Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 11 I’m His Wife?

Chapter 11 I’m His Wife?

"Sun Jingwei, you ungrateful whelp, are you still refusing to come home?" The voice booms from the handphone.

Everyone winces.

"Hi Father, nice to hear from you too -" Jingwei starts, only to be shut down by his father's voice.

"Don't give me that nonsense! Don't think I can't figure out that you're avoiding me!"

"I would never!" Jingwei squawks out, looking less like a suave playboy and more like a scolded puppy.

"Then come home this instance!"

"But how can I leave Xue Ning alone?" Jingwei protests. "Dad, she's in the hospital because of me!" Xue Ning would feel more touched at his words if she didn't know it was an excuse.

Poor little rich boy caused trouble outside and refused to go home because he's scared his father will skin him alive! She had seen similar behaviour back when she was dealing with drunk husbands.

"You should go back," she hisses, crossing her arms. "I'll be fine."

"It's not right! I should be beside you when you are sick!" Jingwei holds the phone away from him as he replies. He doesn't want his dad to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Why? It's not like you're my husband," Xue Ning points out. "Don't worry your father unnecessarily!"

"Ahem," Jingwei's father coughs. "I may be old, but I'm not that hard of hearing!"

Xue Ning and Jingwei shoot each other exact looks of panic.

"Son, pass the phone to Li Xue Ning, I want to talk to her," he declares. Xue Ning gulps, mind immediately racing to the worst case scenario - Jingwei's father was going to send someone to silence her once and for all after she already told Tianwei all she knew,

Why would Jingwei be so hesitant to let her talk to his father otherwise? Something must be wrong.

"Father… don't yell at her?" Jingwei pleads meekly, before handing the phone over to Xue Ning.josei

"Of course! Why would I yell at the woman that saved you! I'm yelling at you, this idiot who got taken advantage at a club and had to be saved by a woman!" His father yells.

Xue Ning tries to give the phone back to Jingwei, sensing that his father was not done scolding him, but he refuses to take it.

'Talk to him,' he mouths to her while pointing to the phone.

'You coward,' she mouths back before putting on her sweetest smile while facing the phone, nevermind that his father technically cannot see her.

"Hello Uncle, this is Li Xue Ning. May I know what's the matter?"

She's so focused on the phone conversation, she doesn't notice Tianwei and Jingwei raising their eyebrows at her sweetened tone, paired with her polite, yet firm words.

"Miss Li, firstly I must thank you for saving my youngest son," His voice suddenly became kind. "Rest assured that the Sun family will cover all costs while you're hospitalised."

"Thank you Mr Sun," Xue Ning says politely.

"I am also requesting your cooperation until this case is resolved." The voice is still kind, but Xue Ning isn't foolish enough to miss the 'or else' that's unsaid.

"Yes, I understand. I have already given Mr Tianwei details about the drugging case." She replies.

"I'm not just referring to that. Pass the phone back to my son please." She frowns at the phone, and looks at both men. Which son was he referring to?

Probably the one that made the mess.

"...Alright." She hands the phone back to Jingwei who holds it like a live grenade.

"Hi Father, it's me." Jingwei says warily.

"Yes. It's you." His father says, all kindness gone. "Have you seen the news online?"

"About me drugging someone? You know that's false!" Jingwei protests hotly.

"I'm not talking about that. Go and search Weibo - can't believe I am more updated than you on your news!"

Xue Ning and Jingwei share another glance. She has a bad feeling about this. They begin to search using their respective phones, but she has to smack her phone a few times to get it to work.

Her phone is slow and her data plan is shit, which is why Jingwei is the first to exclaim 'WHAT THE FLYING FUCK' when he reads the news. Tianwei gives a disapproving tsk at the foul language.

She stares at her own phone. Come on, come on…load already… but no, it remains resolutely stuck at the loading screen.

"Now you know the mess you made!" His father roars from the other end. Xue Ning gestures to Jingwei to share the news, pointing to her slow phone. He immediately comes closer and lends her his phone so she can read the latest headlines.

'CALL-GIRL HOSPITALIZED AFTER INTERACTING WITH SUN JINGWEI' What the fuck. Who was the call-girl? It better not be referring to her!

'SUN JINGWEI SECRETLY ENGAGED, FIANCE IS HOSPITALISED' He was engaged? She shoots him a puzzled look. That poor woman must have been angered to death at his womanising ways.

'SURPRISE PREGNANCY FOR SUN JINGWEI' She snorts at this headline. When did he get pregnant? His belly was still flat, and from what she could see, he even had abs you could wash clothes off.

'PROOF OF SUN JINGWEI'S ENGAGEMENT' Curious, she clicks on the link.

The video is grainy, and the audio quality wasn't the clearest, but no one could mistake the man in the ambulance as anyone other than Jingwei, nor the words 'MY WIFE' that echoed clearly even through the cacophony of sirens.

She frowns and zooms in on the video, whose hand was he holding? The angle wasn't the best, and Sun Jingwei's broad back was curled over the woman in question, making it difficult for her to figure out.

She then begins to read the article below it.

Once she does, she immediately wishes she hadn't.

'Sun Jingwei reveals a shocking truth: the consummate playboy has been married all this time! One has to wonder why a man that seems so in love with this mystery wife would be infamous for having multiple affairs. Perhaps there's something more nefarious underneath the surface!

Upon investigation, the woman in question is known as Miss Li X N, a bartender at the bar. Love truly can be found in a hopeless place!

Of course, with Miss Li hospitalised, it is hard not to speculate about the real reasons for her collapse. It is strange that for all of Mr Sun's wealth, his lover is left to fend for herself, working a job that puts her in contact with dangerous, unscrupulous individuals.

Let us know what YOU think about this situation! Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for up-to-date entertainment news!'

She drops the phone in shock.

WHAT. THE. FUCK. The woman in the ambulance was her?! She was Sun Jingwei's mysterious pregnant wife?!

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