Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 270

Chapter 270: There are two ways for knights to advance! Two potions! (feel

Chapter 270 Two ways to promote knights! Two potions! (Thanks to the leader of the Windrunner!)

The plane of the ancient saints.

Li Wei's eyes were pleasantly surprised.

Behind the two evolution and advanced options, there are dense information.

All of this information is converted into text that Li Wei can understand.

[Evolution: 2 types of fourth-level extraordinary biological bloodline crystals (1. The main attribute of the extraordinary should focus on defense, and the attributes of extraordinary elements are optional. 2. It must contain biological bloodline factors above the legendary level, and cannot be duplicated with existing bloodline factors.) Copper 1 stalk... 100 grams of pure water. Note: All the above-mentioned materials can also be replaced by merging breathing methods of the same level and dimension]

[Advanced: Level 4 mixed blood dragon blood essence (water/earth) 2 types of 100 grams each, level 4 mixed dragon scales (water/ground) 2 types of 13 pieces each, level 3 mixed dragon soul crystal one... Ambergris 1 plant, 100 grams of pure water. 】

In addition to the specific material formula, there are refining methods and some precautions.

Li Wei looked at the information, and the excitement in his heart was self-evident.

"Evolution can improve the quality of the breathing method, but there is no way to improve the level;

Advancement is to upgrade a certain breathing method beyond the limit. It is just a simple upgrade of the level, and does not involve the improvement of the quality of the breathing method! "

"Among the materials needed for evolution, the main material is an extraordinary creature [blood crystal] that contains blood factors of legendary or mythical creatures.

This is a blood material that is more advanced than [Blood Essence]. Generally speaking, Blood Essence can be refined cyclically, but if you want to refine [Blood Crystal]... the price is the life of an extraordinary creature!

Bloodline crystallization needs to be higher than my current level, and the legendary bloodline factors it contains cannot be duplicated with [Black Snake] and [Golden Horn Beast] that make up the Golden Snake.

Only different types of blood factors that focus on defense can be fused and mutated with the golden snake to further improve my defense dimension!

There is actually no fixed standard for the "focus on defense" panel, as long as the defense attribute is the most prominent among the six dimensions of this extraordinary creature.

How to find this type of extraordinary creature is actually very simple. The six-dimensional classification of the knight breathing method has already told me the answer. For example, the "Elephant Turtle Breathing Method" I learned before belongs to the defense dimension, so I can just look for the extraordinary creature that contains the [Elephant Turtle Bloodline].

For turtles, crocodiles, crustaceans, and some dragons, defense can be called their main attribute.

Of course, if there is a fourteenth-level defense dimension breathing method of the same level, it can evolve without the above conditions, which is equivalent to my previous [breathing method variation], but this requires a long process of practice.

Compared with [Evolution], [Advanced] has much lower requirements. It only needs the mixed-blood dragon blood essence and corresponding materials with matching element attributes.

Third-level soul crystallization is actually to extract the soul of the mixed-blood dragon, compress it by special means, and then form a substantive crystal.

This task is handed over to Leon, who is the soul master. "

After understanding these rules, Li Wei was relieved.

"Finally, fusion breathing is no longer needed to break the limit."

Breathing the breathing method can still be taken, but it is not the only way.

The panel has penetrated the essence of the breathing method, and gave Li Wei the [potion formula] that can replace the breathing method.

In the past years, Li Wei has always wanted to research the potion that can promote knights.

I have also learned a lot of wizard research knowledge in this area.

What are "Introduction to Wizard Promotion Potions", "Breakthrough and Principles of Potions" and the like, books that tell how to create a potion.

Unexpectedly, this time was accompanied by the limit of the golden snake breathing method.

The    panel has been updated again, which also happens to solve Levi's dilemma.

"Perhaps, this is the normal way for a knight to be promoted. I used the breathing method as a breaking point before, but the panel made changes to adapt to my strength at that time... Relying on a lot of low-level breathing methods, as well as the world's existing The secret medicine material at the level of mortal beasts spawned a little blood in my body as a primer, and then these bloods were strengthened and fused, and then the blood level was continuously improved, that is, breaking the limit, or even directly mutating, giving birth to a more powerful heterogeneous blood!"

Through such a **** method, Li Wei gradually grew up.

Now, his knowledge reserve, vision, and state are not the same as when he was a fledgling in the early days.

It is certainly impossible to rely on the breathing method for the subsequent promotion of the knight.

Because of the Twilight Temple, Li Wei has almost collected half of the world's breathing method.

Even if there are some that have not been collected in place, the difference will not be too much.

If in the future, breathing techniques are always needed to break the limit, that would be unrealistic.

Besides, every time the breathing method is mutated and fused, he needs a breathing method of the same level. If it was okay when the level was low before, it would be fine if it took several years.

Nowadays, as the level of breathing method is getting higher and higher, the proficiency of the liver is getting slower and slower. It will be extremely time-consuming to rely on the same level of breathing method to mutate every time.

Therefore, he also urgently needs a new promotion method, which is the [Knight Potion] system he once imagined!

At that time, Li Wei's strength and knowledge were not enough. Now, with the help of the panel, he has seen the potion formula for the promotion of the current stage of the Golden Snake Breathing Method.

Li Wei looked at the panel and pondered: "The ingredients of these formulas, whether I have them or not, are all within the scope of my knowledge, that is to say, the panel still can't give me knowledge out of thin air. A kind of combing and utilization.

So, I speculated before that the panel is constantly evolving with my strength and knowledge reserve, and it really is! "

"From now on, I can use my advanced formula to counter-advance advanced potions. In this way, ordinary knights in the Twilight Temple can use [advanced potions] to gradually let their strength reach the level represented by the breathing method. The realm of the ancestor of the original bloodline!"

That is to say, there are two ways for knights to improve their strength, one vertical and one horizontal:

Longitudinal, take [Advanced Potion], break the limit, break the shackles of the blood, and keep advancing!

Horizontally, take [Evolution Potion], directly fuse and mutate multiple bloodlines, and improve the bloodline itself, just like Li Wei is now. This can't directly increase the level, but it can make Li Wei always better than others at the same level, and even let Li Wei be able to kill the four-ring wizard in the second blood transformation state.

Because not only the six dimensions, but also the breathing method of each dimension has been optimized twice on the basis of the legend.

This made his bloodline factor surpass the legendary level, reach the mythical or quasi-mythical level, and may even surpass the mythical level!

For example, the breathing method of the Red Emperor Dragon, Li Wei seriously doubts that the Red Emperor Dragon is super mythical!

In general, the evolution of knights is very demanding. The most important limitation is the conflict of multiple bloodlines!

Only by solving this problem can we talk about the fusion and mutation of bloodlines.

Levi skipped this problem because of the proficiency panel.

For other knights, unless they are bloodline transforming geniuses like [Witch of Beasts], ordinary people can accommodate at most one or two extraordinary bloodlines, and it is difficult to [evolve].

"However, just the strength improvement brought about by the knight's vertical advancement is enough."

"From then on, according to different breathing methods, I can introduce one after another [Potion Sequence] that will eventually reach the realm of the original ancestor."

"If this idea can be successful, knights such as blood knights, black knights, and Modi are born with [Legendary Bloodline Factor].

Theoretically, it is possible to advance to the ninth level! That is, great wizard or demigod level!

But this should be their upper limit and the end of their bloodline!

After all, the original ancestor is probably in this realm. No matter how strong the knight is, as long as he doesn't evolve, he can't surpass the original ancestor!

This is the biggest limitation of the bloodline road. If you want to change, you must, like me, perform blood fusion, take [evolution potion], sublimate the bloodline level, and transform the legendary bloodline factor into a mythical level. Only in this way can we go further ! "

At this moment, Li Wei felt a sense of enlightenment. He has gradually seen the future of the knight's path, and the next step is to practice and refine it!

"For me, if the Golden Snake Breathing Method wants to evolve, it still lacks any two fourth-level bloodline crystals containing legendary-level bloodline factors, and it must focus on defense.

The fourth-level creature I have in hand is [Earth Drilling Dragon Earthworm], which contains the blood of the banyan dragon that is compatible with the earth elements. It is not outstanding in terms of defense, but focuses on physical fitness. It is no problem as an advanced potion material , evolution is not very good.

As for the main material of advanced medicine, I am only short of the blood essence of the water system... As long as I spend time looking for it, I will definitely be able to find the fourth-level mixed-blood dragon of the water system in the plane of the ancient saints. As for the fourth-level dragon scales, the third-level soul crystallization , is not difficult.

In a short period of time, it is definitely no problem to advance. The problem is that after advanced, the material requirements for evolution will be increased by one level accordingly. By then, it will not be level four, but level five! "

Finally, Levi decided:

Advanced, then evolved!

The quality is not enough, so the level comes together!

On the one hand, he now urgently needs to improve his strength to cope with the changes in the world.

On the other hand, according to his extraordinary biological knowledge, the higher the level of the extraordinary creature, the more likely it is that the body may contain legendary blood.

So, the difficulty of finding legendary bloodlines among level 4 extraordinary creatures is not much easier than looking for level 5 extraordinary creatures directly!

Therefore, it is better to pile up the levels first, and then consider the evolution.

Want to understand these.

Li Wei immediately sent the Emperor's Oracle to the Three Kings and the Council of Elders through the Emperor's Messenger.

He wants to use the power of the ancient dragon empire to find ancient beasts that are compatible with water elements in the plane of the ancient saints!

Especially King Cang, he himself lives in the ocean, so the probability of encountering ancient beasts that are compatible with water elements is higher!

A few days later.

In Cangwang Hall, Yuwang Hall and other places... the Three Kings and the Council of Elders have all received orders from Li Wei.

"The emperor is about to start a crusade against the ancient beasts."

"Quickly look for traces of ancient beasts!"

One time.

The ancient beast that once made the lizard people of the ancient dragon empire change their color, became the prey.

A member of the Yu clan, a strong winged clan member, left the city-state to inspect the major mountains, rivers and lakes in the ancient holy plane.

And in the ocean, King Cang quickly mobilized his subordinates to search for traces of ancient beasts in the ocean!

And Li Wei continued to be busy with his own affairs in the Emperor's Palace.

Except for the golden snake breathing method, it will take some time for his other breathing methods to reach the limit.

As for the Nightmare Dragon Breathing Method, Li Wei had already given up the treatment, and the efficiency was too low, so he simply stopped practicing to save time for practicing other things.

He planned to go to the nightmare world when he was stronger.

In addition to the way of knights, after advancing to the fourth ring, he also needs to think about the future development of wizards.

First of all, the three-ringed Yang Flame Burst and Thunder Snake, the follow-up advanced spell models of these two spells, Li Wei has already obtained from the black wizard.

are [Cracking Sun Strike] and [Thunder Dog] respectively.

Such a systematic spell must be learned.

Li Wei needs these spells to make up for his attack methods.

Moreover, these spells already have a complete advanced path, if you don't learn it later, the previous proficiency will be useless.

As a systematic spell, there are many people who practice it. It will definitely be easy to obtain spell models in the future.

The most important thing is that if Li Wei has the opportunity to advance to legend, he can learn two famous legendary spells that he has been thinking about for a long time.

[Amon's Eternal Blazing Sun] and [Thunder God].

These spells can be said to be the prerequisite spells for learning legendary spells.

Amon's Eternal Blazing Sun, this is the famous stunt of the current leader of the Great Council, the Blazing Sun God Witch, Amon.

Once it is sent out, it is equivalent to throwing out a small sun, and it is interesting to think about it.

Then the research on his fourth innate spell had to continue.

【Afterimage of Thunder】is just the foundation of the lightning-type innate spells. It will be the real innate spells after he integrates the models of the lightning-type escapism and movement spells.

He has already thought of the name of the fourth innate spell: [Thunder Dragon Flash].

This will be a spell that is mainly used to save life and escape, and is used to complement Scarlet Escape.

The last is the practice of "Tree Refining Body Refining Method" and "Ice Refining Body Refining Method".

He wanted to see what kind of state he could eventually reach if his golden voodoo body was continuously integrated into the body training method.

It is said that looking at the entire wizarding world, there is not a body training wizard who has deduced the body training method to the Nine Environments. This is also the reason why body training wizards are heretics. Li Wei wants to try to be the first person himself.

Having determined the future direction, Li Wei began to practice step by step while waiting for the advancement of the Golden Snake Breathing Technique.


Time flies, half a year goes by.

Inside the Imperial Palace.

In Li Wei's secret room, the raging fire kept burning.

In the raging fire, a corpse floated up and down, it was the poisonous fire wight.

"Finally it was repaired... I was stabbed in the heart by that old woman and almost scrapped."

In the battle with the ice phoenix, the opponent's spell pierced through the poisonous fire wight.

Although the corpse demon does not have life, it is difficult to fully function if it lacks organs.

So during this period of time, Li Wei transplanted the heart of the four-ring wizard under Ice Phoenix to the poisonous fire wight.

He used his own flame of the Red Emperor Dragon to sacrifice again, and it was finally repaired.

In the "Book of Corpse Demons", there are repairs and even advanced methods for corpse demons.

That's right, the Poison Fire Corpse can also be advanced.

It just needs specific materials and better corpses to proceed.

"Thank you, master."

The mind flayer returned to the wight's body and said gratefully.

Li Wei watched the corpse leave, and his heart moved slightly.

"Dark Ancient Tower, I can bring one person in, but I don't know who to bring... At least you have to have the strength of the fourth ring peak or even the fifth ring, and you have to be able to use it for me. Otherwise, it would be a waste to bring it in."

Dark ancient tower, one key and one pit, only one person can enter, and it is impossible to smuggle through the space ring.

Li Wei thought about the people he knew, but there seemed to be no suitable ones.

"Why don't you find a chance to sell this thing... I don't know how many big organizations are rushing to get it. Forget it, it will take thirty years before the ancient dark tower is opened, so I'm not in a hurry. But, I will definitely go in, We have to start preparing for this trip, so be prepared!"

"Succubus, mind flayer, monster Leon, and my extraordinary creatures... can't be brought in.

Tyrant III is an alchemy creature, so it must be fine, but before I go in, I have to improve my refining skills to the fourth ring, so that I can upgrade Tyrant III and create [Tyrant IV Skywalker], which is another real four Ring combat power.

The poisonous fire wight's body itself is also a dead thing, and it can be brought in. At that time, it will be enough to control the wight with the golden voodoo body. The poisonous group is not a separate life in the strict sense, it is a part of me, and it should be brought in. .

Owens, this guy is also a fourth-level combat power. If there is no accident, he should be able to be summoned. He can come from the world of ashes to the incarnation of Nora by burning the coin of life, presumably to the dark ancient tower, it is no problem.

Before going in, prepare some more special-purpose witchcraft, spells, magic circles, potions, etc., just in case of emergency.

In addition, every time the ancient dark tower is opened, the period of time until the end is quite long. I need to prepare more knight secret medicines, in case there are no secret medicine materials I need in the ancient dark tower. "

Three days later.

Li Wei is preparing to build the magic circle of "Cold Pool".

After this cold pool is built, it will be of great use whether it is to liquefy spiritual power or to practice ice body training.

"Master, King Cang please see me!"

The Emperor's Messenger is here to report.

Li Wei's eyes moved.

He came to the Throne of Flame, revealed the true body of Yanlong, and looked at King Cang with a majestic expression.

"What is it?"

"My lord, we have determined the location of an ancient beast. It is in the East China Sea. It is suspected to be a terrifying ancient beast that has been extinct for a long time, [Blue Armored Herring Dragon]."

"take me!"

Li Wei suddenly sat up from the throne.

Then the scarlet cloak appeared behind him, and he grabbed King Cang directly.

"Lead the way."

King Cang's flying speed is too slow.

He has no time to waste.

With his escape speed, he can reach the East China Sea at night.

The land of the East China Sea.

A giant ichthyosaur with a green body and mottled green scales is confronting several ancient saints in the sea.

The faces of these ancient sages of the sea crawling tribe are all dignified.

This ancient beast is so powerful that even King Cang can't take it down.

I am afraid that the ceiling of the Old Sage's strength has almost been touched.

But they have already locked the location of the ancient beast, so it is naturally impossible to let it escape.

They guarded the ancient beast here, waiting for King Cang to ask His Majesty the Emperor to subdue the ancient beast himself!

This blue-armored herring dragon has fierce eyes, and a beast confronting several ancient sages is completely worthy.

Since its prime, it has been in the sea area of ​​the ancient holy plane for hundreds of years, and has never had an opponent. However, it has been in the deep sea area before, so few people have found its trace.

Now, it was only found after Li Wei searched for traces of the ancient beast with the whole country.


A red glow came from the sky.

A stalwart and burly figure roared over, with a long tail trailing behind him!

"What a giant beast, its strength should be at the peak of the fourth level. I am afraid that it is a four-ring wizard, and it is not its opponent, let alone these ancient sages."

Li Wei's heart moved slightly.

This blue-armored herring dragon is fifty meters long, like a giant whale.

It is covered in invulnerable, phosphorescent scale armor. Its scale armor is different from ordinary ancient beasts. It looks quite thick, like a green turtle shell.

At this moment, after seeing Li Wei, the giant beast was a little instinctively afraid.

Immediately, he stopped playing prestige, turned around and ran away.

You know, after being besieged by these ancient saints for so long, it has no fear.

But facing Li Wei, the suppression from the blood makes him know that he can't beat him!

The first talent: Fire Dragon Tribulation!

Li Wei's mind moved.

A flaming dragon with its teeth and claws shot out!

The surface of the sea exploded, and the ichthyosaur behemoth felt as if its back was scorched.

The next moment, in Li Wei's hand, Chilong Zhantie swung out!

The sword energy tore through the sea surface, and cut a shallow cut in the back of the fish-dragon behemoth.

Blood flows, dyeing the sea red.

"If you run again... you will be cut in half," Levi said.

He moved slightly in his heart: "This ancient beast seems to be the type I need that focuses on defense, and it can actually withstand the power of my sword energy."

It seemed that he understood Li Wei's words, and the blue-armored herring dragon gradually stopped, not daring to run over there.

Although it is a fourth-level extraordinary creature, it does not have any powerful magic-like abilities. Like the ancient saints, it is relatively scientific.

This is a common problem of the extraordinary system of this plane, so the fourth level of the ancient saint plane is weaker than the fourth level of the wizard world.

Under Li Wei's overwhelming strength, it surrendered.

For Li Wei today, there is no sense of accomplishment in conquering the fourth-level mixed-blood dragon clan.

Finally, under the emperor's "miracle", such a colossal creature disappeared into the sea and appeared in the great lake in Alice's ring.

"Let's call it Yulong...I'm too lazy to name you." Li Wei looked at the giant beast and said to himself.

He is considering whether to kill this guy directly and refine the blood crystal.

Then look for a fourth-level blood crystal, collect all other materials, and he can [evolve].

Fish and dragons entered the sea, Leviathan and Gustav came to watch.

Because Li Wei released many low-level extraordinary creatures, the Alice ring has been relatively deserted recently.

Now that new fourth-level creatures have joined, these old employees of the third ring feel like Alexander.

"Raja, when will you break through the fourth ring?"

Li Wei's sky dragon breathing method is all supported by Raja.

If it can break through the fourth ring, the speed of practice must be improved to a higher level.

Raja flew away angrily.

Tested the blood of the ichthyosaur, and found that it was indeed of the water system, and it belonged to Huanghailong.

The current situation is.

The blood essence of fish and dragons can be used as advanced materials, and Li Wei is confident that the advanced materials will be ready soon.

Its blood crystals can also be used as evolution materials, but evolution still lacks one.

He meditated in the hall.

The entire Old Sacred Plane is an experimental place for Sauron.

So, the origin of the ancient beasts here all came from the four brothers of the ancient dragon.

That is to say, in this plane, there are only four legendary bloodline factors, and there are no others.

Among the four ancient dragons, the Fire-type Underworld Dragon focuses on strength, the Earth-type Xianrong Dragon focuses on quality, the Wind-type Emerald Dragon focuses on speed, and the Water-type Huanghai Dragon focuses on defense.

This is why the defense attributes of ichthyosaurs are more prominent.

"In addition to the ancient beasts containing the [Huanghailong bloodline factor], it should be very difficult to find the second type of defensive ancient beasts in the plane of the ancient saints... In this case, don't get tangled up, don't kill, let's advance !"

The ichthyosaur in Alice's ring hid at the bottom of the lake, trembling, and didn't know it, just now, it escaped a catastrophe.

Holy calendar 1135, the original month.

The 104th year of the Great Crusade.

Levi held a round table meeting as usual.

He learned that the goddess knight Aisha had broken the shackles of the legend and stepped into the realm of blood thirst.

In this way, the pressure came to the Dark Moon Knight and Silver Dragon Knight, and no one wanted to be the last one to break through the legend.

These two legendary knights began to practice harder and sharpen.

For a while, the trend of involuntary in the temple at dusk prevailed!

As for the Blood Knights, they are still a little short of the blood source.

In fact, Li Wei has already reversed the potion formula for the blood knight and the black knight to advance to the blood realm.

But they haven't reached the point where they need 【Advanced Potion】.

As long as they can reach the threshold, they can clearly know what to do next, what materials to find and prepare.

Compared to his own Golden Snake advanced potion formula, collecting their formulas is not difficult.

When their realm is higher and their knowledge is more, they may be able to comprehend the potion formula they need in the future, and they can also create formulas for ordinary knights in the Twilight Temple.

On this day, Li Wei looked at the newspaper Eve sent.

In the Endless Sea, something not too big or small happened.

The Wizarding Inquisition found Thunderspear Solet guilty of colluding with the Abyss.

In the boundless sea and other realms of unbelievers, Solet was issued a [Wanted order for a century in the whole territory].

This kind of arrest warrant is usually only for those who are extremely vicious. It seems that this time Solet has provoked the anger of the public, and the forces behind him don't want to protect him anymore.

Within a hundred years, whoever offers Solet's head can get an official reward of a sky-level truth wonder, or two five-ring witches, and can also be exchanged for a huge amount of Taishi at half!

This made Solet become one of the top 100 "celebrities" in Endless Sea's [Fear List], you know, the first and second on the list are Black Sun Adam and Beast Witch!

Want a wonder of truth? Want a five-ring witch weapon? Then go chop Solet!

It is said that many five-ring wizards from other schools also came to the Endless Sea after hearing the news.

Of course, with Solet's strength, no one should be able to catch him if he wants to hide in the endless sea.

Most of Wu Huan went to hunt him down, all for nothing.

Similarly, the Thunder Dragon family was also implicated. The entire family was enslaved by the Tower of Stars and exiled to a dangerous medium-sized plane for land reclamation. century!

If the land reclamation performance is qualified, after 300 years, the Thunder Dragon family can return to the Endless Sea, but its original territory and property have all been taken over by the Tower of Stars. This family is equivalent to starting from scratch.

Those in charge of supervising the process of the Thunder Dragon family's land reclamation are several soul wizards in the Tower of Stars.

One of them is the Minister of Law Enforcement:

Gold Molten Witch King Negrio!

This soul-powerful man is vigorous and resolute in his work, upright and upright, never bends the law for personal gain, uses power for personal gain, and has won the "Boundless Sea Law Pioneer" medal several times in a row!

Therefore, it is also known as "Golden Balance", "Justice Thunder Punisher", "Dark Nemesis on the Sea"!

The mantra is: "Any illegal act will be crushed by thunder!"

Li Wei had complicated eyes, silently put away the newspaper, feeling helpless.

"Tsk tsk, the Minister of Law Enforcement... No wonder the endless sea is so chaotic, no wonder the Thunder Dragon family is so jumpy, the source is here."

He shook his head, put aside these chores, and calmed down.

In front of him, there are all kinds of materials.

"Blood essence, dragon scales, soul crystallization...all are complete, mix potions, and prepare to advance."

Dazhang asked for a monthly ticket and asked for a subscription.

7600 words today, add 1600 words, count 1000.

Because there is a reward from the leader, the owe is 128000+6000, which has become 134000.

Subtract the 1,000 words added today.

The remaining 133,000 words are owed.

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