Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 179

Chapter 179: Unpredictable people, the battle to destroy the city, the certification is successful! (

Chapter 179 Unpredictable people, the battle to destroy the city, the certification is successful! (4D order ticket 68000)

The next day.

Li Wei, who had practiced in a small hotel all night, opened the window to enjoy the sea breeze.

From time to time, streaks of light flew across the sky.

Based on Li Wei’s rough perception, although the Refeng Harbor Wizards Alliance claims to have 20 official wizards, in fact, there are more than 30 official wizards living in Refeng City.

Hotwind City itself is a place similar to the Black Sail Wizard Market, so there may be many casual wizards living here, which is also normal.

Different from the "double super and multi-strong" wizarding organization structure in the ninth district, the eighth district has almost only one absolute overlord, and that is the Hotwind Harbor Wizards Union.

Except for this third-ring wizarding organization, there are only a few second-ring wizarding organizations, and the others are "peacefully" annexed by the rapidly expanding Hot Wind Alliance, and the hot wind alliance's merger relies on its well-known pharmaceutical industry And the device industry has created huge profits for it.

Coupled with the prestige of the two three-ring wizards, many small organizations could not resist the pressure and chose to compromise, because the official wizards of their organization were almost poached by the Hot Wind Alliance, and even normal teaching became a problem. Although such an act is a bit shameless for many wizarding organizations, it does not violate the laws and regulations of the pan-plane wizarding council, so everyone dare not speak out.

It is said that Master Nongyan is a very thoughtful and ambitious third-ring wizard. He has been in the third-environment world for a hundred years, and he is now 300 years old. His strength is extremely powerful, and he can be called the number one person in the eighth district. His goal is to have the entire Eighth District merged into the Hot Wind Alliance, and make the Red Flame Tower the absolute talker in this sea area.

In Li Wei's view, those who can do this in the area far away from the emperor are those who have connections and backgrounds in the Tower of Stars, just like Murphys. The reason why he is unscrupulous is the mysterious man behind him. Supported by the strong five rings.

To be honest, Li Wei doesn't have a good impression of people from the Burning faction. The two official wizards of the Burning faction he has met so far, Kane and Turrell, are not good people.

I don't know if it's because the meditative idea of ​​practice is the element of fire. The wizards of the burning faction seem to have a radical personality in general. They are flammable and explosive. Forced type.

Of course, it may also be because the blazing sun **** witch Amon is the current leader of the Great Council, which makes the wizards of the burning faction a little too drifting.

There are still two days left before the certification examination for registered pharmacists. Li Wei now has 10,000 taishi in cash alone. The cheap stuff, Taishi, he had to save it to buy the potion formula at the Haitian wizard festival.

Walking around, Li Wei came to a small shop.

"Dogg's small witchcraft shop."

"This guy originally opened a witchcraft shop here."

Li Wei thought of the Doge who struck up a conversation with him yesterday, and couldn't help but move slightly.

Now this small shop is closed, otherwise Li Wei would like to go in to see the price of witchcraft and learn about the market conditions of witchcraft in the eighth district.

Afterwards, Li Wei quickly browsed all the various shops in Hot Wind City, and returned to the hotel where he lived contentedly.

"I actually found a book on endurance breathing."

Li Wei took out an inheritance map of "Mountain Wolf Breathing Method", which is a superficial quality breathing method, which Li Wei found in an antique shop.

The mountain wolf breathing method can be practiced to the limit of the fifth level. Although it is rubbish, it is a breaking point of 2 points.

Endurance type breathing method is too rare, a little more is a little bit.

Besides, the medicine formula was not met, which was within Li Wei's expectation.

In the evening, Li Wei practiced the golden snake breathing method in the hotel. Of course, he wasn't completely relaxed.

Because his spider sensor is showing slight warning signs today, this is not a good sign, or someone in Hot Wind City wants to harm him. Or some of Levi's enemies drew circles and cursed him from far away.

The golden snake letter is hesitating, and the advanced perception is also turned on. After all, this is a foreign land, so it is always okay to be cautious.

【Golden snake breathing method proficiency +56】

After the maintenance line is completed.

It is already late at night.

Opening his eyes, his face suddenly changed.

Through his snake letter, he sensed a familiar aura that seemed to be approaching the direction of the hotel. Beside this aura, there was also an unfamiliar aura, which seemed to be a ring of wizards.


Although it was coming towards Li Wei, he didn't know whether it was coming towards him or someone else.

"Don't worry about things that have nothing to do with me."

Li Wei was talking to himself.

He thought about it carefully, since he came to this place until now, he has never provoked this person, and he has never been involved in any disturbance, so he felt that he was worrying too much, but as the spider sense became more and more Strong, Levi knew.

There is a high probability that these two people came for me, and they are hostile to me!

He left the hotel based on the principle that more things are worse than less things.

At the same time, make sure that Doge is coming for himself.

Li Wei left the hotel, his figure jumped, and his figure quickly disappeared on the sea surface and dived into the bottom of the sea.

Anyway, he has whale lungs, so he can stay there for three days and three nights.

Not long after, two black-robed flame-pattern wizards who controlled the fire appeared on the surface of the sea, floating in mid-air.

"Huh? Going into the sea? It must be the helper invited by the old woman Laura. What did you say to certify the pharmacist? I have heard that Laura and Mai Lin from the Gray Tower are relatively close. This person must be Mai Lin." Lin sent it." Doge sneered inwardly.

He was not sure at first, but that Li Wei left the hotel on his own initiative after sensing his arrival.

What does this mean? This shows that Li Wei has a ghost in his heart.

If there are no ghosts, why does Levi run?

He must have a guilty conscience!

Dog's logic is like this.

He actually didn't intend to kill Li Wei. After all, Li Wei is the official wizard of the Pale Tower. It's not wise to be a ring wizard.

He just wanted to bring Levi to Lord Crower, so that Lord Crower could find out if Levi belonged to the Green Forest Witch.

It is rumored that the relationship between the Green Forest Witch and Master Nongyan is not on good terms. In fact, the two of them are not only at odds, they are now fighting openly and secretly, and they are only about to fight openly.

"Forget it, it's enough to know that the other party has a ghost. I have to inform Mr. Klauer and prepare in advance. The arrival of this person shows that the Gray Tower may intervene in the next thing. We must be more careful. After all, the other party is also a third party. The ring wizard organization." Doge's voice came into the mind of his companion.

Another one-ring wizard, Syndt, said through voice transmission: "That's right, even if this person is really here to certify a registered pharmacist, at this juncture, you have to keep an eye on him, otherwise things are easy to happen, no matter what you do , Be careful, you can't go wrong."

Although this bay is not big, it is very deep. Doge is a wizard of the Burning faction, and he has not mastered the spell that can dive into the deep sea. Ordinary diving potions can't make a wizard with a weak physique like him withstand the huge depths of the deep sea. Moreover, in the sea, the magic power of the Burning faction is greatly reduced, and they definitely cannot keep up.

Although the other companion, Syndt, is from the ocean school, he is easily ambushed by the other party when he goes down alone, so Doug thought for a while and said with a sneer: "Let's wait first, let him stay in the sea." , I don't believe he won't come out."

This bay is not big. If that Levi floated on the sea, Dogger and the others would detect it with their perception spells. They didn't believe that Li Wei could stay inside for a day. In that case, it meant that Li Wei had left the harbor.josei


When the sun rises, the sea is covered with golden clouds.

On the ship, Dogger and Schindt looked a little tired.

They used high-intensity perception spells to investigate all night, and it turned out that the **** Levi really stayed in the deep sea and couldn't come out...

"Could it be that that person is a mixed race of the Sea Race? Or that he has already left, or that he has mastered some kind of profound aura-containing spell?" Syndt was puzzled.

"Let's go! Don't waste time, this person has probably already left." Doge said.

"Don't wait any longer? Do you want me to go down?" Sundert hesitated and said.

Doge thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, don't wait, now that **** Laura has found an ally in the Pale Tower, we have to make preparations on our side, let's ignore him, and a one-ring wizard will also turn over." For heaven's sake, what we are worried about is not him, but the attitude of the gray tower behind him."

"OK, let's go."

The two one-ring wizards communicated through sound transmission, and then left quickly.

Deep sea.

Li Wei detected that the two people had left the scope of his snake letter.

He didn't rush to go up, but meditated on the dark bottom of the sea.

"What did I do? Why are they hostile to me, inexplicable."

Li Wei felt a little wronged. His burly body of more than two meters leaned against a giant rock on the seabed. In a fit of anger, he punched an unknown sea beast passing by in front of him.

"It's really deceiving people too much. I didn't do anything, and I was targeted for no reason. Is there still a reason? Is there still a law?"

"It's all my fault, I'm not strong enough, I'm too friendly and approachable, making those people think I'm a soft persimmon, and they want to come up and kick me if I'm an individual."

"Dog, Hot Wind Alliance... You guys are really damned."

Li Wei was gloomy, reflecting on his recent behavior, and then he gave up reflecting.

"It's not me, it's them!"

"I have to figure out what is going on first, and then decide whether to continue with the pharmacist certification. The certification can be certified at any time, but I only have one life."

Li Wei stayed in the deep sea for another day, and waited until the third day when he was supposed to be certified as a registered pharmacist. He didn't rush to get certified as a registered pharmacist because he was not sure about the attitude of the Green Forest Witch.

Originally, according to Teacher Mai Lin, although the Green Forest Witch looks cold, she is kind-hearted in her heart. Green elves are also the easiest to contact and deal with among the three major elf groups.

But now Li Wei can't figure it out. The people in the Hot Wind Alliance are hostile to him, which makes him afraid to go for certification for the time being.

In this way, Li Wei did not rush to Hot Wind City, but kept feeling the situation in the city in the sea.

Suddenly, a terrifying explosion sounded in Hot Wind City and spread throughout the bay. It seemed that this was some kind of signal. Immediately afterwards, the roar of various spells resounded across the bay.

Li Wei poked his head out of the sea as sneakily as a Kappa.

He saw that on the streets of Refeng City, in the midair, there seemed to be two waves of people fighting.

"What's the situation? Why did they suddenly start fighting?"

Looking at the battlefield in front of him, Li Wei was stunned by the flames and smoke.

Could it be that some dark wizard organization attacked the Hot Wind Alliance.

Until he saw the two three-ring wizards rising from the two towers, the Red Flame Tower and the Green Forest Tower, who were as dazzling as the sun, and then the two three-ring wizards started a spell confrontation...

These two three-ring wizards are Master Flame and the Green Forest Witch!

"No way, isn't it just that the relationship between husband and wife is not harmonious? There are quarrels at the head of the bed and peace at the end of the bed. As for the rise to the level of the wizard war of the Three Rings? Damn it, my registered pharmacist plan has also been ruined..."

Li Wei watched the battle from afar, and the two waves of people fought fiercely. He was a mere ring wizard, so naturally he didn't dare to join in the fun.

If it wasn't for the fact that the wizarding world hadn't invented a satellite covering the endless sea and a mobile phone for communication, Levi would have called the police to the Tower of Stars long ago.

Is this your rule of law?

Battle in broad daylight, the official wizards have begun to fight.

On the other side, the two three-ring wizards had already fired a real fire.

"Bitch, I'm the leader of the Hot Wind Alliance, don't go too far." Flame Master Klauer cursed angrily.

Klauer looks like a middle-aged man, with gray temples, and a bit of aristocratic temperament. He is wearing a scarlet flame robe. With a wave of his hand, he throws the five fireballs for free. For a wizard with three rings like him , this kind of two-ring trick is easy to come by.

The terrifying five-fireball technique exploded in the air, and the aftermath of the explosion could be felt by Li Weiyuan even in the bay.

On the other side, wearing a green robe and taller than her husband Klauer, the Green Forest Witch Lola said with a sneer: "Don't forget, Klauer, I promised to merge the Tower of Green Forest into your The Hotwind Alliance is based on our partnership. Now you and I are no longer partners. If it wasn’t for your face, I would have moved out of here long ago. I didn’t expect you to be so generous. If it weren't for my status as a senior pharmacist in the second ring, would you have recruited so many wizards in the first ring? Just relying on you? Is that okay?"

The two wizards of the third ring seemed to have some grievances and entanglements, and they fought like enemies.

The battle became more and more fierce. For his own safety, Li Wei stopped watching the excitement and left here temporarily. However, he did not go far away, but found the Dragon King Whale and hid it in a seabed.

The reason why he didn't leave was because he still missed his registered pharmacist certification, and secondly, he wanted to figure out why Doge and the others were hostile to him.

Now, Li Wei has firmly remembered the aura of Dogge and Sindert. When the war is over, he will come back here to find Dogge and ask him clearly, otherwise, he will have to worry about being missed in the future.

The battle in Hot Wind City is still going on.

But the key to this war is not the wizard apprentices who are pecking at each other below, but those first- and second-ring wizards and the most important third-ring wizards.

Lola is like a green goddess. She knows some elf spells. She sings and casts her elf spells in obscure elf language. This is close to the spell ability of the plant faction in the life faction, but as a natural and plant The friendly green elf, a similar spell was cast in Laura's hands, and it was very powerful.

Lola's wicker-like hair began to grow longer and longer, turning into shiny vines or whips. These vines spread and grew in midair, wrapping Klauer's fireball in them. At the same time, in the Tower of Green Forest, a giant with a height of nearly ten meters, covered with hard rock skin, and wearing animal skin jumped out. The giant swung a huge ax and slashed towards Klauer.

This is the mountain giant, the bionic source of the first-ring magic of the earth faction, the wrath of the mountain giant, a creature from multiple planes, adults generally have the strength of the third ring, and the number is extremely rare.

And Lola, the mountain giant, has been transformed by her life school experiments and spells, and installed various powerful biological prosthetics. For example, the mountain giant has a second-ring hybrid dragon on its chest [Dragon Killer Whale's head.

At this moment, the dragon killer whale opened its **** mouth, and exhaled a jet of water more exaggerated than the dragon king whale Leviathan, using water to overcome fire.

In addition, on the back of the mountain giant, there is a pair of fleshy wings covering the sky and the sun, whistling the wind, blowing the fire towards the camp of the Red Flame Tower.

"You bitch, to deal with me, you actually awakened this monster, you...you're mad at me!" Klauer's face was flushed, and he muttered something, and the terrifying three-ring spell began to brew.

Third-ring spell: Yang Yan Explosion!

Like a small sun appearing in the sky above Rewind City, the big fireball with a diameter of five meters was held by Klauerto in his right hand, and his scarlet flame robe was hunting.


Yang Yanburst collides with Mountain Giant!

The terrifying aftermath of the flames spread in the air, and the city was trembling. The power of the three rings was so terrifying!

Fortunately, the battle is in the sky. If it is on the ground, I don’t know how many houses and mortals will be annihilated by the explosion.

On the battlefield of low-level wizards on the other side, Dogg and Sundert teamed up to fight against a ring of senior wizards in the Tower of Green Forest. Just when the two sides were evenly matched, the five fireball technique descended from the sky, directly submerging the body of the one-ring senior wizard.

A glamorous and revealingly dressed second-ring witch stepped on the scorched bones of a senior wizard in that ring with her leather boots, making a clip-like laugh.

"Thank you, Fire Scarlet Witch!"

Dogg and Sindert looked respectful and bowed their heads in thanks.

The flamboyantly dressed fiery witch chuckled and said, "Dog, you said that a wizard from the Gray Tower is here. Where is he?"

"Master Fire Scarlet Witch, that wizard may have run away... I haven't met him until now." Doge whispered, trembling.

This fiery witch is Lord Claure's new love, and it is precisely because of her that she became the fuse of the final break between Lord Claure and Laura. I don't know what magic power this witch has. She is a mere second-ring wizard. Claure of the third ring can be taken down.

"Oh, that's it, it's okay, maybe he really just came to certify a registered pharmacist." After finishing speaking, the Scarlet Witch left.

She is a wizard of the second ring, but she didn't participate in the battle of the second ring, because she met a sea beast of the second ring in a sea area some time ago.

She thought that with her own strength, even a half-blood dragon should be able to take down the opponent, but she didn't expect that the **** second-ring sea beast would be fine in the end. On the contrary, she was seriously injured by the opponent's attack to the source of her spiritual power, and she has not recovered until now, and she can't even cast several important second-level spells.

So when the battle plan was set up for this battle, Klauer let her paddle and did not participate in the battle of the second ring, because today's Fire Scarlet Witch can only be regarded as half of the second ring wizard's combat power, which is too weak.

Anyway, there are more second-ring wizards on the Red Flame Tower than the Green Forest Tower, and there is no shortage of her.

At the critical moment of the battle between the two three rings in the sky, suddenly a hexagram circle appeared in the sky, and in the mysterious circle, a figure wearing a robe of stars descended impressively.

As soon as he arrived, his tyrannical spiritual power swept across the city.

"The nonsense, stop! Do you think the Charter Act is a display?"

The old man in the robe of stars scolded coldly.

He has disheveled hair, gray hair, looks informal, unshaven, and feels like the kind of serious wizard who does research every day.

He is [Stars Supervisor Riemann] from District 8.

In each area of ​​the outer ring sea area and the inner ring sea area, there is a law enforcement officer sitting in charge, that is, the star monitor.

They generally have enough strength to suppress all rebellions, but they will not take action in their status and status unless there is a wizard war involving the entire region.

Now, the three-ring battle caused by these two three-ring wizards has seriously affected the order in this area, so Riemann had to take action.

Of course, the reason why he was able to arrive on time was actually because the Green Forest Witch had greeted him before, because the Green Forest Witch realized that her former partner might attack her at any time, which would inevitably lead to large-scale wizards. For war, simply make a small report first, so that the inspectors can prepare.

As the Supervising Envoy of the Stars, with the space teleportation scroll distributed by the organization, it is naturally easy to rush to the scene of the incident.

In this regard, what the Green Forest Witch did is similar to the tower master Herman who gave a report to the Star Law Enforcer before the battle with Harlant.

As a wizard of the four rings, Riemann is extremely powerful. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a wizard of the four rings to appear in the outer ring area. He stays here purely because of the mission of the organization.

Riemann's random three-ring spell, the hand of the sea giant, formed a huge blue water wave palm, which slapped the aggressive Klauer away, and then he said to the Green Forest Witch: "Take your modified creature, This thing is easy to go berserk, and you may not be able to control it when the time comes, so it's better to use it sparingly."

"Okay, Master Inspector." The Green Forest Witch obediently cast a spell to send the mountain giant back to the Green Forest Tower, and then she stopped the wizards under her command, and looked at the sluggish Klauer coldly.

Claure still can't see the situation clearly, this **** definitely has an extraordinary relationship with the Supervisor, and may even have an affair!

Otherwise, it is obvious that the two sides are fighting each other, how could the inspector sideline the fight and only hit himself, but not the bitch.

I am a dignified Claure, but I was green!

Crower was furious.

As expected of a green elf, he gave me green without anyone noticing it!

"Claure, Laura, you two are the leaders of the three-ring wizard organization, but you led the organization wizard civil war, causing huge casualties. Now, in the name of the Tower of Stars, according to the pan-plane wizard council law, you two Arrest, and then you will be tried by the Wizarding Inquisition."

Hearing this, Claure's face changed slightly, but he remembered that there were people above him, so he didn't say anything. Anyway, even if he went to jail by himself, that **** would accompany him. I am a third-ring wizard, and the pan-plane wizard council will not easily give myself the death penalty. In possible future plane wars, every third-ring wizard will also be an important backbone, so at most I will be in Abyss City Stay for a while, then come out, and you can restore your legal status.

"Lola, your real-name report on the collusion between the third-ring wizard Klauer and the black wizard organization Black Sun High Tower has been reviewed by the pan-plane wizard council, and it is indeed true. For the time being, there is no need to go to the Wizarding Tribunal, pay a fine of 100,000 taishi, and enter a 100-year observation period. If there is no major violation record during the period, you will be exempted from prosecution."

"Thank you, Supervisor. Laura's fight with Klauer this time is also for self-protection. It's not intentional. I have a record slate of Klauer's various illegal facts in the past few years." Laura waved her hand, streamers It fell into the palm of the inspector Riemann.

"Okay, I have received all your evidence, let's go back for now." Riemann said calmly.

"?? You adulterers and prostitutes framed me? I didn't collude with the Black Sun Tower!" Klauer's complexion changed drastically. "Bitch, you actually reported me? And it seems that you started doing it a long time ago. We were still partners at that time!"

Lola left silently without saying a word.

"There are all witnesses and material evidence, and you dare to quibble, Claure, quickly catch him." Riemann sneered, with his strength as a four-ring wizard, he naturally had the confidence.

Claure's face was ashen, and he suddenly laughed wildly: "In this case, I will stop pretending, I will show my cards, I am a member of the Black Sun Tower! Brothers, I will withdraw first! See you later!"

There was a bang.

Crower threw a scroll in his hand.

The scroll is engraved with a pattern like a black sun.

Fourth Ring Spell·Black Sun Annihilation!

Crower's face was cold.

Indeed, the Black Sun High Tower once approached him, trying to persuade him to join the Black Wizards organization, but he did not agree, because he still did not want to give up all his identities and status in the eighth district, which were all his hard-earned foundations .

However, it has come to this point now.

Crower has nothing to hesitate.

Accompanied by the tearing of the scroll.

A black phantom of the sun emerged.

Riemann's complexion changed drastically.

Four Rings Spell·Wall of Sea and Sky!

Between Riemann and the black sun, a blue curtain several hundred meters high suddenly rose, piercing the sky and forming an indestructible barrier.

The black sun's silent explosion annihilated everything!

It seems that the surrounding light is attracted to the past, causing the bay to become dark in an instant...

From the [Son of the Element of Fire] [Heart of Darkness] from the Tower of the Black Sun, a genius black wizard with dual talents, the four-ring spell created by Adam Black Sun!


Shock waves swept across.

The wall of sea and sky was torn.

The aftermath rushed towards Riemann who was flying away.

However, after being blocked by the wall of sea and sky, coupled with the long distance, these aftermaths did not tear Riemann's four-ring defensive force field in the end.

But Hot Wind City is... finished.

Countless houses were annihilated, and countless mortals and wizards suffered. Only the Tower of Red Flame and the Tower of Green Forest relied on the defensive circle of the Wizard Tower, and they were far away to escape the impact.

Riemann's face was ashen.

"It's really a dark wizard?" He couldn't help cursing secretly, it seemed that the casualties were a bit heavy now.

"Damn Black Sun Adam, he is making trouble for us all day long." Riemann disappeared in the harbor after chasing the trace of Claure's breath that he had no idea where he had fled.

Three days later.

The hot wind city is in a mess, like the end of the ancient city of Pompeii after a volcanic eruption.

Except for a few wizards and wizard apprentices, the vast majority of mortals and most wizard apprentices died from the aftermath of the four-ringed black wizard spell, Black Sun Annihilation, leaving no bones left.

Lola's complexion was complex, looking at the ruined Refeng City, her heart was bitter. Because she made preparations in advance, the loss of the Tower of Green Forest this time is actually not very big, but it is still very uncomfortable.

At this time, no one cares about Li Wei, who has come here to be certified as a pharmacist after traveling thousands of miles.

And in the deep sea hundreds of miles away from the bay.

Li Wei opened his eyes.

"The war should be over."

"Is it easy for me to certify a registered pharmacist? I didn't do anything, and I was involved in an inexplicable vortex of infighting. If the Green Forest Witch dies, I have to go to the seventh district for certification."

There is no pharmacist association in the tenth district, otherwise Levi would have gone there, why would he come to the eighth district.

Moreover, Li Wei still has one unresolved matter, he has to go to Doug.

Thinking of this, Li Wei began to head towards Hot Wind City. The spider sensor didn't respond, and it seemed that the danger was not great.

When Li Wei arrived in Hot Wind City, he was dumbfounded.

"How come such a big city lost a large piece..."

There are ruins and wrecks everywhere, and the atmosphere of death and sadness is everywhere.

"Is the wizard of the third ring so powerful? This must be the fourth ring..." Li Wei was suspicious.

If this is also caused by the wizard of the third ring, then the tower owner of the same third ring is really just a ball compared to others!

No matter what, Li Wei began to look for Doge's breath, and he didn't know that these three days had passed, the city was gone, and Doge was still there.

Li Wei possessed the snake letter, and soon found the aura of Dogger. The aura of Sindert was gone, and he didn't know if he was dead or gone somewhere.

Thinking of this, Li Wei slightly changed his appearance. Although the change is not very useful to wizards who rely on spiritual power to know people, it is better than nothing.

He came to the inland area of ​​Yangliu Island. In an underground cave group more than ten kilometers away from him, he sensed the breath of Doge. Besides, there seemed to be a strange breath, which was stronger than Godot is stronger, and it actually gives Li Wei a sense of danger that is not weak. It seems to be between the first ring and the second ring, which makes Li Wei hesitate.

He stored the breath of this person and began to wait patiently.

He sensed the aura of these two people from a distance. With his snake-like perception range, Li Wei was very confident that the other party did not find him.

The next day.

One of them gave Li Wei a lot of dangerous breath and finally left, leaving only Doge.

Li Wei waited for a long time, and after confirming that the person should have left completely, he looked cold and quickly walked towards Doge.

In a deep underground cave.

Doge leaned on the ground, his body was covered with traces of black sun burns, his complexion was pale and painful.

"Damn Claure, I was so loyal to him, but he abandoned me!" Doug cursed inwardly.

For the past two days, he and Mrs. Scarlet Witch hid in the deep underground cave in the inland area, avoiding the pursuit of the Tower of Stars. This place is located at a depth of one thousand meters underground, and the rock formations inside also have a considerable isolation effect on spiritual power. , even the perception spells of the third-ring wizards are difficult to penetrate here, because the perception spells of most wizards are based on spiritual power.

As the leader of the Red Flame Tower, Claure committed a crime, and followers like Doug could not escape the responsibility, but most of the law enforcement officers went after Claure, and no one cared about him. G was able to escape.

Suddenly, Doug noticed that someone had come to the cave.

Not the Scarlet Witch.

Dogg immediately became alert.

Until a figure turned into blood and flashed in front of Doge at a speed beyond Doge's imagination, Doge's prepared fireball technique had already come out.


Fireball explodes, covering the opponent.

The fire lit up this dark underground cave.

In the flames, a ferocious black human-shaped monster covered with black gold scales appeared there. The monster swallowed snake letters, and the snake saliva flowed. He bathed in the flames and shook them off. The weak Doge choked and pressed against the wall.

Click click click.

Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

Dogg's painful cry echoed in the cave.

All the bones in his limbs were shattered, as were the palms.

Li Wei's frosty arms were entangled, and the frosty air froze the surface of Doge's body into frost, and then he asked coldly, "Why do you want to harm me?"

Doge was taken aback: "Who are you?"

Li Wei exerted so much force that he almost strangled Doge to death.

The scales on his face temporarily spread out, revealing Li Wei's face.

"I just want to come here to certify a registered pharmacist, why harm me?!"

"I don't like hands-on actions. I like to be kind to others and make money with kindness. Why? Why are you forcing me?"

Sacred armored scorpions were already lying on Doge's body, nibbling away at Doge's flesh and blood.

Doge was in pain, and then said: "Your Excellency Li Wei... Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding... We thought you were invited by the Green Forest Witch to fight against our Red Flame Tower... Don't kill me, please Now, I can pass on my artifact maker to you, my inheritance does not belong to me, if you kill me, you will never get my inheritance, don't you want to become an artifact maker?"

"In no mood."


Doge's brain was crushed by Li Wei, and the Holy Armored Scorpion hurriedly enjoyed the rare feast of a wizard's soul. Li Wei watched the Sacred Armored Scorpion devour Dogge cleanly, picked up the other party's storage bag, and felt ancient well in his heart. no waves.

In this chaotic situation, if you kill Doge, you won’t get into any trouble. No matter what, this person must be killed if he wants to harm himself, so Li Wei has no hesitation!

He opened Doge's storage bag, glanced at it, and saw the "Book of Star-Forging Runes" written on it, which was obviously Doge's artifact making inheritance.

"Still lying to me, sorry, I lied to you too, I want to learn how to make a device."

Li Wei put all this away, Dog had already been eaten by the Scorpion, leaving only bone dregs, Li Wei used the fireball technique to destroy the corpse, and picked up a crimson glove on the ground, which was cast by Dog just now A ring of witchcraft.

After finishing these, Li Wei quickly left here.

Leaving the place where the crime was committed, Li Wei took a long detour and returned to Hot Wind City. He was not in a hurry to leave. He still had to ask the Green Forest Witch if he could still pass the pharmacist registration examination for himself.

Now Li Wei learned from Dogger that the Green Forest Witch has no malice towards him. To put it bluntly, this was a complete misunderstanding, but Li Wei was too unlucky to bump into him head-on.

He came under the Tower of Green Forest, the previous two guards were gone, probably died in this battle, at the top of the Tower of Green Forest, the voice of the Green Forest Witch said: "Come up Well, I can't let you make a trip in vain."

Li Wei showed joy and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Laura."

He came to the top carefully, and a silver-haired little girl was following the Green Forest Witch. It was the genius girl with dual-line affinity when Li Wei boarded the boat before, Celie. This girl was originally going to be given to Klauer. Yes, now it's here with Laura.

In addition, the other two first-ring pharmacists are also here. They hid in the Tower of Green Forest and escaped unharmed.

"Let's start, what potion do you want to refine."

The Green Forest Witch asked.

"My lord, I have refined a ring of Blood Elf Lamentation." Li Wei said.

"No problem." The Green Forest Witch said.

The next refinement can be said to be without difficulty. Li Wei is already a senior pharmacist in Yihuan. He has refined this medicine many times, and the possibility of failure is very small. Naturally, he is familiar with the road and succeeded once.

"Congratulations, Li Wei, a registered pharmacist in the first ring. After a while, a letter from the headquarters of the Pharmacists Association will be sent to the Gray Tower. Please check it carefully. It contains your pharmacist qualification certificate. After you go back, please send it to the Pagoda for me. Hello, Mai Lin, and I hope you will become an excellent pharmacist." Laura said.

"Thank you, my lord! I am very grateful!" Li Wei exited the Tower of Green Forest respectfully, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. The most important task of coming out this time has been completed.

Of course, there is another surprise.

That is Nadog's inheritance of making utensils.

Although Li Wei didn't think about learning this thing, but now it's all in his hands, and he can't waste it.

Take time to study in the future, but the importance should be ranked last, highlighting a Buddhist system of resignation.

Sorry, I forgot to set the timer. I have been writing the plot of the next chapter in the morning, and the upload is late. Today is still a 4D chapter, please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket! The rest owes 68,000 words.

(end of this chapter)

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