Will of Сhaos

Chapter 761

Chapter 761: The Drop Is Higher When It's On Top

"You can't escape me no matter where you are!" (I)

I can still feel traces of a curse on me, it feels like Lilith has done something to help me, I can also feel some sacred energy and nature, Freya and Vanessa have also done something, for the three of them to work together to help me means my state should be very bad, but what caught my attention was Lilith's curse which gives me an idea.

I don't know who the attacker was and I don't care, the only thing I know is that I won't forgive the one who killed Layla.

Over these two years, I've accumulated a large number of skills from all the monsters and people I devoured, I've been doing the synthesis of these skills calmly because I don't want to be weakened at any time like in the past.

Among all the skills I have, there are some that I don't like to use and others that I don't want to use for fear of turning into a monster.

One of those abilities is one that allows me to create scales, fangs, bones, exoskeletons, and horns.

Another one of those skills was the one I got from that Slime in my early days, a skill that allows me to control my body however I want, which was useful in many situations, but I never made full use of this skill as moving my body this way is followed of great pain.

But now I don't care about those worries anymore, I activate all these skills by transforming my body little by little, I will transform my body into a weapon that can increase my capabilities to the fullest without worrying about my appearance.

I start by creating scales all over my body attached to an exoskeleton underneath that have greatly increased my defense, I increase the size of my claws while putting different curses on them, and I do the same with the fangs I create in my mouth while manipulating the bones of my jaws to have a bigger mouth.

I enlarge my horns while changing their internal structures to place various Augmentation Runes for certain skills, and change the structure of my veins creating a physique augmenting magic circle.

I use my Ki, spirit energy, and mana to use three physical stat boosting skills at the same time while activating the ability to overcome limits to maintain this state of continuous energy expenditure.

I keep my Aura hidden inside me so I don't harm anyone, but I'm already using all my Aura's countless effects to the fullest, I'm sure my appearance must be monstrous now, but I don't care, with the sphere in one of my hands where I concentrated the biggest changes, I start creating two curse rituals using my blood as a conduit.

As the blood leaves my body forming the magic circle, I spread my wings to float away from the ship, not wanting to hurt my family by accident.

"DAD!!!" (Vanessa)

"Vanessa, don't come any closer!" (Lilith)

"..." (Hinata)

"No Hinata, trust the master." (Sakura)

Hinata tried to approach me, but Sakura pushed her away, many others tried to get close to me, but my Familiars pushed everyone away knowing it would be dangerous.

I've closed my connection to all my Familiars so my murderous intent and fury doesn't leak out to them, I'm barely managing to maintain control at the moment, in fact, I don't even know if I'm in control at the moment.

I go five kilometers away from the ship and I'm floating on top of the ocean while the complex magic circles are complemented with some Spiritual Runes, when everything is ready I activate both curses.

"< Blood Curse: Life Binding Curse >" (I)

"< Blood Curse: Ghost Image >" (I)

"Aahhh!!!" (I)

I spread my Aura 1 kilometer around me while activating the curses, this is the first time I use these curses, but I know their effects.

I use the Aura that Ragnar gathered as the core of the two curses and create a bond with the target, this curse has many uses and I make the bond continue as long as one of us is alive, meanwhile, the vitality of both of us will be consumed by the curse.

After that I created a ghost image of the target using this link, and with that an image of me will also be formed in front of the target, these images are untouchable for anyone, but as we are both linked by these two curses we can attack these images and the damage will hit the targets, this goes for both me and my target as we are both under the same curses.

Soon the translucent image of a six-foot Mermaid appears floating in front of me, she has a trident in one hand and a staff with an eye inside an orb in the other hand.

She looks surprised when she sees me, the way her hair moves must be in the water, but that doesn't matter, I just have one thing to say to her as a smile forms on my face at what's about to happen.

"You're going to die today!!!" (I)


Pov Mermaid Queen Eloise:

"Your Majesty, we have already organized the entire population as you ordered, they surrendered when they saw your power."

"You mean the power of the Staff of the Seawatcher." (Fyria)


"I know you don't agree with any of this, but you'll thank me when you're Queen, my daughter." (I)

"The reason for this war will be an eternal shame in our history, you should have heard what the father was trying to say." (Fyria)

"Your father is an idealistic fool, he never understood our hatred, and his plans would never work out as he thought." (I)

"At least his plans didn't kill thousands of innocent people." (Fyria)

"There are no innocent people among Tritons, ask any Mermaid that has been rescued, this Realm has been rotten for centuries." (I)josei

"Now be quiet, I need to show the heads of the royal family from this place to kill any hope of rebellion from the captured Tritons." (I)

"Where are you different from them, mother!? Just as they fell for you, one day you will fall for your actions." (Fyria)

"The fall is always worse when you are at the highest, especially for those who act like tyrants." (Fyria)

I ignore my eldest daughter, she is the best able to assume my position when the time comes, but she, unfortunately, grew up listening to my husband's idealistic daydreams, but that doesn't matter anymore now that our old enemy is gone.

I left my daughter behind and swam above the city for everyone to see as the heads of the entire royal family floated behind me, needing to crush her hopes to avoid future trouble.

I still need these people as manpower in rebuilding after the war, after they serve their purpose, I will sell them all into slavery just as they did countless Mermaids over the centuries.

"Look at your precise rulers! Just as they fell before the justice of the Sirens, you all received the same punishment, you will be treated the same way you treat the Sirens you enslaved in the past..." (I)

In the middle of my speech, I feel great pain as my vitality is slowly being sucked out of me, then I feel a sinister presence connect to me as an image forms in front of me of a monstrous being.

The Aura that comes out of this image spreads around the surroundings full of murderous intent and brutality, I have never felt such a heavy and suffocating Aura before.

The person in the image looks directly at me with hatred while speaking in a voice that seems to come from the sea abysses.

"You're going to die today!!!"

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