Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 130 Offers

Chapter 130 Offers

For the sake of maintaining the prestige of the Sun family's dynasty, this menace of a woman had to go!

Sun Haowei leaned back imperiously and cleared his throat, the noise finally distracting the rude lovebirds from their strange mating ritual.

"Since I'm still feeling charitable, I shall make you an offer, Miss Li." He began grandly.

Xue Ning narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Sun Haowei was never the poster child for charitable acts; no one could create a billion dollar empire if they were charitable. Rich people were often the stingiest - unless they were Jingwei of course. He spared no expense for her so far.

"Are you still interested in being a bodyguard, Miss Li? Or have you given up on this ridiculous dream?" Sun Haowei asked.

"I haven't given up!" Xue Ning declared. "What's it to you?"

"I'll give you 10 million yuan, along with an open admission to whatever bodyguard academy you wish to enrol in! It's an offer valid for the rest of your life, for you to achieve your dreams to become a female bodyguard. Are you interested?"

"What's the catch?" Xue Ning asked, crossing her arms. She had seen this exact scenario play out on TV more than once. "Are you going to make me leave Jingwei like all those rich mothers-in-law in soap dramas? That's very cliche of you."

Sun Haowei paused, his thunder suddenly stolen by her words. But he persisted anyway - by hook or by crook, he must achieve his goal of removing her from his son's life!

"Precisely. Leave my son and never see him again!"

Jingwei gave his father a horrified look.josei

"Father! You promised me not to interfere if I stopped biking!"

"An oral agreement has no binding in the court of law," Sun Haowei retorted. Xue Ning's eyebrow twitched at his words, while making a mental note that Jingwei knew how to bike. Hopefully he would teach her in future; she had always wanted to try it.

"A man is as good as his word. If you can break your promises to your son… then your words are as worthless as fart." Xue Ning commented haughtily. "Give me a good reason why I should trust your offer."

"You idiotic woman! I'm offering you more money you will ever make in your sorry life and this is how you reply to me?" Sun Haowei slammed his hand on the table, furious.

"How long do you think this slutty body of yours can hold my son's attention?" Sun Haowei continued. "You should cut your losses while you're ahead!"

"I don't trust you to deliver on your offer." Xue Ning said honestly, her eyes bright with rage at his disparaging comments. Jingwei meanwhile, could only stare blankly at him, appalled by his father's rudeness.

"There's only your word as a guarantee, and you just said 'an oral agreement has no binding in the court of law'. How can you expect me to believe you?" She asked, after quoting him word for word.

"And I have never slept with your son! It's your son that chased me first, it's your son that declares he loves me, it's your son that wants to sleep with me!" Xue Ning argued. "If you want to blame someone, blame him!"

Sun Haowei gnashed his teeth, but she wasn't done.

"More importantly, I'm offended that you think your son is worth only 10 million! Even his face alone is worth more than that!"

"Xue Ning!" Jingwei cried out, awed by the way she argued with his father and touched by her last sentence. "So you still think I'm handsome! Even when I have eyebags and I don't wash my hair!"

She turned to look at him and smacked his arm, half-embarrassed. "You already knew that, stop fishing for compliments!"

"Nonsense! I didn't know that! And besides, I always want more praise from you!" Jingwei declared fervently. Everyone could imagine a tail wagging behind him the moment he heard Xue Ning say something nice about him.

"Come on, say more nice things about me! Praise me more! Other than my handsome face, what else do you like about me?"

"SHAMELESS!" Sun Haowei screamed out loud, wishing he was deaf at that very moment. Alas, the gods above didn't hear his prayer, and left him alive to witness this circus.

How did he raise such a pathetic son that was begging for compliments from his fake wife?

"I know what you are! You're just like your mother - you're a temptress! A vixen! Stop hoodwinking my son with honeyed words and bed favours! Take the money and scram, before things get ugly!"

Sun Haowei screamed, his face twisted with rage, his saliva gathering at the sides of his lips.

Before she realised it, he spat at her!

Xue Ning flinched in disgust. That was so gross and unhygienic! How could this multi-billionaire be behaving like a drunk uncle at the roadside?

Thankfully, she was far away enough that the spit didn't land on her.

"Father, stop this nonsense!" Jingwei demanded, his temper rising yet again after his father insinuated that Xue Ning was sleeping with him for money. Now he was outrightly insulting her and her family members too!

"You are being unfair and unreasonable." Jingwei hissed out, feeling incredibly disappointed at his father's behaviour. "Why are you acting this…deranged? Father, do you have dementia? Is this a sign of Alzheimers?"

"Also, did you forget what I said before? If you try any tricks like this, I'll ride my bike off a cliff! You'll have to piece my body back together just to hold my funeral!"

His father scoffed.

"Do that, and I'll charge her entire family with conspiracy to murder. Let's have her parents, older brother and his wife enjoy a long extended stay in our state prison." Sun Haowei promised, eyes glittering with malice.

"I'm sure Miss Li would enjoy being cut off from everyone she ever loved, and she can't even depend on you."

Xue Ning felt chills descend her spine. Somehow, she knew that this man was capable of making that threat a reality. Sun Haowei leaned forward and smirked.

"How do you propose to protect her from the grave, my son? When your existence is what puts her in danger?"

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