Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 50: Killing and arson gold belt! (Seek to follow up)

Chapter 50: Killing and arson gold belt! (Seek to follow up)

??Chapter 50 Killing and arson gold belt! (Seek to follow up)

??Golden belt for murder and arson, the ancients never deceived Li Wei.

?? The unexpected joy of a full three thousand gold coins made him a little elated.

A standard gold coin is about 6 grams, plus the gold coins he already had on his body, he carried dozens of catties of gold coins alone, and he dared not walk too wobbly, for fear of letting others know that he carried a weight. Bag of gold coins.

??He felt a pity in his heart, it would be great if he had a storage ring.

?? "Money is more money, Ambergris still has to do it, but it's too unsafe to carry so much money with me, I have to find a place to hide it, and then finish the business here and take it back."

Li Wei did what he said. He left Icewind City. After making sure that no one was following him, he ran towards the wilderness. He found a direction. After walking about 10,000 steps, he came to a dense coniferous forest. On the ridge of the mountain, he found a big tree he could remember and started digging.

?? After hiding the gold coins, Li Wei patted the soil on his body and covered it with some rocks to cover up the traces of manual excavation.

??Finally, he turned around and left, squatting quietly on the top of a big tree in the distance for an hour, but no one appeared.

??He felt relieved and ran down the mountain.

??The meeting time that Graf said is coming soon.


?? It wasn't until Li Wei heard about Bernard Knight's house being on fire from passers-by that he knew that the assassin was called Bernard.

??Bernard’s house is very remote, and there was no one there when the incident happened. In addition, there were no traces of the fire. With the level of criminal investigation in this era, it is unlikely that he will be found, so he didn’t care too much.

??In the morning, near the west gate of Icewind City, a carriage pulled goods and set off slowly. Around the carriage, five knights of different shapes rode horses and some walked.

?? It was Li Wei and his party. He had joined Graff and the others. After making sufficient preparations, he went to the territory of the earth dragon beast that Graff said.

"Everyone, before the start of this operation, I would like to emphasize our division of labor again. I am in charge of finding the earth dragon beast, the green falcon knight is responsible for using your speed advantage to lure the earth dragon beast to the range, and the black rhinoceros knight is responsible for cooperating with the green dragon beast. Falcon Knight, use your giant shield and defensive advantages to restrain the earth dragon beast, while Red Spider Knight, you will poison the arrows with the poison you have prepared, and ensure that Your Excellency White Wolf can shoot without distraction."

?? "No problem." Knight Green Falcon said.

"I hope you won't lose the chain." The black rhinoceros knight looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Li Wei. He thought that his strength was the strongest among these five people, and he played the greatest role. He deeply doubts the archery skills and team role of the white wolf who joined the team.

"Okay, that territory is located at the junction of the Emerald Kingdom and the Tuva Empire. In addition to the dragon beasts, we also need to be careful of the people of the Tuva Empire. I am worried that the people of the Tuva Empire will also find the dragon beasts. After all, the great knight who was seriously injured by the earth dragon beast is still not sure if he is dead." Graf is also very confused about such a temporary team, and he said the precautions over and over again.

?? Li Wei was on guard all the time while walking, to prevent the hateful assassin of the voice of the dead bird from appearing again.

?? After two assassinations, although they both succeeded in counter-killing, Li Wei has been made more cautious now.

??For this trip, he temporarily bought a pair of brand-new high-quality chain mail in the city at a huge sum of money. If it weren't for the inconvenience of long-distance marching in plate armor, he would definitely have to wear plate armor.

In addition, the quiver is also full of arrows, the black snake dagger is worn on the left hand, frostmourne is worn on the right hand, and there is quicklime looted from those assassins in the pocket, ready to give the enemy eyes Come on, in short, it is fully armed.

?? After marching for about three days and three nights, Li Wei and the others arrived at the territory of the earth dragon beast that Graf said.

?? This is a huge valley. In the center of the valley, there is a dense jungle. The snow-capped mountains in the distance stand tall and continuous.

That is the dividing line between the Emerald Kingdom and the Tuva Empire. After crossing that mountain, there is a vast seaside hills and plains, where Tuva people live. Unlike the Emerald Kingdom, the Tuva Empire is a central A centralized feudal empire, so its comprehensive strength is much stronger than that of the Emerald Kingdom. Before the Millennium Holy War, the Tuva Empire often invaded the Emerald Kingdom. In the Millennium, the Emerald Kingdom officially declared war and recruited many nobles to join forces. The Holy War ended with the Tuva Empire. The withdrawal of the troops ended, but the Emerald Kingdom also suffered heavy losses.

??The main habitat of the earth drake is the Tuva Empire. The earth dragon discovered by Graf is likely to have migrated from there.

??Because the road became more and more difficult to walk, it was difficult for the carriage to move forward. Graf and the black rhinoceros knight directly carried the armor-piercing crossbow.

??Finally, they placed the armor-piercing crossbow on a stable high ground. Standing on the high ground, they can have a panoramic view of the valley.

"Ahead is the territory of the earth drake that I marked. Next, Red Spider Knight and Your Excellency White Wolf will prepare here. Let's lure the earth dragon over here. Your Excellency White Wolf, remember, the only key to the earth dragon is it. The eyes and the area behind the eyes are its brain. Other than that, even other places can penetrate the defense of the earth dragon beast, but because it is too large, it is difficult for our arrows to destroy it in a short time. It kills it, and Ms. Red Spider's poisonous poison is unrealistic to knock down the earth dragon beast in an instant, so please show your best state, otherwise, even the injured earth dragon beast may make it fall. This valley became our graveyard."

Graf's face was solemn. There is no doubt that the key to this battle lies in Li Wei's aim. Once Li Wei makes a mistake or has other careful thoughts, they may fail. Failure is the second best thing. up.

??That's why he has to emphasize again and again, that is to tell Li Wei that now their team is all prosperous and all are damaged. If they fail, Li Wei himself will be killed by the raging earth dragon beast.

?? "Just do your own work well, and I won't have any problems here," Li Wei said calmly, extremely confident.

?? "I hope so." The Black Rhinoceros Knight stared at Li Wei, and after finishing speaking, he turned and left, and the Green Falcon Knight and Graff immediately followed.

??The Starscream Knight took out a small bottle of medicine exuding a strange fragrance from the inner lining of his tight armor, and his vermilion lips parted slightly.

?? "The strongest poison refined from six precious and highly poisonous substances, this is the only one, Lord White Wolf, when you shoot, you must shoot accurately..."

??The Starscream Knight said with a smile, and began to apply these precious potions on the arrows. If the poison is quenched too early, it is easy to volatilize and reduce the efficacy of the medicine. Therefore, this precious and highly poisonous potion is quenched immediately.

?? "Believe me, with a beautiful lady like you by my side, my shots will definitely be more accurate than you imagined." Li Wei said calmly, looking around.

??(end of this chapter)

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