Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 133 Endless Panic

Chapter 133 Endless Panic

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!" She screamed, and everyone jumped in surprise. "Your father's having a heart attack!"

At Xue Ning's words, everyone started panicking!

Captain Mu immediately dialled for an ambulance, rattling off what happened to who and the directions to their location, with strict warnings to make it in time or else they would face unforeseen retribution.

Meanwhile, Jingwei ran towards his dad, trying to help. But then he realised he hadn't a single clue what to do!

Tianwei wasn't faring much better, he desperately clutched his father's shoulders with his hands, but short of shaking him, there was nothing he could help with!

(There was a sudden dark thought that rose in his mind - if his father passed now, he'll inherit the entire estate. He had to squash it down - he was a callous man, but even he wouldn't sink to wishing an early death on his father!)josei

"YOU!" Tianwei screamed at Xue Ning, who was also trying to help his father. As far as Tianwei was concerned, she was responsible for this mess that ensued, so she had to fix it! "Save him!"

"THEN CALL THE DAMNED AMBULANCE!" Xue Ning retorted, feeling guilt and panic colliding within her. She never expected her arguing would cause Sun Haowei to get a heart attack!

He was a terrible person, but she didn't want him to die like this, and especially not in front of his children.

What could she do? Suddenly she remembered her parents taught her something important!

"Is there an aspirin? If he's not allergic, get him to chew and swallow one!" She ordered, feeling more calm and in control.

At her instructions, Tianwei hastily unlocked his father's briefcase and took out his medicine bag. He overturned everything onto the table, and Tianwei, Jingwei and Xue Ning began rifling through the pile to find the right one.

There were high blood pressure meds, high cholesterol meds, high blood sugar meds… his father had a verifiable cocktail of drugs swirling inside him.

Xue Ning could only blink in surprise - Sun Haowei needed so many medications just to keep him alive and fit to maintain his business empire!

If anyone of them were missing, that man's body definitely would be in a world of pain.

"Got it!" Jingwei cried out triumphantly, snatching a packet from the rest.

"Give it here," Tianwei demanded and didn't even bother waiting for a reply to snatch it out from his hands. After reading the label to see that it was indeed aspirin and not something else, he hurried to his father and shoved one tablet in his mouth.

"Father! Chew this!"

Sun Haowei could only blink at him.

"Ge!" Jingwei protested. "Wouldn't it be better if you squashed it first before giving it to Father? I don't think he can chew!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Tianwei said harshly, even if Jingwei had made a good suggestion. "This entire mess was caused by you to begin with!"

Jingwei flinched in pain, falling silent. But his brother was right. If his father died because of this, he'd be the most unfilial son!

"The ambulance will be here very soon," Captain Mu's voice cut through the panic. "For now, we must keep Old Master Sun calm."

"He's right," Xue Ning agreed. "Can the both of you carry him to the bed or the sofa so he can lie down and rest first?"

Tianwei and Jingwei moved as one, each brother trying to lift Sun Haowei up by his arms.

However, Sun Haowei was a stubborn man, and he waved one of his hands to shoo them away, disagreeing with her words. Xue Ning could only feel exasperated.

She exclaimed, "I'm trying to keep you alive you stubborn old man! Stop fighting me on this!"

He glared at her, but his other hand was still pressing on his chest, as though he could rip out his own heart to stop it from hurting, and that was not a good sign!

Maybe he would listen to his own bodyguard's advice, if not her own. She turned to Captain Mu pleadingly. "Back me up on this, you know he should be lying down right?"

Everyone turned to stare at him.

Captain Mu blinked.

Actually, he wasn't too sure about her words. In the recent years since he started working for Sun Haowei, his job scope involved squashing all forms of dissent on Old Master Sun's behalf. In fact, he probably caused more heart attacks to business rivals than actually protecting people!

(As a bodyguard, that was something shameful to realise. But that was life. The idealism of becoming a bodyguard to protect the weak and vulnerable was nothing more than a fantasy. They weren't superheroes - they were just paid human shields, soulless lackeys for the rich and corrupt.)

Regarding Old Master Sun's condition, he would have to take her word for it.

But could this woman be trusted?

From what he saw earlier, she harboured intense dislike that nearly bordered hatred for his boss, and the feeling was mutual.

Could someone like that be kind enough, rational enough, to offer life-saving advice?

If he agreed to her advice and Sun Haowei died, he might have to share some of the blame! He and his team might be demoted if lucky, imprisoned if not.

But if he didn't agree and Sun Haowei died anyway… the bulk of the blame would then be put on her and Sun Jingwei. The both of them were responsible for aggravating Old Master Sun's poor heart!

He made his decision. He shook his head.

"I do not agree," Captain Mu said. Her face fell and she threw her hands up in the air.

"Fine! In that case, can you at least get him to stop putting pressure on his chest? It's making things worse!"

Before Captain Mu could reply with something snide like 'I don't take orders from you' or 'how do I know you won't end up killing him', Sun Haowei's eyes rolled backwards, and he slumped into the panicked arms of his sons.

Sun Haowei had collapsed.

"You murderer!"

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