Will of Сhaos

Chapter 962

Chapter 962: This Is War Part 3

Pov Loki:

I was lying down eating what was left of yesterday's cake when the attack started, after kicking Athena out of bed we go out of the Ship.

I couldn't help but smile as time passed and I saw the Battleships of the Church of Light arriving, then the Dragons, and ending with the bridge of light they created using holy magic together with the Dragons.

I was overjoyed, the situation could be challenging due to the difference in numbers, but it would be a lot of fun.

It was for uncertain moments like this that I stopped being a God, it was for moments like this where I can have fun without those uncomfortable restrictions that I wanted so much to be mortal.

"Hahahahaha... he's completely crazy... hahahahahaha..." (I)

The daughter of Zenos magic item was interesting, it would have been useful for me to have the battlefield rules and know where to stand, but what I found completely hilarious was the group plan.

The group he chose for me was just amazing, he put Hela and Lilith in my group, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"She is fine?" (Hela)

"I think she's just happy or she thought of a really good joke... now I want to know if it was a joke." (Lilith)

"It was a joke for sure, the best one..." (I)

I was already happy when the two approached me, but when Zenos' voice spoke in my head because of the telepathy in that magic item I have on my wrist, I just got happier.

"(Fight only in second option, your job is to cause chaos in the enemy ranks to end the harmony of your military combat pattern.)" (Zenos)

"You made me so happy now... just ask me to have fun with these soldiers..." (I)

"(I never said have fun, I told you...)" (I)josei

"Hela get ready, you too Lilith, today we are going to have the best of days." (I)

"Do you have pizza?" (Lilith)

"No, but there are a lot of people full of accumulated revenge coming in waves." (I)

"I still wanted pizza, does their blood taste like pizza?" (Lilith)

"Did you have breakfast?" (Hela)

"No, I ran here when Lyra dragged me here." (Lilith)

"I got some pizza from yesterday, but you can have it." (Hela)

"You are the best Hela!" (Lilith)

"Come on you two, we don't have time for this... do you have pizza for me too?" (I)

"Would you like a sandwich?" (Hela)

"The pizza is over..." (Hela)

"(You three can pay attention to the war!!!)" (Zenos)

"I can't pay attention while I'm eating?" (Lilith)

"(Now it will end this military organization of enemies!)" (Zenos)


When they started to invade the island and the war started, I look at the two behind me.

"You two come here a moment." (I)

I slit my wrists and let my blood seep into my hands then gather my Aura along with my Authority in my blood before placing my hand on both of their stomachs.

"< Seal of Authority >" (I)

Soon a red handprint with a letter in the middle where dice were drawn is burned into their bodies where I touched.

"This will give you some of my Authority, but it's temporary." (I)

"Can I use the same Skills as Father?" (Lilith)

"No, you cannot use territory, what I did is temporary, my Authority is only marked on your Auras, but it will do for now." (I)

"I didn't know you had Authority?" (Hela)

"I was a God, I may have passed my Divinity to another God, but my existence itself is Authority, I just needed time to awaken again." (I)

"(Time and a glass of blood from Zenos every night was of great help in this.)" (I)

"I'll go first, I have to create the game table... hahahahahaha..." (I)

I spread my wings and take to the sky to meet hundreds of Soldiers of the Light element.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my show..." (I)

"< Betting Table >" (I)

"< Wagers of Life and Death >" (I)

I am Authority itself, I am not someone who ascended to be a God, I was born a God, and my Soul came into existence with a unique purpose that defines it, the fun can never stop.

A Territory is not just for claiming a space, this is just the first level, the territory has certain characteristics such as the right to give orders that must be carried out.

My order was to bet life and death, in other words, each life I take can choose to claim the person's energy or their Soul, of course the opposite is also possible.

"Let's start the show... hahahahaha...." (I)


Pov Lilith:

I look at Loki facing hundreds of enemies and I look at Hela.

"I thought it was to avoid fighting." (I)

"She's thinking about me." (Hela)

"Are you going to use them?" (I)

"The master doesn't want me to summon the island's dead." (Hela)

"So Come on, she's already calling us." (I)

I spread my red wings and come to Loki's side, then grab her hand before I start spinning to throw her away.

"They're all hers." (I)

"< Nightmare Ghosts >" (Hela)

I leave everything here with Hela before I go after Loki.

"Needed this?" (Loki)

"Father asked to cause confusion and avoid fights." (I)

"It wasn't a fight, it was a show..." (Loki)

"We have more places to go." (I)

I separate from her going to a place where thousands of Soldiers were in battle against the Adventurers, most of them seemed to be of Catastrophe Grade, so I went to them spreading my Aura, it was at that moment that I realized the power of Loki's Authority along with my Aura, this made my Aura reach 3 times the total area it would normally reach.

"< Abyss of Madness Lure >" (I)

My Aura causes madness, but I controlled it to only affect people from the Church of Light, I also used a Demonic Curse that causes Madness in an area and used my Aura to target the curse's targets.

"My work here is done... hey, that was my arm..." (I)

Of course, those idiots didn't just stand around being cursed, they tried to attack me and my arm went flying after being ripped off, so I went after him leaving the rest behind.

"How did she do that!?" (I)

I look to the side and see the flesh falling off the bodies of some soldiers as if it were melting away leaving only the skeleton wearing the armor of the Church of Light stained with blood.

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