Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 174 Only Path To Survival

Chapter 174 Only Path To Survival

Chapter 174 Only Path To Survival

Ethan rested his head on Lily’s lap as the wagons of the Allied Tribes began their journey Northwest.

They only knew that they were heading Northwest and that their destination was the White Forest. If Safiya’s estimate were correct, it would take them two weeks to reach their destination.

Lily was wearing Ethan’s magical bracelet, passively charging it.

Unlike Luna, whose strong magical powers were practically oozing out of her body during the day of the Full Moon, Lily could only charge the bracelet very slowly.

According to her estimate, it would take her at least two to three days for the bracelet she wore to be fully charged.

Fortunately, Ethan was not in a hurry to use it, so she had time to charge it up.

Both of them were also briefed on the current situation. Similar to what the Great Chieftains thought, Lily also felt that this chain of events was quite suspicious.

Although it was not impossible for Orcs to ally with Humans, it was still incredibly rare. josei

Lily even thought that the Humans might have struck a deal with the Monsters in order to have their help to conquer the nearby Tribes within the Lands of Alastor.

As for the Goblins… these monsters existed to infringe upon the territories of others.

They were well-known for their raids on small villages, and even towns, in order to steal resources, as well as women, to help increase their numbers.

Safiya also told them about the other groups of Monsters that they might encounter on the route that they would be traveling, like Trolls and Kobolds.

Lily observed the map in her hand, which had been marked by the Head of the Shamans.

Suddenly, the young lady felt a chilly breeze pass through the wagon, alerting her.

This feeling was quite familiar to her as she had experienced it many times in the past.

‘Someone is using scrying magic on us,’ Lily thought as she summoned her wand.

“Spiritus Obice!”

The young lady waved her hand above her head, and conjured a spiritual barrier that blocked the sight of others, who planned to gain glimpses of them from great distances.

A frown appeared on her beautiful face because she could feel that whoever was casting the spell was quite powerful.

More powerful than her.

‘This is bad.’ The frown on Lily’s face deepened as she gazed at Ethan, who was currently sleeping on her lap. ‘I just hope they don’t specialize in Dream or Nightmare Spells. Ethan is currently vulnerable to them.’

Safiya and the other Shamans, also felt that someone was scrying on them, so they immediately cast their own defensive spells to prevent whoever it was from peeking at them.


Inside the Scarlet Citadel…

“Interesting…,” the skinny old man muttered. “I am certain that there is someone among the Allied Tribes who bears a connection with that Legacy. However, I can’t see anything… how peculiar.”

The Old Necromancer narrowed his eyes as he lightly tapped the scrying bowl with his fingertip, creating faint ripples on its surface.

“It is indeed there… but it's hidden from view.” The Necromancer snorted. “These second-rate shamans really thought that they could hide something like this from me? How ridiculous. Still, they are heading in the direction that I want them to go. This is very good.”

The old man smiled. “I’ve been waiting for nearly three hundred years. A few more days is nothing. But to ensure that they are not going anywhere, I better herd these sheep into my playpen.”

The Necromancer then closed his eyes as he chanted a few words. He only needed the Allied Tribes to reach that location.

As to how many would be able to reach it, he didn’t particularly care.


Somewhere in the White Mountain Marches…

“Understand… Master,” a Kobold Shaman said as he looked at the glowing mirror in front of him. “I will send my people to execute your orders.”

“Good,” the Necromancer replied. “As long as you obey me, I’ll spare your people from annihilation.”

“Thank you for your mercy, Master,” the Kobold Shaman bowed his head. “I hear and obey.”

After the connection was cut, the fawning expression of the Kobold Shaman disappeared. It was replaced with disgust and loathing.

If possible, he didn’t want to obey the Necromancer’s orders. But the consequence of doing otherwise was complete annihilation, just like the Gnomes on the other side of the mountain.

The Kobold Shaman then raised his hand to summon one of his aides.

“Tell Kezmet to come see me,” the Kobold Shaman ordered. “The Necromancer has issued a decree.”

The expression of the Aide darkened, but he still bowed his head to acknowledge the order.

When the Shaman was left alone in his cavern, he walked towards the wall and pushed aside the animal skin that served as decoration.

Hidden behind the animal skin was the drawing of a Trident. The Kobold Shaman affectionately caressed the symbol of the Tide Bringer, who once ruled the entirety of the Lands of Alastor.

“Tide Bringer, this humble subject implores you,” the Kobold Shaman said reverently. “A stain is trying to corrupt your land. Please cleanse it with your divine might.”

The drawing of the trident glowed faintly as if replying to the Kobold Shaman’s plea.

A moment later, faint words reached his ears.

“Endure. The one who carries his Legacy has come.”

The Kobold Shaman almost teared up after hearing these words. Their tribe had been waiting for decades, yet no answer came.

Only today did the trident speak, heralding that the one who bore their Master’s legacy had returned.

Clenching his fist tightly, he felt as if their chance had finally arrived. However, he still needed to wait patiently until the chosen one had returned to his rightful place.

“Endure…,” the Kobold Shaman muttered. “Just a little more, and we will finally be liberated from that Necromancer’s grasp.”

The Kobold Shaman pulled back his hand, and the animal skin once again covered the trident that was etched on his cavern wall.

A moment later, the Kobold Captain, Kezmet, arrived in his cavern.

“You called for me, Great Shaman?” Kezmet asked.

“The Necromancer has spoken,” the Kobold Shaman replied. “Follow the Allied Tribe and ensure that they do not stray off the path of the White Forest. Also, pay attention to anyone with blue hair. If you find them, immediately report to me.

No matter what happens, you are not allowed to attack that person. If there comes a time that he's in danger, you are to save him at all costs. The survival of our entire tribe depends on it. Do I make myself clear?”

Kezmet nodded. “Yes, Great Shaman. I will do as you say.”

The Kobold Captain left and went to gather his people. Although he didn’t know why he should pay close attention to any blue-haired individual, their Shaman’s words were absolute.

They knew that they were merely chess pieces of the Necromancer who had secretly encroached upon their domain. However, there was nothing they could do about it.

Their only path to survival was obeying his order.

Rejection was not tolerated.

Failure was not an option.

It was either they did it or they died trying to do it.

The Kobold Shaman didn’t dare to share what he knew with the rest of his tribe.

Although he believed in his people, he didn’t dare to take any chances—especially not when the Old Necromancer had decided to make use of all of his chess pieces in an attempt to steal the power of a Deity.

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