Will of Сhaos

Chapter 897

Chapter 897: Forcing The Conflict

Pov Neji (Hero of Light):

When I woke up in the middle of that ritual circle months ago covered in that viscous liquid I was furious, something was missing, there was an emptiness inside me that I didn't understand and I was in a lot of pain not knowing where all this pain was coming from.

It took me days to regain my emotional control and many spells or potions to be calm enough to try meditating to achieve that control, but even then the anger was still there as well as the pain.

When I calmed down I was told what had happened, it seems that the succession process I started before being sealed away to remain alive was succeeding, but someone interfered putting everything to waste while revealing the secret to the Church of Death that attacked us in then.

Knowing that I was feeling this emptiness inside me because a fragment of my Soul had been completely destroyed, even more so knowing that my real body was destroyed while my Soul now without a piece had been severely injured.

I knew that the anger, emotional disturbances, and this pain were because of these injuries, when I found out about all this I wanted to kill everyone around me, but I was too weak, all my power was gone, and my Authority was broken and my Aura was so weak like that of a common Adventurer.

The shock of having fallen so low only made it worse, I who was once adored by millions was in such a deplorable state, I also noticed that they used Plan B.josei

I don't know which woman they chose to give birth to me, but forcing that body to develop took its toll.

Barely existent muscles, weak bones, oversensitive senses, and a weakness that bothered me for the next few months I threw myself into training.

I wouldn't accept being in such a sorry state, I was still a Hero, I've walked this path once and I'd do it again with much more speed this time with everything I knew.

While training the Central Church I was looking for members for my group as requested, weak as I am I would need to seek combat to raise my level once again.

When I regained my strength I would go after those responsible for spoiling my initial plans, how dare they go against the will of the greatest of Heroes!?


Months later.

I was in a mansion after defending a city with many faithful of the Church of Light with my group, we were following the plans of the Church.

The attacks on several cities served to weaken cities that could serve as strategic points in a conflict a little, but also served for my name to rise again after a long time dormant.

The plan itself didn't matter to me, this was an excellent opportunity to regain my strength, to achieve this while we were fighting the Harpies I made many Adventurers die quietly.

I was in a mansion in another city right now, I was in a room discussing with my group while keeping one of my group's people in my sight.

My group is made up of 5 people including me, which are:

High Priest: Malagai

Templar General: Milena

Adventurer Queen: Hirlina

Storm Warlock: Ugo

They are all human with the exception of Malagai who is a Celestine, they are all very combat competent, we were having a discussion now about future plans.

"Lord Neji, we can't stay much longer in this city." (Malagai)

"I know, but we can't just run, they don't have proof of anything, plus we were a standout in that city's defense, they don't even have an excuse to come after us for now." (I)

"My magic detects many Gray Elves throughout most of the city." (Ugo)

"They are distractions, if they wanted something we wouldn't be able to feel any of them." (I)

"So what do we do?" (Milena)

"We don't do anything, they are trying to force a movement from us or the Church." (I)

"But it's not yet the time to act." (I)

I know that the Central Continent is close to a conflict, and the Church will appear as a third force in the oncoming battle to eliminate the two weakened enemies, while everyone is paying attention to us, they are forgetting to look back.

"Go to sleep, tomorrow we will follow the plan and try to go to the Guild to recover our rewards." (I)

I watch everyone leave and I look at Hirlina who didn't say anything during the argument, then Milena walks beside me talking in a low voice.

"I'll meet you later." (Milena)


That night in my room, Milena walks in as I'm getting up from the bed where Hirlina is still lying.

"You could have waited for me." (Milena)

"You took a long time, where have you been?" (I)

"I was saying my nightly prayers." (Milena)

"Come here." (I)

I grab her arm and pull her to me placing a kiss on her neck as she slides my hands inside her clothes.

"You're not thinking of leaving me out, are you?" (Hirlina)

"Of course not, come on." (I)

I use my Aura to pull Hirlina from the bed into my arms, when I hug her I make a sign to Milena, then a magic circle at our feet lights up, this breaks all defenses so I use my arms to break Hirlina's spine before hitting her head against my knee crushing her, soon her disguise disappears revealing a Gray Elf.

"If it wasn't for the Shadow Affinity I feel from her, then I wouldn't have noticed her disguise, thanks for the heads up." (I)

"Fine, she served her purpose." (Milena)

"< Activate >" (Milena)

The magic circle he was drawing on the ceiling of the floor below was supposed to break down the defenses, but that wasn't just because of Hirlina apparently.

Shadow swords surged from all sides, absorbing Hirlina's blood as they penetrated every vital point in my body.

"Bastard..." (I)

"Your death of her was the last thing it needed… ha haha hahahaha…" (Milena)

As I lost consciousness I saw a silhouette of shadows appear behind Milena with red eyes and a big smile.


Pov Klaus (Moon Butcher):

I was in the forest where the Spirits spoke, it took me a long time to notice the barrier, I only managed to because the evil energy spreading through the forest is coming from here.

"It's them, I can feel the presence of those Shadow creatures in the barrier." (Naraka)

"We're coming back, we have to warn the others." (I)

Finally had found them, and now we can end like them once and for all.


Pov Zenos:

I've been training the last few days with the Father of Nix, during that time I learned how to move my Authority through my Aura, and I realized that my Aura was the intermediary I could use to fuse my Authority into my attacks.

The others also learned this, so we started going to Dungeons to train, my sister Caitlyn and Nix's father didn't come with us, they can't be seen in this city, it could alert their enemies and interrupt our training.

The Dungeon I chose to enter was exactly the Dragon's Nest, all the monsters in this Dungeon are derived from Dragons.

We were on the 101st floor now, we were wearing our masks to hide our identity just like we did in the Colosseum.

I was facing a Magma Dragon, its scales were made of some kind of raw metal and its body gave off such heat that the ground it walks on melts into magma.

He is more than 15 meters tall and his weight is enormous.

​ "Normal physical attacks aren't working, so how about this." (I)

"< Aura Blade >" (I)

I focus my scrutiny on my sword which has an effect to increase resistance so it doesn't break easily.

The blade of my sword turns black, but an energy to take root from the hilt of the sword to the entire blade.

I was using my Authority on my sword, this was something difficult to use in combat yet as I needed concentration, my luck the Dragon in front of me was strong but very slow.

I attacked him once more, I wasn't using any kind of skill or any other kind of technique anymore, that's because I wanted to see the differences between my normal attacks and attacks using my Authority.

I was flying above the Magma Dragon when I lunged towards it and hit its back with the sword, so far the damage I've done like this has been almost none.

But this time my sword cuts through its scales as if it were cutting paper, and a large wound opens on the monster's back which was the strongest area of its body.

"Looks like it works pretty well, let's try that." (I)

"< Multi Elemental Blade >" (I)

I try to use a flying blade attack, when I slash forward the attack hits the monster doing the same damage as before, the problem is that this was a skill, this would be its normal damage, I noticed that even if the attack was faster, the flying energy blade did not carry my Authority.

"I can't fuse with my skills yet." (I)

"< Demon Dragon Sword >" (Karina)

Karina appears under the Dragon's head when he looks up, this was just an unintelligent Dragon following his instincts and that's why it took a long time for him to notice me.

Karina appears from under his head and her sword grows into a blade of energy in the form of a sharp black crystal tooth, then the great blade slams out of the kontrob's neck and loses its head.

"Where are you, Nix?" (I)

"Taking care of there..." (Karina)

When I look in the direction Karina pointed, I see Nix in her Dragon form, she is much bigger than when I first met her.

Nix was carrying 1 human body in his teeth and another 3 in his claws when he landed in front of me.

"Who are they?" (I)

"Church of Light, I was watching from afar and I hid in the shadow of one of them, they were watching from afar, I heard them saying something about confirmation of the target and that they would notify the Church of Light." (Nix)

I look at the clothes the Adventurers wore, then find symbols of the Church of Light.

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