Will of Сhaos

Chapter 807

Chapter 807: Getting To Know Silvia

As I looked around the village, I noticed that everyone was looking at me strangely, this was even more true for those I recognized as being stronger than me, this left me confused and I decided to stop my search for information and return to the Dungeon.

I realized that before leaving the Dungeon I should have a clearer understanding of the changes in me, that's because those stronger than me can see right through me, so it bothers me to know that they will know more about me than I do.

As soon as I got back to the Dungeon I went to the mansion, knowing that my room had become a recreation place for Fairies and Spirits, I go to the office where Nira used to work before moving to the city government building.

"Let's start by looking at what I've been ignoring." (I)

I open the many system notifications I haven't seen yet.


<[ Evolution Completed ]>




<[ Your Body and Soul are fully Synchronized ]>



<[ All your bloodlines have been merged into one ]>



<[ You have acquired the Bloodline [ True Dragon of Holy Blood: Original ] ]>




<[ You have fully awakened your True Dragon bloodline ]>




<[ You Acquired the Skill [ Dragon Awakening: 0% ] ]>




<[ Your Affinity with Nature has increased ]>




<[ You partially awakened as a Demigod ]>

"What the hell is this, I don't even want to turn into a Dragon, besides who wants to be a Demigod!?" (I)

"..." (I)


"Calm down Zenos, before you start freaking out again, let's finish looking at the rest of the notifications." (I)


<[ Your skill has evolved [ Vampirism: 10 ] > [ Blood Eater ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Insatiable Stomach: 10 ] > [ Monstrous Stomach: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Blood Affinity: 10 ] > [ Blood Authority: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Superior Mana Sense: 10 ] > [ King of Magic Sense: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Curse Affinity: 10 ] > [ Cursed Bloodline: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Reinforce Subordinates: 10 ] > [ Reinforce Eclipse King's Followers: 1] ]>



<[ His skill has evolved [ Enhanced Senses (Hearing/Smell/Sight/Taste): 10 ] > [ King Eclipse's Enhanced Senses: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Superior Mana Control: 10 ] > [ King of Magic Control: 1 ] ]>



<[ His skill evolved [ Party Coordination: 10 ] >  [ Party Leadership: 1 ] ]>



<[ His skill has evolved [ Superhuman Strength: 10 ] > [ Monstrous Strength: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Spiritual Sense: 10 ] > [ Shaman King Sense: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Ki Sense: 10 ] > [ Master's Ki Sense: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Body Enhancement (fangs/legs/exoskeleton/bones/claws/arms/scales/tail): 10 ] > [ King Eclipse Enhancement: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Self Improvement (Leadership): 10 ] > [ Self Improvement (Ruler): 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Deadly Vampire Bite: 10 ] > [ Vampire King Bite: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Blood Control: 10 ] > [ Blood King Control: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Super recovery: 10 ] > [ Regeneration: 1 ] ]>




<[ Your Skill Leveled Up [ Regeneration: 1 > 10 ] ]>




<[ Your Skill has evolved [ Regen: 10 ] > [ Super Regen: 1 ] ]>



<[ His skill evolved [ Eclipse King Body: 10 ] > [ Blood Dragon Body ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Eclipse King Authority: 10 ] > [ Demon Dragon Authority: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Non-elemental Magic: 10 ] > [ Magic King Magic: 1 ] ]>josei



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Ki Control: 10 ] > [ Ki Master Control: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Spirit Control: 10 ] > [ Shaman King Control: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Detection (life/blood/presence/trap): 10 ] > [ King Eclipse Detection: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Poison Secretion (paralyzing/necrotic/deadly/sleep/hallucinogenic): 10 ] > [ Poison Dragon Secretion: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Eyes of the Eclipse King: 10 ] > [ Dragon Eyes Judgment Dragon ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Multi Elemental Magic: 10 ] > [ Nature Magic: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Multi Elemental Rune: 10 ] > [ Nature Rune: 1 ] ]>



<[ His skill has evolved [ Eclipse King Production (thorns/scales/blades/bones/claws/threads/horns): 10 ] > [ Blood Dragon Production (thorns/scales/blades/bones/claws/threads/horns): 1]]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Multi Elemental Breath: 10 ] > [ Destruction Dragon's Breath ] ]>

This is a large number of skills that evolved, it seems that many of my skills created from the synthesis of other skills that were part of the name of King something, ended up evolving, I also have some skills with the name of Dragons, but not I like the names with Demon or Destruction, they seem like villain names from some fictional story, even the one called Dragon of Judgment seems bad somehow.

I don't like to judge anyone, but I also can't deny that I do this quite often with those I consider criminals, so I'm going to stop thinking about it.

This [ Holy Blood True Dragon: Original ] bloodline makes me confused, this is the first time my race and bloodline seem to diverge so much.

But at least I can understand about Holy Power without asking Vanessa, as a child of a Goddess I myself can be considered a fragment of the divine, isn't it strange for me to have at least Holy Power on my own and maybe even Divine Power one day, the what was strange is never having even the Holy Power until now.

"Perhaps I never had Holy Power because my Soul was not synchronized with my body, but as this problem was solved, this latent potential within me was released." (I)

"Master, are you busy?" (Freya)

"Not much, do you need something?" (I)

"It's been two days since you've kept someone waiting, and besides, you've been in here for over an hour." (Freya)

I spent more time than I expected looking at these various messages, it seems I let my mind wander too long with this new shock.

"I have any idea what you're talking about, is she there?" (I)

"She's running through the woods right now, Diana starts chasing her every time she sees her." (Freya)

I still have a memory of that lovely young woman in bed, she's so cute, which can be dangerous around someone like Diana.

"Thanks for reminding me, I've been depressed for a few days because of my height and since earlier I've had a lot to think about." (I)


"Looks like I've been leaving some things out." (I)

"Want me to go get her?" (Freya)

"No, I'll take care of it another way, otherwise Diana will chase her down here." (I)

"If you need me, just ask a Fairy or Spirit to call me." (Freya)

"I'll do that, thanks." (I)

After Freya leaves the office, I move some furniture away so they don't get in the way of building the summoning magic circle.

"< Family Summon: Silvia >" (I)

The magic circle glows when I let a drop of my blood fall into it during the Summoning, a few seconds later the girl appears in front of me, she is a little smaller than me and was wearing a set of green shorts, white blouse with drawings of trees and sandals.

She was sweating and had a confused face.

"Nice to finally meet you, Silvia." (I)

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