Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 214 Which One Of Them Would Become His Girlfriend?

Chapter 214 Which One Of Them Would Become His Girlfriend?

Chapter 214 Which One Of Them Would Become His Girlfriend?

“Ethan, I especially prepared all of your favorite food, so don’t be shy and eat as much as you can, okay?” Agnes looked at her grandson with a big smile on her face.

“Thank you, Grandma,” Ethan replied. “You really went all out today.”

A single glance was enough to tell him that his grandmother was very happy.

Of course, Ethan knew why his grandma was acting this way.

The main reason why Agnes wanted her grandson to go to the academy was not only to learn, but to also get to know rich noble girls that could potentially become his fiance.

The old lady was certain that, with Ethan’s good looks, he would be able to easily charm those pampered ladies without too much effort.

So, when she found out that Ethan accidentally boarded the wrong train and instead arrived at a Magical Academy, Agnes almost had a heart attack. If not for the fact that her grandson reassured her that he was doing fine in the academy, she would've been very anxious day and night.

In fact, two months ago, when the Headmaster of Brynhildr Academy, Professor Rinehart, had personally come to visit them and tell them about Ethan’s unfortunate accident, Agnes cried all night out of worry.

She thought that she would never see her grandson again and had almost entered a state of depression. If it weren't for her husband’s support and encouragement, Agnes might not have been able to bounce back from her depressed state.

When the White Raven arrived, bearing Ethan’s handwritten letter, Agnes knew that all of her prayers were answered.

After not seeing Ethan for a few months, she could tell that the teenage boy had changed a lot. He was now calmer, more grounded, and gave off an aura of stability that Agnes didn’t expect he would have.

Simply put, in her eyes, Ethan had matured a bit, which was a wonderful thing.

But the most wonderful thing of all was the three young ladies whom he had brought home with him.

All three of them were beauties, and she could tell that all of them liked Ethan.

The old lady glanced at Chloe, who was putting some meat dishes on Ethan’s plate. This brought a smile to her lips because she was quite fond of her.

She had known Chloe since she was a child and knew the latter's personality well. Heck, her mother and Agnes had even decided to let the two of them marry once they turned eighteen as a joke back then.

Of course, the two of them were half serious back then, but even if it was just half, it was still considered serious.

Agnes' gaze then landed on Chloe’s best friend, Luna, and just looking at the angelic beauty made her heart melt.

Although she was already old, the young lady was bringing out her maternal instincts, making her want to spoil and protect her.

Luna was radiating some kind of innocence and charm that made everyone like her. Perhaps, because of this, Agnes already liked the girl even though this was the first time they had met.

And finally, Agnes shifted her attention to the other beautiful young lady, who was looking at her grandson with a sweet smile on her face. For her, Emma was radiating a mysterious aura, which she found quite attractive.

However, she could sense something else while looking at the young lady, who had removed her glasses and fixed her hair to reveal her stunning beauty.

‘This girl is a bit dangerous,’ Agnes thought as she looked at Emma.

Agnes could tell just from the way Emma looked at Ethan that she didn’t like him the way Chloe and Luna did.

Her gaze wasn’t of love. josei

It was a gaze bordering worship and unconditional loyalty.

In Agnes' eyes, Emma was similar to a loyal soldier who would follow her general to war, even to the point of sacrificing her life to keep him safe.

This kind of fanaticism was dangerous in its own way because people like Emma wouldn’t hesitate to use any kind of method in order to stay by the side of those whom they deemed to be more important than their lives.

Agnes had a feeling that if Ethan were to order Emma to die for him, the young lady would do it with a smile on her face.

As if sensing Agnes’ gaze, Emma glanced in her direction and smiled.

The old lady smiled back before looking at her grandson with pride.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter if she is one of those crazies,’ Agnes thought. ‘As long as she is crazy for my grandson, she is a good girl in my book.’

The old lady didn’t care if Emma was a dangerous person.

The reason?

The old Ethan might have been played by someone like Emma and could've accidentally hurt the girl by giving her unreasonable orders due to his lack of stability and maturity.

But the current Ethan was different. Agnes believed that he currently had what it took, to tame the wild beast that was lurking in Emma’s heart.

“Say ahhhh…” Chloe said as she tried to spoon feed Ethan with an expectant look on her face.

The handsome young man didn’t resist and ate without a word.

After he finished chewing his food, Luna also mimicked what Chloe did, and spoon fed him with vegetables.

Agnes chuckled in her heart after seeing this scene.

She was absolutely sure that the old Ethan wouldn’t allow anyone to feed him in this manner because he didn’t want others to treat him like a child.

He would have rejected Chloe’s and Luna’s attempts with a flushed look on his face, conscious of the fact that his grandparents would make fun of him.

Now, seeing how calmly he accepted Chloe’s and Luna’s advances, Agnes could tell that it wouldn’t be long before she held her great grandkids in her arms.

But, there was only one question on her mind right now and that was…

‘Which one of them will become his girlfriend?’ Agnes mused.

Truth be told, she couldn’t pick anyone among the three. Although she was biased when it came to Chloe, Luna was also an excellent choice.

As for Emma, although Agnes had reservations about her, she still thought that, with the young lady’s good looks, any children that she would give birth to would be good-looking.

‘She also took the initiative to tell me that she wanted to have three kids,’ Agnes thought. ‘This girl is serious.’

The old lady didn’t know that later in the evening, Ethan would tell her and her husband something that they didn’t see coming.

Something that would make Agnes wonder if her grandson’s head had been kicked by a donkey when he was sent to the past.

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