Womanizing Mage

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Stealing fragrance

Chapter 46: Stealing fragrance

Marsh was the most dangerous area of Huangmang plain, not only this area was filled with marsh gas poison, and pitfalls where one could drown, the most important was various kinds of ferocious magical beasts including SS-class super magical beast ‘Crazy Lightning beast’ run amuck in this place.

Ha Lei took out the map and carefully looked at it. In this dangerous region, single carelessness could possibly led everyone to die without a place for burial. Everyone were holding one wooden stick, and were gingerly feeling out the hardness of ground in front of them, so their travelling speed was very slow.

“Everyone keep up the pace, and be sure to be careful.” Ha Lei instructed as he felt out the ground in front of him. They were travelling according to the path mentioned on the map, still at this rate, it would take at least half a month for them to pass through this dangerous marsh region, and that was still the most optimistic guess.

“Eh, look over there, what is that?” Lu Xiya exclaimed while pointing not that far away place in the front.

Everyone looked over, and saw not far away from them, there was a pile of shining things. After everyone reached near it, they discovered that those things was a bagful of shining magical cores, mostly C-class, plus few B-class too, and especially one A-ranked fire element magic core was particularly dazzling among them.

“Heavens ah, that is the Raging flame magical beast’s magic core, how could someone left them here?” Ge Leite exclaimed, he was fire magician, so seeing such superb magic core, he naturally was pleasantly surprised.

Ge Leite wanted to instantly rush over there, but Ha Lei pulled and stopped him, then Ha Lei said: “Don’t be impulsive, that place is outside the safe route marked on the map, so look out for dangers.”

Ge Leite seized the map from Ha Lei and took a look for a while, and said with a smile: “Ha Lei, this place doesn’t deviate that much from the marked path, so it must be fine. I am declaring it first, whoever doesn’t go, that person doesn’t get their share.” Finished speaking, Ge Leite took the lead and walked towards the bag of magic core. Shi Yan slightly hesitated, but still followed him.

“That Raging flame magical beast’s magic core is mine, and everything else each person gets half.” Seeing Shi Yan followed him, Ge Leite immediately said.

Ha Lei softly sighed and muttered: “I wish there really is not any danger.”

Long Yi narrowed his eyes, and looking at Ge Leite and Shi Yan gingerly walking towards that bag of magic cores, he shook his head, and thought: “If one do evil, then they wouldn’t survive.” If one think a bit rationally, then one could easily discover the danger of that place. The person possessing such high-grade magic core was definitely not someone to be trifled with, and looking at those little bits remains of tatter clothing on the ground, one could easily guess that that person had already perished. And the death of such person in that place, already shows many issues clearly.

At this moment, Ge Leite and Shi Yan already reached in front of that magic cores, but nothing happened. Ge Leite turned his around towards Long Yi and others and showed complacent smile, then he extended his hands to pick up that bag of magic core.

“Ai, if I had known earlier, I would have also gone with them.” Lan Tian patted his head for being too cowardly.

Although Long Yi also very much wanted that bag of magic cores, but he didn’t regret not going there, as one could live for a long time only if one was prudent and careful.

Ge Leite grab and picked up that bag of magic cores, then had a crooked smile on his face, as if he was having a lewd dream. Suddenly several ear-piercing chirping sound of insects entered his ears, when he raised his head, he discovered that he was already surrounded by countless blood red bug. And merely in a blink of an eye, blood red colors suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, then before he could make any sound, his entire body was already covered in blood red color. And Shi Yan at his side was also naturally not exception.

“This, what’s going on? Lan Tian looked over towards the direction of those fellows with fearful expression. Everyone also had the looks of fear on their face.

“Ge Leite and Shi Yan are done for.” Ha Lei muttered, obviously he was still not able to recover from that terrifying sight of just a moment ago.

Long Yi sighed, he was able to clearly see what had happened just a moment ago. When Ge Leite had picked up that bags of magical cores, and was foolishly smiling, several blood red bugs suddenly came out from inside the ground, and in a blink of an eye countless blood red bugs flew out from inside the ground just like volcanic eruption. After that in less than two seconds, all of those blood red bugs flew back inside the ground, but Ge Leite and Shi Yan had also disappeared, leaving behind only that bag of magic cores which as before kept on shining on the ground.

“So terrifying, Long Yi.” Lu Xiya tightly held Long Yi’s big hand and somewhat trembling, she said.

“This is the fate of greed.” Long Yi lightly said.

After that learning the lesson from the mistakes, Long Yi and his travelling group became even more careful, and firmly advanced according to the path marked in the map without deviating even a bit.

In this fashion, they walked for ten days, en route they met few ferocious marsh magical beasts, some of them were disguised as a marsh, and when they reached the side of it, they suddenly launched the surprise attack, but luckily under the combined effort of everyone, they were more scared then hurt.

The night inside the marsh was really dark, because every time in the night, the thin black fog that was enveloping the sky of marsh would change and become very dense, enough to completely cover the moon light.

Long Yi laid on the big bed inside the tent, was feeling incomparably depressed in his heart. “That Leng Youyou is truly hateful. She perfectly know that I and Lu Xiya are in intimate terms, but this woman still drag away Lu Xiya every night. Now I am not able to apply my wicked idea into action.” The more and more Long Yi thought about his wicked ideas, the more he was not able to suppress, and his pubic region was directly emitting evil fire.

The night was already very deep, but Long Yi jumped out from his bed, and decided to adventure to the ladies’ bedchamber. Long Yi assumed, since Leng Youyou was a magician, she would definitely be meditating, and he could stealthily enter and stealthily led out little elf without letting Leng Youyou notice anything.

Beside the outside was so dark that you couldn’t see your hand in front of you, and one must not light a fire inside marsh region at night, or else various terrifying magical beasts would be attracted, and at that time weeping was all one could do. Relying on his sense, Long Yi left his tent and began to walk towards the direction of tent where Leng Youyou and Lu Xiya had entered in the evening while feeling things with his hand, and very soon he discovered that tent.

Feeling about things, Long Yi finally found the entrance of the tent, and with his sensitivity he noticed restriction set up by spirit magic around the tent. If he forcefully enter then it was certain that it would alert Leng Youyou.

But Long Yi just smiled, covered his whole body with internal force, as he knew that AoTianJue’s internal force possessed the ability of assimilation and absorption of magic energy, presumably this spirit magic was no exception.

Sure enough, Long Yi he easily passed through this spirit magic restriction, and delicate fragrance directly entered his nose. Long Yi deeply breathe in two types of fragrances, and he clearly knew that among them, the pure lavender fragrance was that of Lu Xiya.

In the middle of darkness, Long Yi faintly saw one person was sitting cross-legged in meditation and other was lying asleep. Long Yi smiled, and thought: “As expected, the meditating figure is definitely Leng Youyou, and lying is my baby darling little elf.” Long Yi quietly advanced to the side of lying Lu Xiya, then pulled her in his embrace.

The person in his embrace opened her mouth to scream. Fortunately Long Yi was already prepared for this, so he easily sealed her big mouth.

“Oh......” The whole body of beautiful woman trembled and struggled even more violently.

Seeing little elf was struggling, he slipped his big hand and hold onto her chest, that pair of plump and smooth meat ball. Although separated with the light clothing, he lightly pinched, and slowly rubbed. Then he felt the buds at the peak were slowly rising up and stood erect in his hand.

This young girl’s sensitivity aspect was first-rate. After a short while she stopped struggling and her whole body became limp. Long Yi was proud with himself inside his heart, under his resplendent moves, this young girl was unable to endure his teasing.

Long Yi sucked little elf’s small mouth, as he tangled his body with her fragrant jade body, and continued to breathe in and suck the fragrant of the confused young girl. He was coiling around her body just like an octopus, and their nasal cavity were sending out exciting, and heart-rendering **. Just like the most strongest ** in the world, Long Yi was unable to maintain any self-control. action

Long Yi was drunk, he forgot that they were still at the side of Leng Youyou, his both hands took advantage of an opportunity and slide downward, steadily loosen the belt and passing through her smooth underbelly, arrived at young girl’s secret garden’s periphery. Little elf was not clamping her legs tightly like last time, rather cooperating and had opened up her enchanting **, and the underbelly was lightly pushing as if inviting him to begin searching deep and explore the mystery.

Little Long Yi rose even more violently, so Long Yi simply undid his belt and let it breathe the fresh air. One hand mischievously played between the thighs of this young girl, while his other hand held her small hand and move it towards his little Long Yi. After small hand met little Long Yi, reflexively it wanted to run away, but how could Long Yi let that happen, he pulled that small hand to the target and he lightly moaned: “Good girl.” The hand didn’t escape this time, merely held that big fellow motionlessly. Long Yi was anxious, grabbed her small hand and moved it up and down. Just after few times, as if the owner of this small hand knew what to do, she began to begin to move her hand up and down somewhat shakily.

Long Yi comfortably moaned, as he thought the little elf tonight was slightly different, with the exception of some struggle in the beginning, now she was showing extreme enthusiasm, was not embarrassed like last time.

Slowly Long Yi’s ** finally reached its limit, he somewhat roughly pulled down the pants of young girl, and his whole person pressed her. Then little Long Yi slowly entered into a narrow moist and warm crevice. Long Yi immediately felt as if riding the clouds and mounting the mist.

Long Yi kissed little elf’s face, and slowly moved towards her sensitive long ears. The instant he kissed the ear, the forward movement of his waist suddenly stopped.

Cold sweat appeared over his whole body, little Long Yi also became somewhat soft in that instant. Now he knew that the person he was holding was not Lu Xiya, Lu Xiya’s ears were long, but the person he was holding obviously had human’s ear. Since this was not Lu Xiya, it surely was Leng Youyou.

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