Will of Сhaos

Chapter 862

Chapter 862: Rumors Of The Hero Of Light

Pov Allan (Hero of Justice):

"< Blade of Retribution >" (I)

"Bianca!?" (I)

"< Judgment of the Heavens >" (Bianca)

We were sent along with many others to reinforce a city suffering attacks from a Wave of Monsters coming from an Aerial Dungeon, fortunately, the call for help from the city was quick and they managed to protect the highest priority infrastructure, which allowed us to pass with security through the Teleportation Portal.

We've been here for days and the fight hasn't been that hard, our duty has just been monster hunting, just like many others.

A Necromancer warned us yesterday about a curse attacking the Souls of these monsters, since then those who can use holy energy like Bianca and I are taking more active roles in battle as of now.

I was surrounded by Harpies, thanks to my armor and many strengthening or defense skills I was able to survive the constant attacks, waiting until the last second to activate the skills that my sword and I have in common.

Thanks to this double skill activation my power quadrupled allowing me to finish off those Harpies in minutes, meanwhile, Bianca was doing an area attack across the city using a ritual along with many other Priests following her orders.

Her ritual using holy magic caused a lightning storm to appear out of nowhere, each lightning strike hitting an enemy of equal or lesser strength than Bianca, which is true for more than half of enemy monsters.

After dealing with this large amount of monsters, the Priests and Bianca were exhausted as a powerful enemy rushed to finish them off, it was a Hurricane Eye, a natural Spectral type of wind element monsters.

He is a large eyeball that uses tornado tentacles to attack, this is a King Grade monster at the very least.

"Darcia, get them out of there!!!" (I)

"< Sword and Shield As One >" (I)

"< Immovable As A Mountain >" (I)

I keep my sword in my right hand while I draw a large shield with my left hand, with this Skill I share the powers of the two items with each other, this increases the Shield's attack and the sword's defense.

I also use an ability that increases my global defense while remaining Immobile using up all my energy.

I don't have time to worry about the Priests, but I hope I can buy them a few seconds of time.

"Huh!!!" (I)

cough cough

"Ghahhh!!!" (I)

When the first attack came it broke my shield to pieces as it pushed me back, my shield arm was injured but I was still standing.

When the next attack came without giving me time to rest, I defended with my sword that withstood the attack, but my right arm was broken by this even stronger attack as I was pushed back dozens of meters.

"You will not pass!!!" (I)

The next attack was 4 attacks in quick succession, my body was battered but I held my ground as my energies ran out healing or upgrading my body to withstand these overwhelming attacks.

"..." (I)

"Alan!!!" (Darcia)

"Nice job holding that thing for a few seconds."

"< Extinguishing the Flames >"

My vision was blurry, and I couldn't even think straight as I felt every use of my broken body, but I still stood as firmly as I could.

Then I hear a scream from Darcia followed by a voice very close, it was a man's voice I don't recognize, the next thing I noticed was a slight heat as a red blur appeared in front of me.


When I regained consciousness, I'm inside a white room with Bianca sitting next to me, wiping my chest with a damp cloth.

"..." (I)

"..." (Bianca)

She and I exchanged a shy look for some reason, but when I went to try to speak, I realized that my jaw was hurting a lot and I couldn't get a word out.

"Don't talk, you're in a coma for 7 days, healing magic can mend wounds, but even that has limits if the body isn't capable of sustaining a charge." (Bianca)

"..." (I)

"Don't look at me like that, the fight is over, the Dungeon left that day, a few minutes after you lost consciousness." (Bianca)

"Thanks to you Darcia was able to rescue me and other Priests, even if it was only a few seconds it was enough for a high level Mage from the Mages Guild to arrive, he was the one who destroyed the monster." (Bianca)

"..." (I)

"(I want to know...)" (I)

"I'm sure you're hoping to learn more about that Dungeon." (Bianca)

"But all I know is that it was a mobile Dungeon, it flew away, and more than one, reports came from all over the continent saying that the same Dungeon appeared in several cities, but the time does not match." (Bianca)

"So the only explanation would be that there are several of this Dungeon or that it was a single Dungeon with multiple entrances." (Bianca)

"(The way this was done is weird, what's going on?)" (I)

I was lost trying to find a reason for these attacks, if it was just a Dungeon it would be one thing, but from what I just heard, it's clear that someone is up to something, but I can't tell what lying in a bed without the ability to well speak.

"I also need to tell you something, a new Hero of the Church of Light has emerged." (Bianca)

"We received orders to investigate him as soon as possible, as you are like this I sent Darcia to investigate the city where he fought." (Bianca)

"I also got the basic information that the Temple has from him, many things are strange about him, his strength doesn't match his techniques, and his Aura control is also above his strength level." (Bianca)

"He fought in one of the attacked cities, thanks to that we'll have some better information on him once Darcia returns." (Bianca)

"But I heard some rumors by Adventurers who just arrived in the city, this Hero of Light seems to be very impulsive and extreme, it seems that these rumors are starting to spread throughout the continent." (Bianca)josei

As she talks, she continues cleaning my body, it bothers me to be in someone's care, I just can't tell if it's a mean thing or a bad thing to be one of my group members.

But even in that situation, I'm doing my best to pay attention to the things she says, mainly because I understand how important the role of a Hero is not only as a symbol of her religion but also as a representative role for her religion, there have been cases in the past of people being incompetent in such an important role.

"I also heard that Zenos was in one of these attacked cities." (Bianca)

"..." (I)

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