Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 489

Chapter 489: The evil fire demon ape, the eight changes of blood source! (big

The ancient banyan fairyland.

Levi released the Black Soul Demonic Tower.

The Red King is sleeping in it, and Leon's venom is very powerful.

During this period, he drew out some of the blood of the Red King.

After a series of comparative analysis experiments, it was discovered that the blood relationship between the Red King and the White Bear Clan is very distant.

It can be said to be two species.

“It’s strange. So far, it seems that the Red King was indeed born to White Bear parents, and he wasn’t a cuckold. It shouldn’t be..."

After returning from training in the nightmare world, Lope woke up and saw that his master was still studying the Red King.

“Master, I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but I can feel some closeness to this monster.”

Levi nodded.

"Yes, it has the blood factor of some kind of legendary giant ape in its body, and the concentration is not low... But it is not consistent with the legendary giant apes discovered in the wizarding world, and it is the descendant of two white bears, so it shouldn't be Someone with the blood of a giant ape.”

Lope whispered:

“In my memory, I seem to have heard of a giant ape that is also a fire element, but I’m not sure if it’s the Red King?”

Levi looked at Lope.

"tell me the story."

Lope then told a legend he heard when he was a child.

Among the giant apes, there is an extremely mysterious existence named [Erfire Demonic Ape].

This kind of demon ape is also extremely powerful among legendary creatures.

It controls the [Fire of Doom] that brings ominousness, and those who come into contact with this flame will become unlucky.

The Fire Demon Ape grows extremely quickly and has unpredictable abilities.

But it seems to be cursed and can only live up to 10,000 years.

After ten thousand years, he will die.

You must know that legendary creatures are extremely rare, so most of them are immortal species.

The longevity of the giant apes is definitely not as good as that of the dragons, let alone the turtles and shells.

But living for ten thousand years is also extremely short-lived.

After all, a ninth-level expert of the short-lived human species can live for about six thousand years.

Some great wizards can live longer if they master the means of extending their lives.

So the Demon Ape seems very different.

It can live up to ten thousand years, and when the time comes, it will inevitably die.

But the demon ape will not really die, it will be reborn in another form.

To a certain extent, it also has the ability to be immortal, similar to the Ash Dragon.

It's just that it was conceived from the bodies of other living beings.

“Judging from your description, it’s possible... to bring bad luck? I’d like to try whether my luck is stronger or its misfortune.”

This kind of rumor cannot be fully believed.

Before he met Lope, many people also said that floods would bring bad luck to the giant ape.

As a result, Li Wei was not affected at all.

On the contrary, he feels that his luck has become more prosperous in recent years.

“The reincarnation of this demonic ape actually appeared in the body of another race…”

The White King once said that when the Red King was a child, he looked like a normal White Bear tribe.

As time goes by, it becomes more and more weird, which is why it looks like a bear and an ape.

Levi estimated that when it reaches level nine, it will transform into a demon ape again.

“Multiple planes really have everything, and there is such a strange way of reproduction.”

This Red King is not like Lope and cannot communicate normally.

Li Wei plans to wait until he reaches the eighth level of the Scarlet Dragon Breathing Technique. Scarlet has enslaved it, so he will suppress it for now.

“What an unexpected surprise, I brought back another legendary creature.”

"The flood giant ape, the evil fire demon ape, and Emperor Mu's sacred giant ape... the four major factions of earth, fire, feng shui, actually gathered three legendary giant apes? It seems that the dark land breeds creatures, and also likes to pursue neatness. , there is a high probability that there are also wind apes, thunder apes, ice apes, golden apes and the like, but it’s a pity that they can only be encountered but not sought.”

It didn’t take long.

Li Wei then took stock of what he had gained from this trip to the ancient pagoda.

Needless to say, basic ores, herbs, materials and other cultivation resources are very abundant.

He keeps the higher-ranking ones for his own use.

Relatively common, they are deposited in the treasury of major organizations for members to redeem.

At his current level, there are not many treasures worth mentioning.

From the White Bear Clan, he received a considerable amount of frost elemental ore.

The sixth level [Frigid Iron], the seventh level [Frost Iron], and the eighth level [Extreme Cold Holy Gold].

Having it all.

It just so happens that Holy Infant is collecting frost, heaven and earth treasures to refine the wizard tower, which can also save a lot of expenses.

Waiting for the Holy Infant’s Tower of Ice and Fire to be renovated.

His frontal combat effectiveness is not inferior to Victor who has the Star Sword Formation.

That enchanting woman from the Jin Emperor clan gave Li Wei an eighth-level rare treasure.

It’s called [Night Cloak] and it has three functions:

1. The ability to travel through the void over long distances, and can flash to 20,000 miles away in an instant.

2. Cover the user's breath and body shape.

Even if it is the perception of an eighth-level peak powerhouse, it cannot be discovered without careful inspection.

3. When used at night, it can slightly increase the user's physical fitness in all aspects.

Overall, this is an excellent escape and ambush treasure.

Levi has mastered escape methods in various terrain conditions, and also has silver carriages, hermit runes and other means.

This cloak has little effect on him.

Soraya's example was mentioned before, and Li Wei was also a little worried about Baihua.

He planned to give this treasure to Baihua.

In this way, Baihua's life-saving ability in hunting demons in the God's Abandoned Continent will be greatly improved.

There are a lot of good things over at the Shark Palace, just like the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

In addition to the seventh-level rare treasures that sent the Blood Knight, there are also more than ten sixth-level rare treasures.

These are all collected by King Shark Palace in the Heart Sea or the Saint Laurent Continent.

Exotic treasures are used to enrich the treasure troves of major organizations.

In addition, Levi also got a special piece of metal.

But he saw a blue irregular meteorite the size of a fist floating.

There are strange phenomena emerging around it, and the space is faintly distorted, showing that it is extraordinary.

Like Xitu, this is also a level nine material.

It’s called [Haigl’s Gold].

The person who discovered it was a great wizard named Heigl.

Even though this is just a small piece, it weighs tens of thousands of tons.

It is an excellent material for refining holy soul weapons.

It's just that the level is too high, and Li Wei can't handle it with his current methods.

In the sea near Gulong Continent, he also hid a ninth-level Blood Angel Feather.

There are two level nine demon dragon scales on his body. The keys obtained from the Dragon Ruins deception are both level nine materials.

Finally, from the three major alien races, a total of 126 truths and wonders were obtained, covering most factions.

There are 112 types, all of which are earth and sky level wonders.

There are 13 more morning star wonders, and there is only 1 bright moon wonder.

Li Wei's two waves can be regarded as causing a lot of bleeding in the three realms and four places.

Needless to say, the wonders of the earth are of little use to Li Wei or the three-part body.

He just asked everyone to choose a few that might produce good companion creatures and try their luck.

Others, all are deposited in the treasury.

In the next long period of time, the organization will not have to worry about not having good things to exchange for the people below.

An organization without foundation cannot attract people.

Sky-level wonders, there are several more special ones.

They are [Beard of the Cold King], [Breath of the Cold King], [Eye of the Flame King], and [Call of the Wind King].

They are all part of the king-level rare items that have been refined by the Holy Infant and Gandalf.

Judging from the "Illustrated Book of Strange Objects", both the Cold King and Yan King sequences are composed of five parts.

After these refinings, the Holy Infant's King of Flame and King of Cold sequences only have one sequence of rare items left each to complete.

The Cold King sequence still lacks [Han King's Heart], which is a morning star rare item.

The King of Flame sequence still lacks the [Ring of the King of Flame], which is a sky-level wonder.

Similarly, Gandalf’s Wind King sequence is also missing one of four.

For serial rare items, after exchanging the main high-level ones, the functions are almost the same.

But if you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, you can also deliberately collect it.

At any rate, for their realm, these are not very high-end and expensive items.

There is not much to say about Morning Star’s Wonderful Objects.

Li Wei chose a [Song of the Water God] and gave it to Baihua.

This is a sapphire blue truth artifact in the shape of an earring, obtained from King Shark's Palace.

Previously, [Water God's Song] was a ring, and [Water God's Lament] was a brooch.

After refining, Baihua's water body can also be improved.

The bright moon's strange object is a bead as black as ink.

It exudes a strong aura of negative energy, darkness, evil...

The runes of truth on its surface formed densely packed eyes with twinkling eyes.

Like the previous [Fairy Dream Butterfly], this is also a strange item that goes beyond the scope of the Strange Object Illustrated Book.

Levi checked all the information in the wizarding world, but he didn’t know what it was.

It can only be determined to be an extremely rare dark faction artifact.

The negative energy wonders that Levi refined before were all from the shadow or death faction.

Such as darkness, blood, and strange things from nightmares, but I have never seen them before.

In the Wizards Council's Tribute Store, these faction rare items are not available at all.

He felt that, on the one hand, it was difficult for such strange objects to be born.

On the other hand, it may be that the parliament feels that these factions themselves have more or less problems.

Especially the dark faction, which was once a large faction that gave birth to legendary wizards.

Like the Illuminati faction, it gradually declined and declined with the development of history.

The most important reason is the [Ashtar Rebellion] event a long time ago.

Asta is the "Dark Wizard Emperor" and calls himself the "Son of Chaos" and the "Lord of Chaos City".

He is a legendary wizard of the dark faction. In order to pursue eternal life, he betrayed the Wizards Council.

Join the [Lord of Chaos] camp, ignite the divine fire, shape the divine body, and become one of the evil gods under his command.

There was this person in the previous Great Expedition to the Five Realms.

He not only rebelled himself, but also led a large group of dark faction wizards to collectively surrender to the enemy.

Many wizards have given up on the path of truth that they have worked hard for for hundreds or thousands of years in a single thought.

Choose to believe in the Lord of Chaos and enter the divine realm.

That incident had a great impact and brought many direct and indirect impacts.

So, after Li Wei came to this world.

He discovered that the two factions he thought were powerful, the light and the dark, were actually only third-rate.

By the way, Black Sun Adam, who is currently in the limelight, is also a cultivator of the Burning and Dark factions.

So Li Wei was a little worried about whether to refine this strange object.

He himself also practices dark faction magic and doesn't feel there is any problem.

“That’s all, let’s think about it after the eighth ring. Refining is a bit of a loss now…”

The bright moon wonders can also enhance a lot of mental power, and Li Wei has already reached the upper limit.

In the final session of blind box drawing, Levi obtained several more sixth-level spells and combat skills.

There is also a seventh-level combat skill called "Morning Combat Code".

This combat skill is an inherited combat skill called [Golden Pheasant Clan].

Li Wei thought it was more suitable for Pheasant Knight, so he asked him to study it.

Facts have proved that his luck is still as good as ever and he performs steadily.

Even if there is [Erotic Fire Demonic Ape], it will have no effect.

Time flies.

Three years later.

620 years of Norah, 406 years of **** battles.

The seedlings brought out by Li Wei from the Dark Ancient Tower have gradually adapted to the new world.

Kidman also joined the Tower of Dawn and became a professor.

Although he follows the line of Dharma King, he has the same origin as the wizard.

There is no problem in guiding those children from a high position.

Not long ago, another soul wizard was born in the Tower of Dawn, named [Heart Moon Spirit Witch Natasha].

Li Wei is relatively unfamiliar with it, because it is not the genius of the son of elements that he brought out, nor does he have any special talents.

Natasha is just an ordinary dual-line affinity, relatively speaking, unremarkable.

She is one of the original members of the Tower of Dawn who is still alive today.

When he was eight hundred years old, he broke through the soul.

What surprised Levi was that Natasha actually practiced the dream school.

Because it owns the nightmare world and part of the Dreamland Tower inheritance.

He has always supported the construction of the Dream School.

But no Yuanhun wizard was born.

In fact, it’s not just the Ancient Dragon Continent.

In the entire wizarding world, there are not many soul wizards from the Dream School.

Many high-level officials are aware of the tragic experience of Mengxiang Tower.

I have always kept a respectful distance from the nightmare world.

Even the legendary wizard is extremely cautious.

There is no way, the nightmare world is too powerful.

This is a terrifying place that is no less terrifying than the abyss.

Just think about the **** battle. Abyss only sent a part of its troops, which made Nora miserable.

If you accidentally bring the nightmare world over, wouldn't you be asking for trouble?

Li Wei also got the powerful ability of the Nightmare Lord by chance because of the proficiency panel.

Otherwise, he would not dare to hang out in the nightmare world.

Now, it is good news that Xinyue Lingsha has been promoted to Yuanhun.

Li Wei called her alone and had a conversation with her.

Xinyue Lingwu is a beautiful middle-aged woman with a rather mature charm.

She felt a little nervous inside. She placed her hands on her slender legs and her long floral skirt gently hung to the ground.

For the first time, she faced a legendary figure from the wizarding world up close, and her heart was pounding.

"Palace Master, I feel that most of the current research in the Dream School focuses on illusions, memory, etc., and rarely involves actual combat... Since the Shadow School can summon shadow creatures and the Death School can summon **** creatures, our Dream School may also be able to Let’s start with summoning and summon those nightmare creatures to fight for us.”

Levi motioned for her to drink tea.

Xin Yue Ling Wu was flattered and took a sip of Qingxin tea.

“Thank you, Master...Wow, what kind of tea is this?”

After drinking it, she felt refreshed, thinking efficiently, and couldn't help but want to meditate.

The whole person is enlightened... incredible.

Li Wei said without hesitation:

"I have also thought about what you said, and it is indeed a direction. However, the nightmare world is different from the shadow world and hell. It is more unfathomable and full of unknowns. Research in this area is afraid of accidentally opening the magic box like the Dream Tower. , bringing danger to the wizarding world."

Xin Yue Ling Wu Dao:

"Indeed...I am hesitating about this too."

Li Wei said:

"Of course, if you can find a way to make the summoning range more precise, for example, summon our own nightmare creatures from the Black Dragon Territory... this problem won't exist."

Levi himself can make some nightmare creatures come into reality, but he cannot do this all day long.

So, if you can let an ordinary dream school wizard summon the creatures from the Black Dragon Territory.

For the Ancient Dragon Continent, it is indeed a good thing.

Nowadays, the Black Dragon Territory is also the overlord in the Blood Rain Realm.

So far, there is no war.

Those nightmare creatures are idle when they are idle.

What's more, with the yield of the nightmare mother tree, these wizards are not afraid of exterminating the nightmare creatures.

Natasha’s eyes were filled with joy and she said excitedly:

“Yes, I understand... I have the direction of my next research.”

Natasha got up, finished drinking tea, said goodbye to Levi, and left in a hurry.

"It's a good talent. We can focus on and invest in it next... Well, it's best to find a way to match her with a bachelor among the Eighteen Riders. Maybe better offspring can be born. The Blood Knight guy can't I am always alone. In the future, if conditions permit, we will hold some appropriate social gatherings."

After drinking tea, Levi opened the proficiency panel.

The Red Emperor Dragon Breathing Technique is getting closer and closer to the limit.

Those witch marks that have not yet been perfected are also constantly improving.

The last spells he learned, especially [Untouchable], were extremely difficult spells.

For 27 Wuhen to be completely perfect, he estimated that it would take another sixty years.

So he began to attack the Red Emperor Dragon in recent years.

Let’s take this most important breathing method to Level 8 first.

Of course, he also had to start preparing the breakthrough potion.

This time we can’t count on Triss.

Black Abyss Walker is a legendary wizard. It would not be good to trouble such a big shot to make medicine for a little Kalami like himself.

After much deliberation, I could only go to Ms. Lucy.

The ancient banyan fairyland.

There is a valley, all surrounded by a magic circle.

There are three level six demon dragon skeletons piled below, as well as all kinds of strange materials.

He also started to try the magic dragon grass cultivation method that Lava Dragon gave to Li Wei before.

To this end, he auctioned some dragon bones at a high price on the black market.

These skeletons have no flesh and blood, and most likely have blood crystals extracted from them.

But to cultivate the magic dragon grass, you only need the magic dragon bone.

Although these bones are also good materials for refining weapons, their value is not worth mentioning compared to the magic dragon grass.

"According to the Lava Dragon, things like magic dragon grass are relatively easy to find in the abyss... In order to prevent the magic dragon grass from getting stuck, on the one hand, we will cultivate it ourselves, and on the other hand, let the succubus help on the other side of the abyss. I search.”

Over the years, under Li Wei’s efforts, he has spared no effort in cultivating.

Mind flayers and succubi both grow very quickly.

They are already at the peak of level six, and are not far away from level seven.

In fact, he can also directly enslave higher-level demons, but he has followed these two for too long, and he is a little nostalgic.

In any case, they are not required to perform any difficult tasks, and the requirements for cultivation are not high.

Cultivating it yourself is also a kind of happiness in itself.

Next, he went to visit other caves and paradises.

There are [Adie] and [Along], both of which are growing well.

Even the slowest-growing iron tree has reached a height of forty feet without realizing it.

Normally, it takes a hundred years for an iron tree to grow one foot, which takes four thousand years to grow.

And it followed Livy less than a thousand years ago.

“When the iron tree blossoms and bears fruit, the body-refining faction of the Tower of Dawn is about to take off.”


Before leaving the fairyland, suddenly there was a wave of elemental power in the direction of the Quicksand Sea.

"Bo Gang?"   Li Wei's heart was filled with joy and he left in a flash.

They saw an earth-yellow giant several hundred meters tall, holding a huge sword and a rare treasure, fighting with the shadow of an unknown **** hidden behind the clouds of calamity. It was indeed Bo Gang.

It has followed Li Wei for almost a thousand years, and it has finally reached the sixth level.

As a true mountain giant, the journey has been smooth sailing, but the timeline is a bit long.

But it’s still much faster than Prime Minister Turtle...

Purebred giants, although not like purebred dragons, must have level nine strength when they reach adulthood.

But the average level is also above Level 6.

Giants are social creatures, and their numbers are larger than dragons.

Some giant dragons never meet their own kind throughout their lives.

Bo Gang himself is also a rare giant wizard, and his elemental affinity talent is also very good.

But what he was going through this time should be the disaster of giants.

Practice in such a blessed land of cave heaven, its growth rate is already much better than that of its kind in the wild.

Bo Gang didn’t spend much effort, he overcame the disaster and was promoted to the sixth level of giant.

As the body was reshaped with the strong power of elements, its size expanded visibly to the naked eye, reaching the size of a thousand meters.

The giant's true body is filled with tremendous strength, and it is just a matter of time to move mountains.

“Congratulations, Bo Gang!”

Li Wei smiled.

Bo Gang said naively:

“Thank you Master, I finally lived up to my expectations and reached the sixth level.”

Li Wei said:

“Yes, it will be much easier to survive the Soul Disaster next. Let’s go to Manager Mana to receive the Immortal Ooze.”

Levi first sent a message to Lucy in an anxious mood, asking the lady if she could help him refine the potion.

【Okay, come to God's Abandoned Continent to find me~】

"So simple?"

Levi was a little unbelievable.

He was extremely lucky to be able to meet these noble people.

The gods abandoned the continent and the wizard tower.

Lucy put away the crystal ball for meditation and said with a smile:

"It looks like you are about to be promoted to the eighth ring. Congratulations in advance."

Li Wei said:

“Then I would also like to congratulate you in advance on your promotion to the ninth ring.”

Lucy said:

"Thank you, but I have no plans to advance to the ninth ring yet... Take out all your materials and just wait for me here for a few days. I have refined this potion many times, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Levi thought to himself.

Judging from Ms. Lucy's tone, promotion to the ninth ring must be a matter of hands-on control.

So confident.

Very good, there is a high probability that it will be the reincarnation of a legend.

Who is it? Deep Blue Sage?

Probably not, the Deep Blue Sage is a male and reincarnated into a female?

Levi felt a little weird.

In any case, according to his thinking, he would be reincarnated as a man.

“Madam, what price do I have to pay?”

"Hmm~ Let me think about it, it seems that I don't lack anything, so I can spare it... By the way, there is a demon army in War Zone 9 in the northwest of the mainland. The leader is an early-level eighth-level [Steel Demon]. If you have Sora, you can go and support the battle group over there, just think of it as doing me a favor."


Hearing this, Li Wei felt much better and rushed away immediately.

The Cyborg Demon is a new type of demon that has joined the battlefield in recent years.

The physical body, especially the bones, is extremely strong.

When we arrived at the battlefield, a battle group was fighting fiercely.

Without saying a word, Li Wei directly asked the group leader to lead the team to form an encirclement outside.

He turned into a ferocious beast, the Red Emperor's domain was opened, and he started fighting with the Steel Demon.

Now that the Red Emperor Dragon is approaching its limit, Li Wei also wants to test his own strength.

Red flames, golden light, storms, thunder and other strange phenomena surrounded Li Wei.

Without using the Nine-Colored Emperor and spells, he simply relied on his physical body and combat skills.

He suppressed the arrogant Cyborg Demon.

The Cyborg Demon saw that he was no match and wanted to lead his troops to retreat.

Li Wei used all his firepower and solved the battle with three strikes, five strikes and two additions.

“The essence of the Steel Bone Demon is all in its bones, which are the best materials for refining weapons.”

After cleaning up the loot, he left on his own.

Only a group of stunned wizard members were left, not knowing what to say.

“To be able to enter and exit the army so easily and take the enemy’s head is the true strength of the Lord of Dusk Hall.”

“It’s better to hear something once than to see it a hundred times. Today is a great experience.”

“Your potion.”

In Lucy's hand, there is a potion that is colorless and odorless, like pure water.

Li Wei knew that this was the ultimate breakthrough potion that he had spent countless costs to refine.

He smiled.

“Thank you madam, the Cyborg Demon has been eliminated, and the battle group over there will be responsible for cleaning up the remaining ones.”

Lucy said:

"It's very efficient. Go back and don't delay your practice. I still have things to deal with here."

Li Wei thanked him again and again and left with satisfaction.

“Ms. Lucy is quite easy to deal with.”

Along the way, I met all kinds of people.

Li Wei discovered that the higher the level of wizards, the less pretentious they were.

On the contrary, those half-baked wizards with low cultivation level like to think highly of themselves.

Perhaps this is the difference between a master and a novice.

Back to Gulong Continent, he continued to retreat.

Now all the preparation work has been completed, only promotion is needed.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

The 630th year of Norah, the 416th year of the **** war.

After Allen, the Lord of the Black Abyss, became the 13th seat of the Supreme Council, a chain reaction began to occur gradually.

The Ocean School had a low morale and lack of self-confidence due to the death of the Deep Blue Sage.

Now, the ocean is branching out again.

At the same time, vampires also began to be more active in the wizarding world.

Moreover, this time, they are all vampire elites.

After the blood moon came, it never faded away.

Some aberrant monsters began to appear in some areas of Nola.

Fortunately, after experiencing countless catastrophic version changes, even mortals are used to it.

Many people have the mentality of “Destroy it, I’m tired”.

The Lord of the Black Abyss has just been promoted to legend and has been entrusted with important tasks.

Fight against an old monster like Xuehe who has lived for who knows how long.

Of course, he doesn’t need to fight against the Blood River True Form.

The current will of Blood River does not dare to descend into its true form in Nora.

It just creates panic and chaos by awakening the hidden vampires and sending down the incarnation of the evil god.

It can only be said that the **** battle in the abyss gave it an opportunity to take advantage of it.

This makes the already chaotic situation in Nora even more turbulent.

There is also good news. The army of undead that did evil in the world some time ago has been completely wiped out.

They were either collected and became the summons of the Death School, or they were turned into resources and used for practice.

Hell invaded the wizarding world without even sparking a spark.

As the underworld merchant said, the hells don’t really want to invade, they just have overpopulation and need balance.

Looking at it now, the attitudes of the four super worlds towards the wizarding world are also intriguing.

The astral realm.

Aloof and looked down upon wizards, he once wanted to restrict the development of wizards, but was repelled by Sauron. Currently being troubled by the scourge of the Zerg, entering the Ragnarok version...


Needless to say, he is hostile to all worlds without distinction, and feels that everyone here is his younger brother. Judging from the information currently available to Levi, the Abyss has even invaded the three giants of the Star Boundary, Nightmare, and Underworld, causing a lot of chaos.


Another version of the star world has little interaction with the wizarding world. It also likes to invade other worlds, but it is not as crazy as the abyss. The water is very deep, but the outside world knows very little about it.


The real master of hell, the controller of the cycle of life and death, is relatively neutral, but has a good attitude towards the wizarding world. This should be related to Sauron's past visits to the underworld. Letting **** send resources to the wizarding civilization can be regarded as a kind of support. Maybe he wants to use wizards to weaken the power of the madman Abyss.

To survive between these four giants, the Wizarding World still has a long way to go.

God abandoned the continent.

After the three heroes of Gondor returned to the world, they hugged Victor's thigh and started a crazy score-raising mode.

In ten years, the ranking has skyrocketed and has jumped to the top 30, with nearly 100 million points.

Next, the triplicate’s plan is the same as Elena’s.

First redeem the designated bright moon rare items limited to the seventh ring.

When you have used up the times, save points and wait to exchange them for 500 million random sunday items.

Random rare items, each person only has one chance, and can be redeemed at any level, so don’t rush.

As for the designated sunday wonder objects limited to the Seven Rings, they basically have no chance.

Those people in the top ten of the ranking are all quite perverted, but they are overshadowed by the brilliance of this person who is unparalleled in ancient and modern times.

If it weren’t for the bug-level existence of this self.

The top ten people, placed in any era, are arbitrary for all eternity.

No one like Simon is worthy of carrying shoes.

Although the three heroes of Gondor are strong, they have grown up late, and it is unrealistic to surpass them in a short period of time.

After Irina got the Night Cloak, she felt like a fish in water in the God's Abandoned Continent.

The ranking has risen to 15th place. Further forward, there are some old monsters with perfect or extreme seventh rings.

Her primary goal at this stage is to complete the Water God sequence of wonders and obtain a complete [Water God Body].

From the illustrated book of strange objects.

She still needs 1 bright moon, 1 sun, and a few morning stars to complete her goal.

After countless battles, her knighthood and airbending skills have been steadily improving.

I also gained a lot of experience in using the three extraordinary ways together.

Equally dazzling is Supernova Link.

Not long ago, he reached the top ten on the seventh-level demon-slaying list with his advanced sixth-level cultivation.

Created a medium-sized myth.

Victor, Sword of Dawn, commented:

“Give Link enough time, there will be another great wizard in the wizarding world, and even a legendary wizard!”

There are so many six-ring wizards on the demon-slaying list, and the competition is so fierce that it is unimaginable.

Link perfectly combines the two methods of airbending [Shattered Invisible Sword Qi] and [Secret Sword Array] in actual combat. Like Victor, if a **** blocks a god, he will kill a god, and if a Buddha blocks a Buddha, he will kill a Buddha.

At present, its ranking has reached the top ten, which is on par with the monster Fire Dragon Knight.

And he himself is not far away from perfecting the Six Rings.

In addition, his charming temperament and heroic appearance are only inferior to Victor's.

The admirers of the Magic Weeping Sword are like the crucian carp crossing the river.

However, Link is obsessed with the sword and pursues the supreme state of "having no woman in his heart and drawing the sword to be a **** of nature".

I have no intention of being gentle at the moment.

He targeted Victor and chased the back of the "Number One of the Secret Sword".

Like a braggart day by day, never stopping!

In the wave of **** battle, everyone is struggling to survive.

Because of its strong security capabilities.

The Ancient Dragon Continent has become a symbol of the "safe zone" in the eyes of many mortals and low-level wizards.

Whose child goes to Gulong Continent because of his high talent, it is a matter of honoring his ancestors.

There are even people trying to sneak into the Ancient Dragon Continent.

There are more and more new continents, and Gulong Continent took advantage of the situation and bought some of the surrounding ones.

On the one hand, establish a special mechanical school military base, arsenal and the like.

On the other hand, expand the size of the Behemoth Paradise and the gathering place for mortals.

The Ancient Dragon Continent will also accept those mortal refugees who have lost their asylum due to the collapse of the wizard organization.

Although this will increase some costs, during a war, population is the most important resource.

Not enough food? Then increase production through wizard knowledge. This is not a problem at all for wizards.

It just depends on whether they have the intention to promote changes in mortal productivity.

This is no longer the era when the Church of the Seven Gods rules. Traditional things are bound to be eliminated!

The Gulong Continent even has a specialized [civilian school], headed by the mechanical school and combined with other schools.

Committed to improving the productivity of mortals in all aspects.

Let mortals feed the wizards again.

The **** battle is far away, and it must be ensured that there is always an injection of fresh blood.

Among these people, a son of element talent can be born in the future, which is of great value.

This kind of charitable act has taken Gulong Continent’s reputation and influence in Nola to a higher level.

Especially among mortals and ordinary casual wizards, this is even more true.

Public opinion is a huge invisible force that seems weak.

When they gather together, they become a torrent of steel, unstoppable!

This day.

Off the coast of Gulong Continent.

A small island somewhere.

Red clouds gathered, and under the ultra-high temperature, the earth instantly turned into scorched earth.

The sea water turned into white mist and rose up, covering hundreds of miles around, like a volcano erupting.

Such a world-destroying scene shocked countless marine creatures to stay away.

Sensing movement here,

A heavily armed battle group came quickly.

This area has been turned into a restricted area.

Fire Dragon Knight Road:

“Everyone keep an eye on the spot, be careful of the devil coming to cause trouble.”

Normally, in the wizarding world, no one would cause trouble for other people’s disasters.

That might make you angry, so you'll get it for nothing on the spot.

But demons don’t care about this, they are mad.

During the **** battles, it often happened that wizards were attacked by demons during their tribulations.

Li Wei's promotion to the eighth level is bound to be huge.

So I didn’t dare to carry out the project in the ancient Rongxian territory for fear of affecting the ecological environment.

There are five powerful auras hidden in the four directions of heaven and earth.

They are Squidward, Black Phoenix, Thunder Crocodile, Elena, and Triss.

Such a luxurious lineup is all for Li Wei's promotion to the Dharma Protector.


In the sky, the calamity of blood reappeared.

Those powerful legends and mythical creature phantoms make a shocking appearance again.


A swordsman figure appeared, it was Li Wei.

His upper body was bare, holding the Red Dragon Slashing Iron in his hand, and the muscles on his broad back were intertwined like horned dragons.

Perfect figure that is full of power but not exaggerated, like a statue of an epic hero in mortal fantasy.

The monstrous red flame sword energy swept out, ruthlessly tearing these giant objects into pieces and reducing them to nothing.

As the shadow of the most powerful Red Lotus Dragon disappeared, the last Lord of Blood Tribulation was destroyed.

Li Wei's expression did not relax.

"hold head high!"

The domineering dragon roar resounded throughout the world.

All the Blood Tribulation Lords that had disappeared before reappeared.

They turned into colorful lights and gathered together.

A giant red dragon with a wingspan of more than six thousand meters and exuding endless majesty appeared out of the sky.

Just the power exuded made Elena feel heavy breathing.

She was shocked and said:

“A real early-level eighth-level demon is not half as good as this giant dragon shadow. When Levi first enters the eighth level, he needs to face such powerful enemies. Is this the price of his evolution again and again?”

Triss was deeply moved.josei

This was her first time watching Li Wei survive a catastrophe, and it was an eighth-level catastrophe that no one else would experience.

She also understood why Levi was such a monster.

How can we fight against these terrifying beings without monsters?

Brother Squidward and Black Phoenix were even more stunned.

In front of this super-mythical creature phantom.

Although they are not dragons, they still feel the majesty that is difficult to resist.

This is the supreme power that towers over all living beings!

A feeling of insignificance arose spontaneously, and such thoughts appeared in their minds unconsciously.

“Give up your resistance…”

Li Wei felt a strong fighting spirit rising.

The enemy in front of him is enough for him to pay attention to.

His ability as a knight is indispensable to the super-mythical Red Emperor Dragon.

The Red Emperor Dragon's wings fluttered, and the power of the fire element within a radius of two hundred miles surged in like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea.

Flame! The overwhelming flames formed a tide and swept across the sea!

Wherever it passes, the sea water thousands of feet deep is dried up, forming a scorched earth and waterless channel.


Li Weiyi rushed into the tide without hesitation and slashed at the Red Emperor Dragon with his long sword!

The Fire Dragon Knight, a tough guy who was unfazed by humiliation, couldn't help but feel shocked in his heart.

“The power of the Breathing Technique that I promoted to the legendary level is just an insignificant baby compared with this... Myth level, I must become a myth level existence!”

He is more determined in his heart. He has seen the vastness of the sky and no longer cares about the tranquility and beauty of the bottom of the well.

One person and one dragon, fighting in the vast world.

The island where Li Wei retreated has long since vanished.

Every time he was promoted, he would destroy an island.

The phantom of the Red Emperor Dragon is so powerful that Levi feels it is more difficult to fight than facing a real eighth-level demon.

One of his biggest reliances is also on the other side.

But he has absolute confidence in his heart that he can defeat the opponent.

Because what the other party doesn’t have, he still has!

This is what Hexagon Warrior is about!

He will rely on his absolute attributes to overcome any difficulties and obstacles in the Knight's Tribulation.

There is no possibility of failure!

Hundreds of rounds later, the Red Emperor Dragon phantom was scarred, and the sword energy left countless hideous wounds on its body.

Looking back at Li Wei, he is still relatively complete.

“I’m sorry, I admit that you are strong...but I am stronger than you!”

He took a deep breath, activated the Dragon Whale Way, and slashed out the strongest sword!

After the sword energy split the Red Emperor Dragon into two halves, the trend continued unabated, flattening the island when it met, and dividing the sea when it met, stretching thousands of miles away.

Red Emperor Dragon, defeated!

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