have imagined, I could see that old Triton's body being ripped to shreds and valued with the power of this attack, without this old man there is no one else to stand in my way.

"From now on I will be the only Queen of these seas!!!" (I)

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