Will of Сhaos

Chapter 768

Chapter 768: Surrounded

Pov Vanessa:

"How do you feel?" (I)

"I feel amazing, I've never felt so strong and free before, Mom." (Athena)

"You were the one who adapted the fastest to the changes, the others still have a hard time controlling their new powers." (I)

"Their biggest problem is their wings, none of them have had wings before and I've heard they are different to control than light wings magic." (Athena)

"I suppose so, but you can teach them, it should still be a week or two before we reach the Central Continent as the Energy Density has increased." (I)

"Lilian is still delaying turning her children." (I)

"Seems like the one they call Horn 1 has been asking her every day, but she's always sidetracked." (Athena)


Pov Freya:

"Have you made your decision yet?" (Freya)

"Yes, but I don't know how to broach the subject with him." (Sophia)

"You'll have to find a way, I can't help it if you don't have the trinity with nature." (Freya)

"I'll talk to him after his evolution." (Sophia)


Pov Alice:

"I don't understand why you want to be a maid, why don't you stay a Warrior?" (I)

"I want to always be useful to the Holy Son, not just be useful during combat." (Eve)

"I wish I had your strength, I always have to stay out of fights, all I did was fight monsters." (I)

"If you want I can teach you how blood techniques are very useful for Vampires who have powerful bloodlines." (Eve)


Pov Nicolas:

The structure is almost ready, but the enchantments and Runes are still missing, I also need what I asked Miss Lyra to do.

I look at the metallic skeleton in front of me with the synthetic organs and equipment I need, I keep looking like something's missing.

"I know what's missing, but space would be an issue, I've already done the internal expansion, but it would be so much easier if I could use storage items instead." (I)

<o> ,m Sigh </o>

"Focus Nicolas, think about the improvements when you have a body suitable for these more delicate jobs." (I)


Pov Barok:

I was stretched out on the floor out of breath, but I was happy, I had finally acquired a skill of mine, a skill that completely suits me.

"Sounds like it works, but wasting my clothes and armor like that is bad." (I)

Tânia always gets angry when the clothes she makes are torn repeatedly, that Runic woman scares me.

"Guess I'll have to order size-adjustable clothes, I'll have to do the same for armor." (I)


Ppv Sakura:

"You should be glad your daughter found someone." (I)

"I'm glad, Irius is a good man, he's definitely the nicest person I know." (Sapphire)

"So what's the problem?" (I)

"She went back to having dreams about the past, from the time when she was out of control..." (Sapphire)

"Bring her to talk to me, I'll see what I can do." (I)


Pov Lilith:

"This is going to be fun." (I)

"We're going to need something bigger, this core can't contain the required number of curses." (Hela)

"There must be something in the treasure room..." (I)

"Are you sure you want to steal more stuff from there? Nira can be really scary when she gets angry." (Hela)

"I'm the King's daughter, right? Then I should have the right to borrow some things." (I)

"Besides this thing is going to be amazing if it works out, maybe we should ask Érica for help too." (I)


Pov Ibuki:

I keep training with my eyes closed using only my Aura to sense my opponent.

I feel something go through my arm and spin around before I do a high kick, but my foot is grabbed, so I choose my foot to get close to the opponent with a kick, but I get thrown into something hard and I fall to the ground exhausted.

"You have to understand what your Aura perceives with your mind and not your instinct." (Diana)

"This is difficult, why didn't the master give more different training?" (I)

"Because the goal is to train our flaws, yours is your Aura, especially the way you use it." (Diana)


Pov Zenos:

"I'm saying I'm fine, I just wanted to try a new spell I thought of while reading a book." (I)

Since the fight against the Mermaid, there's always been someone watching me to make sure I don't do anything stupid, which my Familiars don't count on.

They treat me like a child who needs a babysitter to take care of, it could be humiliating for other people but I didn't care, what bothered me was the ban on doing any kind of training or experiment, it was killing me.

I'm naturally curious, when I think of something interesting I'm in the habit of testing it right away, but they're holding me back every step of the way.

"Father, your body may be healed, but your Soul is still injured, we can tell from your Aura." (Irina)

"It's not that bad..." (I)

"I'm not feeling anything anymore, I'm sure it will recover on its own." (I)

"Do you know how small the number of people who suffered Soul damage and survived?" (Irina)

"This is the kind of damage that permanently scars a person, it's rare for those who have experienced it once, but you've already experienced it like 5 times!" (Irina)

"More than half were out of combat, so it doesn't count." (I)


"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Layla is right, you are an idiot." (Irina)

"You hurt my feelings by talking like that." (I)

"No matter the reasons why you suffer a Soul wound, the important thing is the fact that it hurts your Soul, haven't you seen that even a World Tree almost dies because of it?" (Irina)

"I know, but..." (I)

"Sorry to interrupt, Mom." (Carla)

We were inside the ship talking, in a luxuriously comfortable and large room, then Carla, Marcos' wife, who is the captain of the ship, enters to say something with a worried face.

"What happened, my daughter." (Irina)

"I feel old talking..." (Irina)

"We are surrounded by ships from the local navy." (Carla)

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