Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Breakthrough debut, beast blood boils, golden snakes make trouble in the sea! (big

Chapter 191 Breakthrough debut, beast blood boils, golden snakes make trouble in the sea!

Bass Island.

This island is the most important transportation port in the Ninth District, and many sea lanes and air lanes pass through this place.

Li Wei has already turned into a handsome white wolf Geralt with a little bit of vicissitudes.

He wore a windproof black windbreaker-style robe and hunting boots, walking low-key through the port of Bath City.

He came to the Voodoo Airship Ticket Office.

The so-called witchcraft airship is a floating spaceship made using wizard technology.

It can be regarded as an ultra-low configuration version of Sky City.

So far, in Endless Sea, there are not many organizations that have mastered this technology.

Like ordinary wizard ships, witchcraft airships are mainly developed by the organization Seven Water Towers.

However, the value of the witchcraft airship is several times more expensive.

So there are not many wizarding organizations that have the money to buy and operate witchcraft airships.

Generally speaking, only middle and high-level wizarding organizations will purchase private airships for use by members of the organization.

For witchcraft airships, the daily maintenance and fuel costs are the highest compared to the purchase cost.

After all, this thing is the same as the alchemy creature, it is a big consumer of Taishi, and it is not cost-effective for small wizard organizations.

The Seven Water Tower is also the top five existence in the high-level wizard organization of the Endless Sea because of the industry of witchcraft airships and wizard ships.

At the ticket office, the conductor lady witch wearing a blue robe is busy.

"Beautiful lady, when is the next flight to the Sea of ​​Stars?" Li Wei asked.

"Hello, sir, it will be three days after get off work." Miss Witch said sweetly, her service attitude was very good.

"Okay, I'll take an economy class ticket."

After buying the boat ticket, Li Wei found a small hotel on the coast of Bath City to stay.

"As expected of the transportation hub of the Ninth District, a rough perception shows that there are more than twenty official wizards in the city of Bath, and there is even a second-ring wizard."

Li Wei simply set up a set of warning circles at his place of residence, and then calmed down. Using the waiting time, he took out the "Book of Star-Forging Runes", and he planned to learn [Power Runes] first.

The power rune should be regarded as the simplest and most practical rune language in the book of star-making runes.

Looking at the rune structure on the book, Li Wei now has 37 points of spiritual power, which has improved a lot compared to when he just got this book.

So he didn't look as groggy as before. He tried his best to use his mental power to condense the structure of the power rune in his mind, and at the same time tried to perceive the mysterious and mysterious power of stars in the distant deep space.

Before I knew it, two days passed.

In Li Wei's mind, a rune outline like a bull has appeared.

"This is the prototype of the language of power runes? It doesn't seem to be very difficult." Li Wei murmured in his heart.

"But this is still far from building a good rune model structure, and it will take a while to polish. Don't rush, take your time."

Li Wei was delighted, he was already very satisfied with this speed.

Anyway, the way to make a device, just as he thought at the beginning, just follow the fate.

On the third day, the voodoo airship heading to the Sea of ​​Stars finally arrived at the port.

The giant boat with a length of 100 meters slowly landed on the sea.

At the same time, someone on Bass Island shouted through a megaphone:

"The Q648 witchcraft airship has arrived. Passengers on this flight are requested to board within a quarter of an hour."

Li Wei came out of the state of practicing the power rune.

"You can take the time to build it when you return to the human world." Li Wei planned, and came to the boarding gate, looking at the airship with white and blue as the main color.

All the wizards or wizard apprentices started to board the boat in an orderly manner.

Li Wei also discovered that the wizard of the second ring was a witch with a very beautiful appearance. Her curly hair shawl was like a black waterfall, and she was wearing a robe dotted with violet flowers, which was impressive.

Under the eyes of everyone watching, she gracefully flew to the first-class cabin of the airship.

First-class cabin, Li Wei doesn’t know what’s good in it. Anyway, a ticket costs 300 Taishi. In Li Wei’s opinion, it’s too worthless.

When the door of the witch's first-class cabin was closed, Li Wei's top perception seemed to hear some wizards in the economy class talking about this witch.

"Did you see it? That's the big shot in the Sea of ​​Stars, the Violet Witch, and she's coming back to worship our ancestors in our clownish outer ring region.

The Violet Witch, like me, was born in an ordinary gathering place for mortals in our ninth district. Later, because of her dual-element affinity talent, she was discovered by a middle-level wizard who was passing by.

Then he went straight to the sky, went to the sea of ​​stars, and became the maid of the wizard.

This is fate, she is about the same age as me now, but she is already a second-ring wizard, and I am still an ordinary first-ring wizard. "

A wizard with a vicissitudes of life said in a tone full of envy.

"It's such a big deal for such a talented second-ring wizard to be a maid. Doesn't that mid-level wizard know where he came from?" asked a fellow traveler beside him.

"It seems to be a genius witch who has risen from a comet in the Sea of ​​Stars in recent years. I don't know what it is called. Anyway, she is a high-level witch of the Tower of Stars, and she is only one step away from a high-level soul wizard."

"Then this is really a big shot, a high-level wizard, this is a realm that I can't even dream of."

Li Wei closed his eyes and meditated.

The witchcraft airship under him slowly lifted into the sky, the big waves pushed away, and Bass Island gradually became smaller.

Although Li Wei, who has blood wings, has long been familiar with flying, it is the first time to ride an aircraft in another world.

In the end, the witchcraft airship flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters, accelerating continuously, and the speed became faster and faster, even faster than the escapism of low-level wizards.

Looking from a distance, layers of air cover enveloped the witchcraft airship, and then the invisible magic circle solidified on the witchcraft airship began to take effect.

In the end, high above the sky, the witchcraft airship disappeared completely.

This avoids being attacked by most high-flying supernatural beings.

Seven days later, the voyage of the witchcraft airship was only a quarter of the way, and the area of ​​the inner ring sea area was larger than the outer ring sea area.

If the endless sea is regarded as a huge water basin, then the outer ring may be the sea area bordering the crystal wall on the outermost edge.

Even if the speed of the witchcraft airship surpasses the low-level wizard's escapism, it will take a full month to travel day and night, cross the inner ring sea area, and head to the star sea area.

If Li Wei flies or swims by himself, stop and go, it may take half a year.

Not to mention wasting time, the powerful sea beasts in the inner sea area are all potential safety hazards.

During the journey, Li Wei had no choice but to change himself to a first-class cabin.

It was really too noisy in the economy class. Although the passengers were all wizards, the feeling was no different from when he was riding the green leather car.

Switched to first class, it was different immediately.

Each first class cabin is an independent small box.

The boxes are equipped with sound-proof and sensory-isolated magic circles, as well as some safety protection magic circles.

In this way, Li Wei can feel at ease when practicing in it, otherwise the one-month journey would be a waste of time.

However, Li Wei still set up a set of warning circles himself, which is more secure.

After completing these, Li Wei continued to build the unfinished power rune.

For the rest of the time, he is practicing the breathing method of the holy ape, trying to get this breathing method to the limit as soon as possible, and then merge and mutate it with the breathing method of the giant to see what breathing method he can create.

In this way, the half-month journey passed safely.

The witchcraft airship is very stable, and the safety is indeed very high.

It was not attacked by black wizards from time to time like Azure Ark.

The construction of Li Wei's power rune went very smoothly. He felt that there might be hope for a successful construction before he disembarked.

The holy ape breathing method is getting closer and closer to the eleventh-order limit.

However, in the third week of the trip, there was still a little accident.

In the captain's room of the witchcraft airship, the captain looked at the boundless wind wall formed by the black hurricane that suddenly appeared in front of him, and immediately started broadcasting.

"Encountered a strong wind disaster, and it was initially judged to be a category five severe wind disaster. The airship needs to change its route urgently!"

After the captain finished speaking, the airship turned to the right and swam around the wind wall.

If it is a level 4 wind disaster, the witchcraft airship can break through forcibly, but the wind disaster in front of you is level 5, which can instantly destroy the magic defense of the first-level wizards, and the second-level wizards cannot stay in it for too long.

Moreover, the wind disaster is not static, and it is possible to change the level temporarily.

So generally speaking, unless you are in a hurry, the witchcraft airship will not forcefully pass through the wind-damaged area.

Li Wei looked at the thick wall of wind that pierced through the sky and pierced through the sea and sky world in front of him from the window.

"Level 5 wind disaster, is this a natural disaster in the wizarding world?"

It was also the first time Li Wei encountered a wind disaster in the Endless Sea, and his heart was extremely shocked.

The width of this wind wall is endless at a glance, as if it runs through the entire endless sea.

And in the first class cabin next door to Li Wei.

The Violet Witch looked serious. She appeared to be here to worship the ancestors this time, but she actually had a mission.

With a thought, a quaint sea chart appeared in her hand.

If Levi saw it, he might be surprised. The style and paper material of this chart are basically exactly the same as my own.

The only difference is the map above.

The sea chart obtained by the Violet Witch is obviously not the sea chart of the ninth district, but a different sea area.

But somewhere in this sea area, a location is also marked.

"The Lost Pan's Labyrinth."

The Violet Witch looked at the storm ahead and had a bad premonition in her heart.

She got this chart from a collector in District 9.

According to her master, this sea chart is not just a map, but also a key to enter a certain place!

is the place marked "The Lost Pan's Labyrinth".

Through some clues that had already been buried in the yellow sand, the owner of the Violet Witch knew that this was the relic of an ancient high-level wizard organization.

This ancient wizarding organization,

It is called "Dreamland Tower".

It is said that this is the first wizarding organization to start researching the dream faction.

But because of studying dreams, it seems to have violated some taboos.

In the end, the entire wizard organization disappeared overnight!

From senior wizards to apprentice wizards, no one is spared!

According to the information the owner has obtained from a small number of dream school wizards today.

Dreamland Tower may have inadvertently summoned some kind of monster when studying the knowledge of the dream faction, or connected to an unknown plane, which led to this disaster.

In the vicissitudes of life, the once dreamland tower has long since disappeared, and no one knows its whereabouts.

Until the appearance of this quaint nautical chart, the long-standing old things were revealed.

Not only the owner of the Violet Witch, many wizards are looking for this chart.

Among them, some dark wizards are included.

The uninhabited ruins of an ancient high-level wizarding organization, the treasures and wizarding inheritance contained in it are incalculable.

Not to mention, this wizard organization may have an entrance to a plane that the wizards have not discovered.

This is what drives many wizards crazy.

Every brand new plane that can be reached is an undeveloped blue ocean.

It is enough to set off a magnificent plane discovery activity in the wizarding world.

Whoever can enter it first and get a place in it can get the first opportunity.

As for possible dangers, opportunities are bound to be accompanied by dangers, and these wizards have long been psychologically prepared.

Among the boundless wind wall, a black curtain rotates and coils within it, blocking these terrifying wind disasters outside.

Among the surrounding curtains, one after another with their upper body bare, strangely shaped figures stood in the air.

These figures have all kinds of wings growing on their backs, and mysterious and complex spell runes are solidified on their bodies. Their bodies as strong as beasts contain explosive power.

In front of these people, a wizard five meters tall, covered in black scales, with dragon wings on his back, was looking coldly at the void in front of him.

His eyes are like the compound eyes of a fly, with light shining in them, and the invisible flying witchcraft airship cannot escape the "dragon fly eyes" he transplanted.

"Master Black Wing, could it be that those people have discovered us?"

"Impossible. With my three-ring witch weapon, the Black Iron Curtain, those people must not have sensed our existence. They simply don't want to cross the storm zone."

The fly-eyed black-scaled giant has a ferocious complexion, and spits out a thick, barbed tongue from time to time, looking very abnormal.

"The Violet Witch is on the witchcraft airship. Brothers, gather your mental strength. The other party is one of the [Twenty-Four Flowers] of the Flower Witch. His strength should not be underestimated."

"Okay boss, as long as we use the black iron curtain to pull this witchcraft airship into this catastrophe, it shouldn't be difficult to solve this group of rabble with the ability of our beast blood boil wizards."

Said a wizard with a unicorn fairy carapace and transparent cicada wings.

They are the wizards of the Boil of Blood.

The boss of the Boil of Beasts, Wild Beasts Witch, was once a powerful disciple of the life school monster lady.

However, he teamed up with the black sun Adam and came to this endless sea to become a black wizard.

Therefore, the entire boiling of beast blood is also dominated by the blood transformation wizards in the life school.

These wizards all seem to be neither human nor ghost, and they look rather ugly.

However, the purpose of this organization is wildness and violence, so it is different from the aesthetics of ordinary wizards. Instead, they regard this appearance as a mixture of various extraordinary biological organs as beauty.

The more extraordinary biological organs you install, the more beautiful and powerful you will be.

For example, the leader of the Beast Witch, it is said that except for the original brain, all other body organs have been replaced with various powerful extraordinary creatures. It is simply the ultimate suture monster.

Therefore, the wizard of the boil of beast blood can always be controlled by the **** in his body, taking pleasure in killing.

Now, the Boil of Beast Blood is teaming up with another evil force, the Black Sun Tower.

These two high-level wizard organizations are the two biggest evil forces on the face of Endless Haiming.

The black curtain quickly followed behind the witchcraft airship, carrying a wizard with blood boiling, waiting for the right time to make a move.

On the witchcraft airship.

Li Wei looked at the bull pattern that was completely condensed in his mind. On the bull, dots of stars twinkled and connected, like constellations.

"The power rune is done."

Li Wei opened the proficiency panel.


Strength Rune: Tier 1 (1/1000), Special Effect: Power of Horned Bull Constellation (Level 1).

【The power of the Horn Bull Constellation (Level 1): The rune language communicates with the Horn Bull Constellation, and the power of the stars increases your strength. The current effect of the increase is 10%. This special effect can be upgraded! 】

"I'm stupid, awesome!"

Li Wei couldn't help exclaiming.

The word of the power rune of the first level can actually increase the power by ten percent.

And judging from the special effects, it is not limited to be used for witchcraft...

Looking at the bull pattern in his mind, Li Wei fell into deep thought.

"If you solidify the rune language on the body, what will happen?"

Li Wei suddenly had such a thought.

He himself is a legendary power, if it is increased by another 10%, it is equivalent to the state of the peak power increase of the night favored one, which can take effect at any time.

Add red lotus state, nine swords state, giant whale state, it is invincible!

Break ten thousand spells with one force, and shatter stars with one palm!

However, the book of star-making runes did not mention these.

So Li Wei did not dare to try this for the time being.

He still waited for himself to find time to try to cure the tyrant first to see the effect.

Once it is solidified on the tyrant, experiment with other living creatures.

If possible, then this rune language has a lot to offer!

This discovery completely changed Li Wei's mentality of practicing the language of runes at random.

"Fuck it, I'm going to **** it!"

Li Wei was tireless. After meditating and taking drugs to restore his mental strength, he continued to condense the power of the stars.

[Power rune proficiency +1]

Night falls.

The witchcraft airship finally reached the right edge of the endless wind wall belt, and a windless belt appeared in front of it.

The captain was overjoyed, and drove the witchcraft airship with all his strength to fly away.

In the first-class cabin, the special effects of the Blessed One began to take effect. Li Wei opened his eyes, feeling the growing physical attributes.

He touched his arm, his hairs standing up slightly.

"This faint sense of danger has been going on for a day, and now it is getting stronger and stronger. It is clear that they have safely left the strong wind, so why is there still danger?" Li Wei looked at the land hit by the strong wind.

His Golden Snake Letter or top-level perception did not notice any changes.

By the meager starlight, Li Wei carefully observed the distance.

Top-level vision scans everything.

Finally, Li Wei finally found a flashing black shadow.

"There is something in the hurricane... What makes me feel dangerous is not the hurricane, but the unknown existence in it."

Suddenly, Li Wei became alert.

The dark golden newborn scale slowly emerged under Li Wei's clothes. He subconsciously sensed it with the snake letter, but he didn't feel any breath.

"Something is not simple."

Li Wei muttered to himself.

He came out of the first-class cabin and looked around. It seemed that except himself, including the captain, no one had noticed the danger hidden in the gale.

When he was about to go back, the violet wizard also **** her hair and came out of her box.

Li Wei's eyes met the other's and then left.

He can feel the vast spiritual power in the deep eyes of the other party, which is much stronger than Mai Lin who is also in the second ring.

"It's not just the second ring, it's very likely that the second ring is senior." Li Wei thought to himself.

It seems that the Violet Witch also found something wrong.

"Captain, I suggest to go on for a while before going around, not to get close to the edge of the hurricane." The Violet Witch said to the captain, saying what Li Wei wanted to say.

"This is better, a second-ring wizard reminds me, it is much more useful than me." Li Wei thought to himself.

"Why?" asked the captain.

"Just listen to me, I'm a staff member of the Tower of Stars." Saying that, the Violet Witch took out her ID and showed it to the captain.

The captain hesitated, but decided to take a long detour.

The strength of the wizard of the second ring, coupled with the identity of the staff of the Tower of Stars, should not be able to deceive him.

Some wizards were a little dissatisfied, but they dared not speak out.

In this case, their flight will be delayed even more.

But who dares to disobey a second-ring wizard?

Li Wei did not return to the box.

He was waiting at a remote hatch of the witchcraft airship.

If there is any danger, he will jump off the ship without hesitation. Anyway, with his ability, going to the sky and entering the sea is not a problem.

And in the midst of the hurricane.

The expression of the black-winged wizard who used a witch weapon to hide in the edge of the wind belt changed.

"What's the situation? Could it be that someone found us in an ambush?"

"No way... This black Iron Curtain is a powerful witch weapon that the organization just rewarded the boss."

"Damn, the speed of this witchcraft airship is too fast, I can't wait, everyone, take precautions, I will open the speed of the black iron curtain to the maximum!"

Black Wing made a decisive decision!

With sorcery pouring into the black Iron Curtain that surrounds it.

The black iron curtain is like a sharp sword, suddenly straightened, breaking the wind belt.

Behind the black iron curtain, wizards clutched the curtain tightly.

The black iron curtain quickly broke through the sky.

Soon, the Black Iron Curtain led a group of wizards who were boiling with beasts, accelerated with high load for a short time, and finally caught up with the witchcraft airship.

The boss of Heiyi had a gloomy complexion, with the corners of his mouth raised.

He spread his wings, turned into a black whirlwind, and landed directly on top of the witchcraft airship.

He produced a black heart with various alchemical runes gleaming on it.josei

This is a powerful one-time attack item created by combining the knowledge of the life school and the alchemy school!

"Exploding Heart!"


Art is a blast.

Under the attack power beyond the second-ring spell, the shield of the witchcraft airship began to flicker.

This witchcraft airship is the lowest-level model, and it can only resist magic attacks below the second ring.

Soon, the shield shattered.

The remaining blast blasted a big hole in the witchcraft airship, and the hunting wind rushed into the cabin.

All of this happened between lightning and flint.

A wizard who was close to the big hole was caught off guard because he didn't activate the protection. He was blown away by the shock wave of the explosion, and was swept out of the big hole by the strong wind.

The black wing wizard's big hand grabbed the flying wizard and let out a smirk.

Then crushed the protective spell that had just lit up, and the unlucky ghost spilled blood on the spot.

Black Wing jumped into the cabin, and all the magic attacks poured on his body.

The light of the spell shines through the big hole, illuminating the night sky.

The spell runes on the body of the black-winged wizard flickered, and the black scales closed. These rings of spell attacks were all blocked.

"Enemy attack!"

"It's a dark wizard!"

The passengers in the cabin looked flustered, and all kinds of wands were pointed at Black Wing.

Black Wing showed a cruel smile: "Lambs, you still want to resist."

"Black Wing! It's you!" The Violet Witch appeared in the cabin, surrounded by a water-like second-ring protective force field.

"The twenty-fourth flower Violet Witch under the command of the flower witch is really as beautiful as the rumors. I don't know how beautiful the owner of the twenty-four flowers is, tsk tsk tsk."

His wings swept, and a gust of wind formed in the cabin, destroying the witching airship.

The wizard guards of the witchcraft airship rushed over, hid beside the Violet Witch and attacked Black Wing.

Now the Violet Witch is their only hope against this dark wizard.

"My lord, we killed the black wizard together."

"That's right, we have a lot of people."

More and more wizards are gathering around the Violet Witch.

At the same time, more wizards from the boil of beast blood also came to the interior of the witchcraft airship.

The Violet Witch frowned. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the silver-haired wizard who had just met her in the first-class cabin. He was kicking the door of the cabin with his feet. It seemed that he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape...

She sighed in her heart. There are always some people who are greedy for life and fear of death. When facing danger, they don't know how to unite and solve the danger, but want to escape alone.

This is why a single-handed beast can hunt and kill the wild cattle and sheep all over the mountains.

But the Violet Witch didn't want to kidnap others morally, so she didn't say anything.

She has already used her second-ring spell, and she is fighting with this black-winged wizard.


The spell wave begins inside the sorcery airship.

On the other side, it was accompanied by Li Wei's final kick that contained the power of golden maneuvers.

The cabin door, which was strong enough to withstand the attack of the second-ring wizard for a moment, was kicked away by him, and finally opened.

He jumped out of the cabin quickly, spreading his blood wings.

"I'm here for emergency avoidance. The Tower of Stars won't make me lose money, right? I can't afford it." Li Wei thought about this.

At this moment, a black curtain suddenly roared towards him.

His complexion changed, and dark golden scales possessed his body.


Li Wei was blown away by the black curtain and flew far away.

Then his complexion changed slightly, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"What level of witchcraft is this?"

"What a powerful force."

Black Wing, who was fighting the Violet Witch on the other side, sneered.

"Beast blood goes out, not a blade of grass grows, no one can leave here alive!"

It was he who was fighting the Violet Witch while controlling the three-ring witch weapon to catch up with Li Wei.

Looking at the shattered golden scales and the bruised body, Li Wei felt calm, with blood embers drifting away, and these injuries recovered in an instant.

The black curtain-like witchcraft twisted together and turned into something like a long whip, beating Li Wei non-stop in midair.

Clap clap!

Sonic booms are endless!

Like a spinning top, Li Wei was pumped again and again in mid-air.

He resisted the torrential attack of the three-ring witch weapon, and was extremely aggrieved for a while.

I just **** broke through the legendary shackles, can I be wronged like this? !

Being crushed and beaten by a witch weapon is simply a shame and a shame!

Ashamed of my honorable status as the leader of the Twilight Knights!

After another whip.

Li Wei was violently blown away.

He was rolling in mid-air, and at the same time, the dark golden scales on his body were continuously superimposed, layer by layer, row upon row, making the sound of gold and iron.

The robes all over his body exploded, turning into nothingness in the crimson flames, and the billowing magma flowed through the gaps in the dark gold scales, revealing fiery red light.

The thick and thick whale back is also getting bigger, the silver dragon spine inside the body is shining with a mysterious luster, and the silver tendons are tense one by one, flowing with electric light.

More and more non-human forms began to appear as Li Wei rolled, and Li Wei's size continued to grow, eventually turning into a five-meter-tall Balrog giant.

Bloody ashes floated around Li Wei's body, and his body that had been torn apart by the three-ring witch weapon began to heal quickly.

Li Wei's blood wings spread out, **** light flashed across the sky, and the phantom of the seven-meter-tall Nine Swords Asura appeared behind Li Wei.

Today's phantom of Asura, not only the scale armor of the ancient general is more real, but also exudes a dark golden light.

This is also the change that Nine Swords Asura was born after the twelfth level of the Golden Snake Breathing Method.

Under the night, Li Wei's figure shone extraordinarily, and Li Wei stopped wasting time with the three-ringed witch weapon.

His eyes were cold, and after being whipped by the three-ring witch weapon again, he used the momentum to escape into the sky.

Li Wei took a deep breath, and then he fell from the sky. With the acceleration of gravity and the acceleration of the blood wing dive, his speed became faster and faster. The blood phantom pierced the night sky like a shooting star!

The Black Wing Wizard who was fighting the Violet Witch suddenly changed his expression, and his figure quickly retreated.

When the Violet Witch saw this, water curtains exploded from the sea, forming a prison of water, temporarily trapping the Black Wing Wizard.

She also frowned slightly, and a bolide shining with dark golden light came impacting.


This figure was so fast that the other fighting wizards couldn't see what was happening clearly.

The surface of the sea exploded, and the water splashed into the sky.

Li Wei stepped on the shoulder of the black wing wizard, and with a single fall, he stepped into the bottom of the sea.

He looked ferociously, looking at the black-winged giant below.

Asura's Nine Swords buzzed, whirled and danced wildly, tearing apart the opponent's fleshy wings!

"Are you new to the Boil of Beast Blood? Why are you dealing with me? I am Lord Black Wing!"

The black wing wizard thought that Li Wei was a new blood transformation wizard.

Li Wei didn't say a word.

In the Night Blessed One, Giant Whale State and Nine Swords State, he exploded with great strength, hitting the Black Wing Wizard's black scales with his fist, making the sound of metal colliding.

In another place, the tyrant Digger was also released by Li Wei, burning red flames, swinging a huge ax and slashing at the Black Wing Wizard!

The Violet Witch also came to the bottom of the sea, and the streams of water turned into chains, binding the Black Wing Wizard.

Swordfish impacted by water flow, like guided missiles, all bombarded the black wing that was entangled by Li Wei.

She is a senior wizard in the second ring, and she is also from the ocean school. Spell control is her strong point.

The black wing on the other side was extremely aggrieved, he quickly controlled the black iron curtain to rush into the bottom of the sea, the curtain twisted into a ribbon and flew Li Wei, then wrapped the black wing wizard, and was about to escape.

Black Wing is panicking now, he can use the three-ring witch weapon to deal with a violet witch, no problem at all!

But with the addition of this bloodline transformation monster like himself, and that powerful barbed alchemy monster, how could he beat it!

Seeing that the Black Wing Wizard wanted to run away, how could the Violet Witch let him succeed? A series of second-ring spells swept towards him.

Li Wei fought more and more violently, and the terrifying electric current flickered on the silver tendons, all of which accompanied Li Wei's attack and poured on the black wing in front of him.

Black Wing is a transformation wizard with a second-ring bloodline. He has solidified a powerful passive defense spell on his body and is not afraid of this level of electric shock. However, such frequent electric shocks still make him feel extremely sour and affect his actions.

The touch of blood entangled Hei Yi's feet in circles, gnawing at his black scales non-stop.

Not only that, Li Wei even activated his own dragon deterrent ability.

He could tell at a glance that the extraordinary organs transplanted by the wizard in front of him were basically organs from the mixed-race dragon race.

So Li Wei thought of a golden snake special effect that he rarely used: Dragon Deterrence.

You must know that Dragon Deterrence is an ability that can only be born with the existence of sub-dragon species.

Behind Li Wei, a phantom of a golden snake with wings on its back and horns on its forehead can be vaguely seen wrapping around the body of Nine Swords Asura, looking at the black-winged wizard with indifferent golden pupils.


The terrifying Dragon Might is sweeping!

Many weak sea beasts nearby were directly affected by Longwei and passed out!

This is Li Wei's Longwei!

Comes from the phantom of the golden snake that seems to emerge from a myth!

After Long Wei, Hei Yi felt that several modified prosthetic bodies on his body began to tremble involuntarily.

The bioprosthetic body installed and transformed by the bloodline transformation wizard cannot be as perfectly integrated as the extraordinary organ born by the knight's breathing method.

So the black wing wizard clearly knew that this kind of dragon power attack would not be affected by the spiritual power and willpower of the second-ring wizard.

But his dragon wings and dragon scales trembled uncontrollably. He suddenly felt extremely heavy, and had an urge to worship. This is the suppression at the bloodline level since ancient times!

"The monster in front of me actually contains such a high-level dragon blood!" Black Wing was horrified.

The three-ring witch weapon consumes a lot of mental power and magic power. With such a long battle, Black Wing can no longer hold on.

He was terrified in his heart and just wanted to leave the bottom of the sea.

But the seabed is the domain of the Oceanic School.

Fighting below, he was tightly suppressed by the Violet Witch's various ocean spells.

The other monster kept attacking him with great force.

Boom boom boom!

Li Wei held Hei Wing's left foot, and the corpse digger held Hei Wing's right foot.


Mechanical roar!

Two irresistible bursts of force!

Black Wing was dragged abruptly into the endless abyss.

The Violet Witch also looked shocked, this guy in front of her is too strong!

Vicious, violent, ugly!

But no matter what, this person seemed to belong to her side, which reassured the Violet Witch a lot.

She used her own control spells to assist, and attacked with second-ring spells from time to time.

With the assistance of a senior wizard in the second ring, Li Wei and the tyrant became more energetic as they fought. They pressed Black Wing firmly on the cliff of the abyss.

Lightning Strike and Tyrant's Great Ax kept pouring down on each other.

The cliff wall was shattered layer by layer, and countless rubble fell into the abyss, as if an earthquake had occurred on the bottom of the sea.

The three-ring witch weapon of the black wing wizard was quietly floating aside, motionless.

Because Black Wing's head was smashed to pieces by the digger's giant ax in the chaos of fists, he was already dead.

The three-ring witch weapon is naturally uncontrolled.

He was not good at deep-sea combat, but now he was completely suppressed by Li Wei and the Violet Witch at the bottom of the sea.

Until Black Wing was hammered into meat paste by Li Wei and the Digger.

Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the rock wall in front of him with calm eyes.

The tyrant beside him was still chopping meat with an axe.

"Stop hitting, you're dead..."

Li Wei casually grabbed a lucky sea fish passing by here and shredded it, roasted it three times with its flaming body, and swallowed it on the spot.

All kinds of inhuman forms disappeared, and the shape of the silver-haired wizard was restored. He leaned on the corpse digger's right arm and hiccupped.

Violet stared blankly at all this.

As a second-ring wizard, what kind of scene has she never seen?

She has never seen such a scene!

Throw the meat sauce smashed by Black Wing into the worm house, and let the Scorpion share the food, while Li Wei, its head, is put away separately, ready to be exchanged for bounties later.

He didn't go to get the powerful black curtain-like witchcraft.

The Violet Witch did not act rashly either.

The two looked at each other again.

It was Li Wei who broke the awkward silence first.

"This witch weapon?"

"This is a precious three-ring witch weapon, you can take it. But you have to give me the head of the black wing. As for the contents of the storage bag, we will divide it seven to three, seven to me, and three to you."

The Violet Witch looked at Li Wei and said with a firm tone.

Li Wei threw the head with fly eyes out.

"This person's aesthetics is really bad." Li Wei muttered.

He could exchange the head of a black wizard with a second ring for a powerful weapon with a third ring, so he was naturally very happy.

After all, without the witch's control assistance, Li Wei and the tyrant would not be able to defeat the black wizard with the three-ring witch weapon, let alone kill him so easily.

As for the things in the storage bag, it is reasonable to divide them seven to three times. After all, the most precious things have already been distributed to Li Wei, so he can't be too greedy.

The Violet Witch put away Black Wing's head, and Li Wei put away the tyrant and the three-ring witch weapon.

The two of them didn't speak any more, and after dividing the spoils of Taishi and other things in the storage bag of the Black Wing Wizard, they returned to the surface of the sea.

Li Wei roughly took a look, and the things in the storage bag were almost worth the value of a three-ring witch weapon. Coupled with the head of the black wizard, in general, neither of them suffered a loss.

If it wasn't for the fact that he showed his strength in the second ring, the other party might not even talk about distribution with him.

At this moment on the sea.

The group of passengers and the guards of the witchcraft airship are still pecking at each other with the **** wizard.

After the wizard of the Boil of Beast found the head of the black wing boss in Violet's hand, he immediately scattered and was finally killed by everyone.

Li Wei also killed a young man who ran in front of him in a panic. After throwing the body into the worm house, he returned to the witchcraft airship with a big hole in it.

One after another, other surviving passengers also boarded the ship one after another.

The captain also sat in his seat, and the captain who was intentionally protected by everyone was not injured.

"Can the airship still fly?" Violet asked.

"Master Violet, this airship can still travel a certain distance. I have already contacted the headquarters. A new airship will come to pick us up in a few days."

The captain checked and said helplessly.

Hearing this, Li Wei was also relieved.

He returned to his first-class cabin and began to count the gains this time.

First is the three-ring witch weapon, which is so powerful that it made Li Wei dizzy and lose his temper.

This witch weapon is the same as Nezha's Huntian Ling. It can fly away, draw people, and defend. This is the strongest witch weapon Li Wei has seen so far.

It's just the same as the long sword-shaped witch weapon obtained in the Loess Continent before. Li Wei had to go to a special witch weapon appraiser to know how to use this kind of witch weapon, so he temporarily put it away.

Besides, with his level of a first-ring wizard, he couldn't use a third-ring weapon.

In addition, although it was seven to three points, Li Wei still got 15,000 Taishi and many precious materials, as well as several extraordinary organs sealed in bottles and jars.

This allowed Li Wei's Taishi reserves to break through the 30,000 mark again.

Then there are some blood transformation spell books of the life school. Li Wei plans to have time to study and study to see if he can give himself some inspiration for practicing the breathing method.

Finally, Li Wei took out a blood-colored crystal ball, which he got from the young man just now, and the crystal was shaped like a Klein crystal.

After Li Wei's research on the general knowledge books of the life school in the storage bag of Xiaoluo.

He learned that the crystal was called Rowling's crystal.

Rowling crystal is a special witchcraft crystal invented by Ms. Monster Rowling as a kind of special witchcraft crystal practiced by wizards of the assisted life school.

This is similar to Klein crystal. Klein is also a famous legendary wizard in the wizard council, and it was he who developed the Klein crystal to help wizards test their spiritual and magical power.

The Rowling crystal is a tool used to detect blood.

It is mainly used to let the wizards of the life school have a clear and clear understanding of the blood of the monsters they transform, or those blood transformation wizards have a clear understanding of the blood components in their bodies.

Thinking of this, Li Wei erased the mark of the original owner, and dropped a drop of blood on Rowling's crystal.

Suddenly, rows of blood-colored characters projected into the void.

[Unknown dragon bloodline 5%, red lotus dragon bloodline 4%, unknown bloodline bloodline 2%, Youtian black whale bloodline 3%, Yinshan dragon bloodline 1%, ostrich bloodline 0.9%, frost giant bloodline 0.93%, phoenix Bloodline 0.9%, human bloodline...]

Update 11,000 words, add 5,000 words, and leave 26,000 words!

(end of this chapter)

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