With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 18 Strange Aura

Chapter 18 Strange Aura

When the bear slammed onto the ground, the wolf that had been on its back suddenly jumped off and landed on the ground nearby.

Once it landed, it immediately made its way over to the wolf on the ground while looking at Lin Fan with a wary look.

Even though it had just worked with Lin Fan, that was all because of the mutual threat to both of them. However, now that the mutual threat was gone, there was no guarantee that Lin Fan wouldn't do anything to them.

Lin Fan could see the wariness in the wolf, so he raised his hands to show that he didn't mean any harm.

The wolf still didn't let down its guard when it saw this and even began growling at Lin Fan, almost as if it was trying to scare him away.

However, the wolf that had been on the ground suddenly raised a paw to place on the tail of the wolf protecting it.

The wolf that was standing was shocked when it felt something touching its tail. It looked around to see the wolf on the ground shaking its head at it.

The wolf that was standing was confused why the wolf on the ground did this, but it still moved aside to let Lin Fan approach.

When Lin Fan saw this, he put away his weapon first before heading over towards the wolf that was on the ground.

The wolf that was standing didn't show a hostile appearance, but it was still wary of Lin Fan as he approached.

After Lin Fan came to the side of the wolf on the ground and he got a closer look, he was certain that this wolf was female and that she was pregnant. Based on how the wolf that was standing had been trying to protect this female wolf, he must be the female wolf's mate.

But when he looked closer at the female wolf, he found that the condition was much worse than he had expected.

The female wolf didn't look that injured, but there was actually a pool of blood that was on her left side. It was clear that there must be a deep wound that she was hiding.

Lin Fan looked at the female wolf with a helpless look since there wasn't anything that he could do at this point.

Even if he wanted to help, it wasn't like he had any healing abilities or items. The only thing that could heal was the Pet Storage Space, but that only worked for his pets. Even if he were to bring the female wolf into the Pet Storage Space, it wouldn't heal her wounds at all.

The female wolf could see the look on Lin Fan's face, so she raised her head and licked Lin Fan's hand with a look of gratitude on her face. But there was also a look of resignation in her eyes as she was well aware of her situation.

Lin Fan was about to give a sigh, but there was a popup that appeared in front of his eyes and a notification in his ears that surprised him.

[White Wolf is filled with gratitude towards you. Affection has increased by 30.]

[Target for taming has been detected. Does the host wish to tame the White Wolf?]

Lin Fan stood there in a daze for a bit, but then he immediately reacted and said, "Tame."

There was a flash of light that appeared around the White Wolf and it didn't last long before it disappeared.

Once Lin Fan had tamed the female wolf, he immediately summoned out the portal to the Pet Storage Space and tried to move the female wolf in, but the male wolf jumped between the two of them and growled at Lin Fan.

He didn't know what Lin Fan was going to do, but he definitely didn't like the sudden portal that Lin Fan had pulled out of thin air.

But since the female wolf had already been tamed by Lin Fan, naturally she trusted him. She was even a bit annoyed that her mate would even disrespect her new master like this, so she gave a low growl at the male wolf.

The male wolf was completely confused by why his mate would suddenly act like this, but it was clear who held the power in their relationship. The moment that the male wolf heard this low growl, he immediately lowered his ears and tail, as if going into submission.

Lin Fan couldn't help revealing a bitter smile when he saw this, but he didn't say anything to hurt the pride of the male wolf.

Lin Fan just silently picked up the female wolf and walked into the portal.

The male wolf naturally wouldn't let Lin Fan bring his mate to an unknown place alone, so he followed Lin Fan into the portal.

Once the wolves appeared in the Pet Storage Space, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The female wolf's shock was much greater than the male wolf's shock since she could feel the special changes in the environment the moment that she came into this space. She could even feel the wound on her side healing at a rate that she could feel.

It was this strange itchy sensation that came from around the wound that slowly reduced the pain she felt.

As they were shocked, the Snow Rabbit that had been put in earlier came over to the female wolf.

It could see the wound on the side of the female wolf, so it suddenly blew out, releasing a cold breath that suddenly created a layer of ice over the wound.

The female wolf felt the pain dull even more when the layer of ice appeared over her wound. She looked down at the Snow Rabbit and gave it a nod of gratitude.

The Snow Rabbit revealed a smile before bouncing back over to where the horse was.

The male wolf had still been in a daze during this, but when he reacted, he immediately raised his guard again. He had seen a part of his wife suddenly being frozen, so he thought that it was an attack.

The male wolf came to the female wolf's side to look over the wound, but he found that not only was it no longer bleeding, it was starting to heal at a visible rate. The ice had helped stop the blood and now the wound was slowly closing.

The male wolf was once again filled with shock, but he understood what was going on here.

Lin Fan didn't bring them into this space to hurt them, rather he brought them into this space to help his mate.

After realizing this, the male wolf no longer looked at Lin Fan with hostility, but rather he looked at him with a look of gratitude.

Not only had this human saved them from the bear, he even helped heal his mate who he thought had been done for with that wound.

[White Wolf is filled with gratitude towards you. Affection has increased by 30.]

[Target for taming has been detected. Does the host wish to tame the White Wolf?]

Lin Fan wasn't surprised to see this notification and he just said, "Tame."

There was a layer of light that appeared around the male wolf that disappeared just as quickly.

Once it was gone, Lin Fan saw that there was another pet that had been registered in his taming slots.

As if something had changed inside of him, the male wolf no longer looked at Lin Fan with hostility after being tamed. He came up to Lin Fan and then nuzzled up against him, recognizing him as his master.


Lin Fan didn't ignore it as he rubbed his hands across its fur, enjoying the feeling.

It was like rubbing up against a dog, that warm feeling of them rubbing up against you.

After enjoying this for a bit, Lin Fan looked at the status screen in front of him.

He could see that the female White Wolf's HP was slowly going up, so there didn't seem like there was anything to worry about. All that the female wolf needed now was time to rest and she would be healed by the Pet Storage Space.

So after making sure that the female wolf was settled, Lin Fan came out of the Pet Storage Space again with the male wolf.

When he appeared, he saw that Xiao Yue was waiting for him.

She had already started cutting up the corpse of the bear and was halfway finished skinning it.

,m If it was said that Lin Fan hadn't left her out of the Pet Storage Space on purpose, that would have been a lieā€¦

But now, it didn't matter since the wolves were safe, so he came over to help her skin the bear.

It didn't take them long at all to finish skinning the bear and drain it of its blood. Once they were done, they tossed it into the Pet Storage Space to hold while they continued forward with their mission.

This wasn't a safe place to slowly butcher the bear, even skinning it and draining the blood was already pushing it.

They quickly left the area and followed the male wolf deeper into the forest.

Since the male wolf was a local, Lin Fan had it guide them through the forest.

While Lin Fan wasn't able to understand what the male wolf was saying, the male wolf was able to understand what Lin Fan was saying to receive instructions from him.

Lin Fan wanted him to bring them to anything strange in the forest, but the way the male wolf responded to this was very strange. It was clear from the male wolf's reaction that it wasn't willing to bring Lin Fan to where he wanted to go.

But in the end, Lin Fan had already tamed the male wolf, so he could give it an order to bring him there.

Along the way, as they made their way through the forest, they saw a few animals that were heading in the opposite direction. Since they were away from the road now, there were more animals around them, but it seemed like every one of these animals were running from something.

Finally, when they came closer to their destination, they found that there wasn't a single animal around them.

The forest had reached a deathly level of silence that almost made Lin Fan doubt if his ears were working. There wasn't even the sound of a breeze that blew through the forest.

It was as if other than silence, there was only silence here.

But that wasn't what shocked Lin Fan the most.

The most shocking thing was the strange aura that he felt coming from in front of him.

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