Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 317 This Girl Is Hopeless

Chapter 317 This Girl Is Hopeless

After escorting the delegation of Nightfall Academy to their temporary residences, Professor Barret left in order to have a friendly chat with the other Magistratus, who were now acting as meek as children.

Seeing their change, Clara knew that they had to adjust their tactics in order to deal with the students of Brynhildr Academy who had entered the Legacy Domain with them.

Professor Barret had promised that, after dinner, they would get the chance to talk to Ethan and the others about things that transpired in the Deathseeker Forest.

“What do you think of that mock battle earlier?” Clara asked Cedric, who seemed to be deep in thought.

“I don’t know what to think about it,” Cedric shrugged. “Throughout the battle, Ethan didn’t use any Magic and only relied on his Martial Skills to survive.”

“Don’t you find it strange?” Clara inquired.

“Of course, I do,” Cedric answered. “How can I not find it strange? That person defeated me in a Magical Duel. How come when he returns here to Brynhildr Academy, his classmates treat him like some kind of target practice?” josei

Clara smiled because she could tell that Cedric was frustrated about seeing his rival act in that manner. There had been a few moments when she noticed that the handsome Second Year almost joined the mock battle out of frustration.

“Why do you find it so strange?” Lilian asked in an innocent tone. “According to our reports, Sir Ethan is a Dud. Him not using magic is normal, no?”

Clara and Cedric looked at the young lady, who had a crush on the handsome young man since they met in Nightfall Academy.

“You’re hopeless,” Clara said.

“You’re blind,” Cedric stated.

Lilian pouted after seeing her brother and her senior look at her with eyes filled with pity. The two were thinking along the lines of “love is blind,” which they had confirmed after the beautiful young lady reunited with Ethan.

“What do you mean I’m blind?” Lilian puffed her cheeks. “Our information about Sir Ethan couldn’t be wrong. He is a Dud. I don’t know how he was able to use Magic when the two of you dueled, but this kind of information can not be forged.”

Cedric wanted to refute his sister’s words, but in the end, he was unable to say anything.

It was indeed stated in Ethan’s personal information that he was a Dud. However, he refused to acknowledge this fact.

If he was really defeated by a Dud, then his reputation would take a nosedive once this information became widespread to the public.

“So that’s it,” Clara pondered. “Perhaps he can not use magic unless certain conditions are met. This is also something that has been bugging me since I saw his personal information.”

Cedric frowned. “Can this be considered his weakness? If we manage to find out his secret, then we can use it as a bargaining tool to get some information from him?”

“It will be risky, but it’s worth a try,” Clara nodded. “We just need someone to extract this information from him.”

Immediately, the two glanced at Lilian, which made the young lady frown.

“I’m not doing it,” Lilian stated. “I don’t want Sir Ethan to hate me.”


“No means no, Brother. I will not do it! If Luna finds out about this, she will definitely hate you too!”

Out of anger, the young lady stomped her way out of the room, leaving Clara and Cedric behind. Ethan was not resisting her advances on him, which meant that there was a possibility of her forming a good relationship with him.

He even invited her to have dinner with him in a few hours, which was something that Lilian was looking forward to. She would not risk her chance to end up on his bad side just because her brother insisted on it.

Cedric was also at a loss after hearing Lilian’s parting words. If Luna did hate him for trying to pry into Ethan’s secrets, his chance of closing the gap between them would be in danger as well.

‘I hope they hurry up and get in touch with Luna’s parents,’ Cedric thought of his own parents, whom he had sent a letter to a week ago. lightsnovel

He believed that if his family were to seriously make a move, the Oswald Barony would definitely agree to make Cedric Luna’s fiance and become their future son-in-law.

Who could possibly reject his family’s offer?

If someone wanted to rise in the nobility, allying themselves with Cedric’s family would definitely be the best choice.

Clara, who didn’t know what Cedric was thinking, sighed.

‘We just need to wait a few hours,’ Clara thought. ‘By then, everything will be settled.’

She had been given an artifact by the Headmaster of Nightfall Academy that could detect lies. With this in her arsenal, she would be able to know the truth of whether Ethan truly captured the Ancient Wendigo or not.

Since this was the case, she decided to just wait till evening and no longer provoke the students of Brynhildr Academy.

They weren’t on their home turf, so a bit of caution was necessary.

lightsΝοvel ———————————

Several hours later…

Ethan had just finished his last class and was about to return to Dud Manor when he noticed Lilian standing several meters away from him with a smile on her face.

Clearly, the young lady was waiting for the end of his classes so that she could talk to him.

He didn’t share this particular class with his “girl friends,” so there was no one to stop Lilian from approaching him to talk.

“Sir Ethan, are you done with all of your classes?” Lilian asked as soon as Ethan approached her.

“I am,” Ethan replied. “Have you been waiting here for a long time?”

Lilian shook her head. “I came here after visiting Brynhildr Academy’s Library. Although it isn’t as big as the one we have in Nightfall Academy, their collection of books is quite surprising.”

Ethan pondered for a bit before deciding to ask the young lady something.

“Lilian, would you mind coming with me for a bit?” Ethan asked. “There is something that I’d like to test, and I need your help.”

“Of course!” Lilian replied happily. “As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely help Sir Ethan without fail.”

Deep inside Ethan’s Sea of Consciousness, Sebastian chuckled.

“This girl is hopeless,” Sebastian stated. “She’s like an open book. Ethan can easily take advantage of her if he wants.”

“She’s blind,” Ethan’s Other Half commented. “Just like everyone else who has fallen in love for the first time.”

“Oh my~ are you speaking from experience?”

“No. I am speaking about other people’s experiences.”

Ethan ignored the two no-good people from the peanut gallery and summoned his Wind Dancer.

He then asked Lilian to follow him.

Ethan wanted to test the young lady’s control over the water element, and there was no better venue to do it than at the lake not far from Brynhildr Academy.

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