Will of Сhaos

Chapter 983

Chapter 983: What To Do With A Bad Gate

Pov Light Templar High:

I run to Church scholars to find out why the "gate" was acting like this, as far as I was let know, it was not supposed to be activated without the presence of the High Priest.

"What is happening!?" (I)

"The gate activated, I can't believe we finally made it... hahahahaha..." (High Priest A)

"Turn it off now, instructions are..." (I)

"We know what the instructions are and we've already tried to deactivate it, but we couldn't." (High Priest B)

"We temporarily activated only a part of the Magic Circle on the ground to test whether the conversion from the Light element to the Spatial element was happening efficiently." (High Priest C)

"Yes, but then everything got out of control, the magic circle activated completely generating a chain reaction that ended up activating the gate." (High Priest B)

"I already tried to deactivate it, but I can't..." (High Priest B)

"Is it working the wrong way?" (I)

"No, it's working correctly, it seems to connect with the established destination, actually there's something strange." (High Priest A)

"What's up, any new problems?" (High Priest C)

"No, I already found out and analyzed what he noticed, was it the Space current vector?" (High Priest D)

"Yes, the direction..." (High Priest A)

"Yes, after a quick analysis it appeared the other side was the one who forced the activation, what we did generated a slight connection that lasted less than half a second, but somehow they were prepared and forced the gate open..." ( High Priest D)

"Hey, tell your teammates to stay away from the Gate!" (High Priest B)

"..." (I)

I was understanding little of what they were talking about, but it was enough to know that magic is no longer under their control, but as long as they're not panicking it doesn't matter, it shouldn't be a risk.

Soon one of them points to three of the Elite Guards running towards the gate, by their Auras I know who the three are.

Two of them are behind the third that stopped right in front of the "gate" and by its Aura, I know it's Varcari, but something is strange in its Aura, I try to run, but it's too late when the Aura explodes.


Pov Varcari (High Templar of Light):

These sleepless nights are killing me, I can't stop having the same nightmare about the war.

Always the same thing portrayed in different ways, the Church of Light being massacred.

I know that these are just useless things, fantasies created in my dreams by my eagerness to go to the battlefield, but exactly those useless things that are disturbing my sleep, if this continues, it will start to affect my strength in battle.

"What is that!?" (I)

Suddenly I feel the ambient magic burst into activity as two beams of light are shining brighter and brighter at the corners of my eyes.

One of these spotlights was the glowing magic circle layered on the ground while the second spotlight was the "gate" floating in the middle of the magic circle.

I see the other Guards nodding and follow as agreed, while some go to see the Scholars, others go to check the surrounding area and I as well as a few others go to have a look at the magic circle to see if there is anything or anyone strange.

"Argh!!!" (I)

My head suddenly started to hurt a lot, but I didn't have time to deal with that now, I pull out a healing potion and drink it as I run to the magic circle and start investigating along with the others or at least that's what I wanted to do.

"(Finally, I was tired of waiting.)"

My body suddenly wasn't obeying me anymore, a childish voice spoke in my head as my eyes turned to the "gate" against my will.

Soon I started running towards the gate, I could hear the others calling me from behind, I'm sure they must be chasing me with weapons in hand, if I were in their place I would do that, but I can't hear anything else.

"(That bastard got tired of waiting, but I won't let it go his way.)"

The only senses I still have are sight and touch, my body was taken over by this thing very easily, no matter how much I try to resist it is completely useless, the worst thing is that I don't even know when it started.

So at that moment, I feel something inside of me, something full of malice and dark bubbling out, I feel my Aura being expelled out of my body before being exploded shoding an amount of pain I never felt before, and my mind went completely blank at that moment and that's when I saw the creature that was in my body, a childlike aspect putting its little finger on my forehead as I feel everything disappearing.josei


Pov Caitlyn (Living Nightmare):

When that thing was activated I noticed his Aura, it was different than it once was, it had a touch of Divine and irritating now.

I was hidden for weeks in this useless guy's nightmares and now I have to rush my plans because someone didn't know how to wait.

"(Now that I've gotten rid of that idiot's mind.)" (I)

"This body is mine." (I)

I blasted my Aura to the surroundings, unfortunately, it's impossible to use territory in this place, but I use my Aura to activate the magic I placed around while this idiot was patrolling without realizing that he was controlling his steps to create a magic circle underground.

"< Mental Destruction > ×79" (I)

Since I was acting, I took the opportunity to kill everyone present, including the two who lingered this body with their sword and spear.

They all fell to the ground with blood pouring from their eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, their bodies still alive for the time being, but their minds shattered.

"< Spatial Collapse: Activate >" (I)

My magic circle rises from the ground to float around the long distance teleportation gate.

Soon the energy of Darkness and space interferes with the magic causing the pillars in the ground to crack as the gate itself shakes.

"WHO DARES!!!!!???"

"Someone prettier and smarter than a traitor!" (I)

"I'll show you what to do with a shitty gate like that!" (I)

Doing this from a distance is really a bad idea, especially when my Aura was broken when Baldr's presence coming from the main Temple starts to crush my Aura.

"Damn, I don't have time..." (I)

"< Denial of Reality >" (I)

I use my Authority together with all my power causing space to break apart by force as an imaginary world takes its place, the combination of this with the magic I activated that causes the long distance teleportation gate to break completely as I destroy everything in the surroundings.

But the rift in space that was being closed was forcibly held open by two white claws, that was the last thing I saw when this borrowed body was torn apart, but even in the imaginary world, my real body was not able to run away from the energy that traveled through the connection.

"You goddamn bastard...aaahhhh!!!!!" (I)

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