With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 264 Drugged (3)

Chapter 264 Drugged (3)

Lin Fan was shocked when he saw this.

After a moment of being dazed, he suddenly pulled up the blanket on the side to cover up himself and Duanmu Ming Yue before asking, "Xiao Yi, what are you doing here?"

Seeing that she didn't respond at all, he tried explaining, "Xiao Yi, this is…"

But before he could awkwardly explain, Duanmu Ming Yue peeled out from behind the curtain and said, "Young master Lin, there's no need for this."

She turned to Duanmu Yi and waved her hand, "Xiao Yi, come over here."

Duanmu Yi listened to her mother and walked over to the bed where she was lying. Once she was beside the bed, Duanmu Ming Yue pulled the blanket away from their bodies, revealing everything to her.

Lin Fan had been in such a daze that he couldn't do anything to stop it.

Duanmu Yi just looked at Lin Fan's thing standing tall and proud without any hesitation or shyness. As she saw how big it was, she couldn't help opening her jaw and eyes in awe.

In the learning material that her mother had shown her, there was no mention that it would be this big…

She couldn't help feeling worried with a hint of excitement.

When she tested herself with the smaller things that her mother had prepared, she couldn't feel as good…She couldn't help wondering how good it would feel to have this large thing in her…

She was sure that it would surpass anything that she had felt when she was practicing on her own.

But before she could move forward, her mother's hand came to her face and held her back.josei

Duanmu Yi looked up at her mother with a bit of a complaining look, as if she was angry at her for holding her back like this. However, Duanmu Ming Yue didn't mind it at all.

Instead, she said with a calm look, "Xiao Yi, did you forget what I taught you?"

Duanmu Yi revealed a slightly confused look when she heard this.

Duanmu Ming Yue shook her head and gave a sigh before saying, "What is the polite thing to do before you approach the bed?"

Duanmu Yi knitted her brows to think for a bit before suddenly revealing a look of understanding.

With a shy look, she slowly started taking off her clothes, revealing her immature body to Lin Fan.

As she started undressing, Duanmu Ming Yue turned to Lin Fan and apologized, "Young master Lin, I'm sorry about Xiao Yi's actions. She's still young and immature. While I tried to teach her, she's still too inexperienced to remember everything. I hope that you won't mind and will slowly teach her everything."

Lin Fan was finally pulled out of his daze when he heard this.

He quickly reached his hand out and stopped Duanmu Yi from undressing before saying, "What are you doing? Isn't she your daughter?"

Both of them revealed confused looks and looked at each other before Duanmu Ming Yue turned back and asked, "Is there a problem with her being my daughter? Both of us have already devoted ourselves to serving our saviour, you."

Lin Fan could see the almost fanatical look that was in Duanmu Ming Yue's eyes when she said this and he finally understood something.

This was why she had given him the aphrodisiac.

She had been planning on bringing Duanmu Yi into this in the first place.

Lin Fan had already climaxed once, so he had been able to settle the burning feeling inside of him slightly, but it was slowly getting stronger.

That was the downside of his strong libido, it made drugs like this very effective on him.

Still, he could at least regain a bit of his sanity.

Lin Fan tried to keep his face calm as he said, "Don't you think that she's too young for this?"

Duanmu Ming Yue revealed an even more confused look as she asked, "Young? She's already old enough to get married, is she young?"

Lin Fan was taken aback when he heard this, but he also quickly realized his mistake.

After all, this was an ancient cultivation world…

Cultivators aside, the average lifespan of mortals was short because of underdeveloped medical technology. So most people tried to marry as soon as possible to leave behind descendants.

A girl that was in her early teens like Xiao Yi was definitely old enough to get married…

But Lin Fan was from a modern world where the FBI would raid anyone that had such thoughts…So this was hard for him to accept…

However, his thoughts were slowly being devoured by the burning heat of the aphrodisiac.

Duanmu Yi could see that something was wrong and she was getting worried, so despite her mother's eyes telling her not to speak, she still spoke up.

"Do you not like me?"

The way that she looked up at him with big eyes that had traces of tears in them…

It was at that moment that Lin Fan recognized what he was into…

And he had to admit that it was quite twisted.

He liked seeing cute girls looking helpless like this, it raised a kind of feeling that he couldn't deny inside of him.

But if he looked at his past closely, he would have realized this much sooner. After all, the things that he made his girls do were all to satisfy this desire in the first place.

Seeing her look up at him like this, he really couldn't deny it.

It wasn't as if she was some kind of stranger, she was someone that had been with him for a long time now and he had gotten used to having her by his side. If she were to suddenly disappear, he would feel like there was something missing in his life.

At the same time, the burning heat inside of him was slowly eating away at his rationality and he was losing control of himself.

Seeing this, Duanmu Ming Yue came forward and continued helping Duanmu Yi take off her clothes. Lin Fan was still lost in thought, so he didn't do anything to stop her.

Soon, she was standing there completely naked in front of him, revealing every part of her body to him.

While it wasn't as developed as the others, it was still very enticing to Lin Fan.

His body made it clear that it was enticing to him as there was a thing that suddenly started standing up again. It had shrunk down a bit after he had fallen into deep thought, but now it was standing tall and proud again.

Seeing this, Duanmu Yi revealed an excited look as she turned to Duanmu Ming Yue and asked, "Mom, does that mean he likes it?"

Duanmu Ming Yue nodded with a smile and patted her daughter on the head before saying, "You know what to do next."

Duanmu Yi nodded before coming forward to get on the bed. Then she crawled up to where Lin Fan's lower half was and lowered her head. At the same time, she also stuck out her tongue, making it clear what she was planning on doing.

But before she could reach him, Lin Fan unconsciously moved backwards on the bed.

Duanmu Yi was surprised when she saw this and she began to feel afraid. If she had scared him off, wouldn't that mean…

Panic slowly began appearing on her face, but Duanmu Ming Yue patted her on her hand for her to calm down.

Duanmu Yi looked at her mother, but Duanmu Ming Yue just shook her head for her to wait.

She could see the hesitation on Lin Fan's face and knew that if she gave him some time, it would…

Lin Fan was struggling with this very much because there were his concepts from his past world, but there was also that burning feeling deep inside of him urging him on. At the same time, there were his own feelings for Duanmu Yi that he had been denying.

So they all clashed together and made him very confused until it all suddenly didn't matter anymore. It was as if there was a switch that suddenly flicked inside of him and all of those complicated thoughts just stopped.

Almost as if there was something else that had forced him to calm down.

When Duanmu Ming Yue saw this look on her face, she couldn't help worrying a bit because this was just too unnatural. From what she had seen before, people who faced dilemmas like this would struggle for a long time before slowly calming down.

She had never seen a person suddenly calm down like this.

So she really didn't know how to deal with this situation.

But Lin Fan gave her an answer that calmed her heart.

He leaned back on the headrest of the bed and waved his hands at them as he said, "Come over here."

Both of them were surprised and they looked at each other in blank dismay, but they still followed his orders and came over. They stopped by his side and waited for his next words.

Lin Fan pointed down and said, "Go ahead, I'm sure you know what to do." Then after a pause, he said to Xiao Yi, "Watch your mother first, she'll teach you if you're unfamiliar."

Both of them revealed stunned looks at first, but then they both revealed bright smiles.

Xiao Yi gave an enthusiastic nod in response to this and then stuck her head out, but Duanmu Ming Yue stopped her before she could do anything.

She shook her head and said, "Wait, watch me first."

She brought her head down to Lin Fan's thing standing up straight and then she stuck out her tongue as she slowly started licking it all over.

Between licks, she raised her head to give Xiao Yi some instructions.

Xiao Yi nodded along honestly until Duanmu Ming Yue finally called her over to join her. The two of them both stuck out their tongues as they started licking it side by side.

Lin Fan had done this with two other girls before, but there was something different about these two. Perhaps it was because they were mother and daughter, but they moved in sync with one another as they kicked him off.

After a while, they stopped and Duanmu Ming Yue took hold of Xiao Yi's head, bringing her lips to the tip of Lin Fan's thing.

While instructing her, she also started pushing Xiao Yi's head forward.

However, it was clear that it was just too big for Xiao Yi's small mouth, so she kept choking as it was pushed deeper.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and it looked like she was about to faint. Only then did her mother stop pushing and let her pull her head back.

She looked at Xiao Yi with a disappointed look as she said, "It seems like you still need more training."

Then she turned back to Lin Fan and with a bright and charming smile, she took it into her own mouth.

She had the experience of last time, so she was able to get it much deeper in compared to before. She was almost about to get it all the way to the end of the shaft when she suddenly started choking.

She was just short of that one last bit, but it was impressive how she took it all down.

When she caught her breath, she was about to try again, but Lin Fan raised his hand to stop her.

He said with an evil smile, "It's time."

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